View Full Version : NXT Attacks Again Last Night

06-27-2010, 07:47 AM
- The NXT Rookies, minus Wade Barrett, interrupted the main event of Sheamus and Edge vs. Randy Orton and John Cena in a steel cage match at last night’s RAW live event in Erie, PA. The Rookies beat up Orton and Cena after Sheamus and Edge ran off. Evan Bourne finally entered the cage was also beat down. Yoshi Tatsu came down next and suffered the same fate.

Mark Henry then came out and brought some RAW stars with him to enter the cage. They beat the Rookies up and chased them off, leaving Michael Tarver in the ring with Orton and Cena. The Rookies returned to the ring and they all brawled some more. The ending saw the RAW stars get the upper-hand and Cena embracing Orton.

06-27-2010, 07:46 PM
thanks for the post John