View Full Version : WWE NXT Results for June 29th, 2010

06-30-2010, 05:42 AM
We are live from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Josh ‘Did you see me on Raw last night’ Mathews and Michael ‘Where is my e-mail machine’ Cole. Your host is Ashley Valence.

We go to Ashley Valence who welcomes everyone to NXT. She mentions that the voting has started on the website. The rookies are introduced.

Ashley tells them that tonight is the first step in their journey. She mentions that everyone is voting to determine the rookie’s future. Ashley points out that season one winner, Wade Barrett was never ranked below two. Ashley says that there is a surprise. In addition to the NXT poll, we are going to eliminate the wrestler in eighth place. She says that there is one way to avoid elimination.

We go to Matt ‘Stop hitting me’ Striker.

We have the first rookie challenge and the Keg Carry is back. The winner gets immunity.

Michael McGillicutty is first and he drops the keg almost immediately and he is disqualified. Matt says that those are the rules because it is NXT. Michael is asked for his comments. Michael says that he has carried kegs that were heavier. He says that he will be in first in the voting.

Lucky Cannon is next and his time is 12.7 seconds. Percy Watson is next and his time is 13.0 seconds. Eli Cottonwood is next and his time is 13.3 seconds. Kaval is the next to carry the keg and he says that the keg weighs as much as him so he is not going to put any strain on his body unless it is in the ring for the WWE Universe. Kaval is disqualified.

Titus O’Neil is next and he drops the keg and is disqualified after he trips over his own feet. Titus says that is a reason why you don’t drink, but if you do drink . . . don’t drive. We see a super slow mo of the fall.

Husky Harris is next and Husky drops the keg and appears to have injured his leg. Matt says that it is a shame that he is disqualified. Matt asks Husky if he is hurt. Husky tells Matt that he is brave to say something to him.

Alex Riley is the final rookie and his time is 13.8 seconds as he falls over the finish line.

Lucky Cannon is the winner and he has immunity. Lucky says that he feels awesome. He says that some might be bigger and some might be faster. Lucky says that what he lacks in size and speed, he makes up for in heart.

Michael Cole does his worst John Sterling imitation of an Alex Rodriguez home run for Riley.

It is time for a Percy Watson video package. He says that he is the biggest entertainer of them all. He says that he is from South Beach. He says that he is ‘Showtime’ because it is always show time when he is around. He says that he was in the NFL, was a commodities broker, and the owner of a limousine company. He might have limited experience, but he wants to learn. He talks about his positive qualities. He will show that he is the one to watch.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that NXT has been the number one show on Syfy?

Match Number One: Husky Harris with Cody Rhodes versus Montel Vontavious Porter with Percy Watson

Porter avoids Harris when Harris wants to lock up. They lock up and Porter with a side head lock and he tries for a shoulder tackle but Harris stays on his feet. They lock up and Porter with a hammer lock and side head lock. Porter with another shoulder tackle and Harris stays on his feet and he has something to say. Porter with a rollup on Harris but Harris kicks out before the count. Porter has some words for Harris. Porter with a double leg take down and a cover for a near fall. Harris goes to the ropes to relax. They lock up and Porter with an arm drag. Porter backs Harris into the turnbuckles and Porter with a clean break but Harris with a forearm and punches out of the break. Porter with forearms but Harris with an Irish whip. Porter with a running boot and Harris goes to the floor as he tries to remember what state he is in.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Porter with forearms and an arm bar and cross face. Harris with punches but Porter with a kick and Irish whip. Porter misses a forearm in the corner and Harris with a uranage for a near fall. The referee checks on Porter and Harris returns to the attack with a kick to the ribs followed by a body scissors. Porter escapes but Harris with punches to the ribs and he gets a near fall. Harris with a series of elbow drops. Harris with a splash for a near fall. Harris with a suplex and he gets another near fall. Porter with punches but Harris with a slam or two. Harris gets a near fall. Harris with a waist lock on Porter but Porter with elbows. Harris responds with forearms and then he hits a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Harris misses the running back senton. Porter with a clothesline and back elbow to Harris followed by the facebuster and Harris falls for the Ballin’ Elbow. Porter with the 305 for the three count.

Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

After the match, Rhodes and Watson come into the ring. Porter offers his hand to Harris and Harris ignores him and leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole reminds us that there will be an elimination tonight. Josh talks about the percentages for the voting.

Cole reminds us that Lucky Cannon cannot be eliminated because he won the Keg Carry Challenge.

Match Number Two: Kaval, Michael McGillicutty, and Lucky Cannon versus Alex Riley, Eli Cottonwood, and Titus O’Neil

Eli and Michael start things off and Michael with punches and kicks followed by a head butt. Eli with a forearm and short arm clothesline. O’Neil tags in and he argues with Eli and that allows Cannon to tag in and they lock up. Cannon works on the arm and connects with forearms. Cannon with an arm bar but O’Neil with a forearm. Cannon with punches. Riley pulls Cannon by the hair and that allows O’Neil to hit a clothesline. O’Neil with a kick to Cannon and Riley tags in and he kicks Cannon. Riley punches and kicks Cannon in the corner. Riley with a hard Irish whip. There is some confusion in the ring and Cottonwood tags in. Cottonwood with a biel to Cannon and he chokes him in the ropes. O’Neil tags in and he punches Cannon. O’Neil with a slam to Cannon and then Riley is tagged in. Riley punches Cannon followed by a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Cannon with punches but Riley with a knee to stop Cannon from making the tag. Riley with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Riley with a kick as Cannon tries to make the tag but he cannot reach Kaval. Cannon sends Riley into the turnbuckles and Kaval is tagged in. Kaval with a clothesline and flying forearm. Kaval with a series of kicks for a near fall. Kaval with an Irish whip and he hits Tidal Crush and then he gets a near fall. Cottonwood and O’Neil throw Kaval out of the ring and the referee warns them. McGillicutty with a swinging neckbreaker. Cottonwood and O’Neil are sent to the floor. Kaval goes up top and hits the Warrior Way on Riley for the three count.

Winners: Kaval, Lucky Cannon, and Michael McGillicutty

After the match, Layla and Michelle celebrate.

Matt tells us that the voting closes soon and he tells everyone to vote so their voices can be heard.

It is time for the pros to huddle up and vote.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

It is time for a medical update. Cole says that Steamboat suffered cracked ribs and a sprained neck while the others suffered emotional trauma.

Josh wonders how the Nexus will get involved at Money in the Bank. Cole reminds us that the WWE Title Match will be inside a steel cage so nobody can interfere.

We also have the Edge Money in the Bank video package that aired on Monday night as we continue with the Network Time Killers.

Cole reminds us that there have been six money in the bank matches and there have been six successful cashes.

We go to commercial . . . for the final time for one of the rookies.

We are back and the rookies are lined up at ringside. Matt tells the rookies that they will see how the fans and the pros see the rookies.

Matt reminds the rookies that one of the rookies, other than Lucky Cannon, will be eliminated.

It is time for the Poll.

In first place is Kaval. Cole mentions that he is not surprised because of the internet voting.

Percy Watson is in second place.

Michael McGillicutty is in third place.

Fourth place is held by Alex Riley.

Fifth Place is held by Lucky Cannon.

In sixth place is Eli Cottonwood.

It is time for Titus O’Neil and Husky Harris to walk into the spots of doom. One man will be eliminated while one man has a tough road to avoid future elimination.

In seventh place is Husky Harris and Titus O’Neil is eliminated.

Matt asks Titus what he is thinking.

Titus says the people have dealt with a lot more adversity than he has. Titus says that life is a game and you must make it what you can. While you are living, make it a win.

Titus heads to the back while Matt reminds them that the competition will intensify.

We go to credits.