View Full Version : Ricky Steamboat suffers a Brain Aneurysm

07-02-2010, 01:19 AM
FW4Online is reporting that Richard Blood aka Ricky Steamboat, 57, suffered a brain aneurysm last night in Tampa and is currently being hospitalized. We don't know any more details other than it has been confirmed by those in WWE and it is not working an angle from Monday. Steamboat was banged up from Monday's angle.

His prognosis from what can be a fatal encounter is considered good to excellent.
The latest news regarding Ricky Steamboat is the he is currently listed in ICU under 24-hour observation and it has been reported that an angiogram has shown bleeding of the brain. The injury has been confirmed by WWE sources and is not part of an angle from this past Monday
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat performed a stunt with other Legends this past Monday. Late Wednesday night, Ricky was experiencing pain in his neck and shoulder, and immediately went to the hospital. It is not clear if his current condition is related to his performance on Monday night. WWE is waiting to hear more from the attending physicians.

07-02-2010, 02:21 AM
That's horrible. Hope he's all right.

07-02-2010, 02:30 AM
Son of a bitch, that's terrible news. "The Dragon" was easily my favorite wrestler as a kid. Truly one of the best in-ring wrestlers ever. Hope he pulls through.

A Blissful Ass
07-02-2010, 04:59 AM
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer

-- Ricky Steamboat's condition has been upgraded to stable, although he is expected to remain in hospital for a while. As noted earlier, Steamboat suffered a brain aneurysm last night in Tampa, FL.

-- WWE has pulled the footage of the Nexus attack on Ricky Steamboat from its website. Although his aneurysm is not related to the angle, WWE thought it in good taste to take the footage down. Imagine that.


Black Widow
07-02-2010, 02:59 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat is currently listed in stable condition in Tampa, Florida where he's being held for what is believed to be a brain aneurysm. Steamboat underwent a surgical procedure to determine the severity of the aneurysm yesterday and there is no timetable for when he will be released from the hospital. I was told it's likely going to be a long process.

Steamboat was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday evening after experiencing severe pain in his neck and shoulders. Steamboat lives in Charlotte, NC but was in Tampa for WWE developmental training work.

Steamboat's son Richie, currently a WWE developmental talent, wrote last night via twitter, "Keep my dad in your thoughts & prayers. The issues are worse than expected but he could be worse. God will help him through it!!!"

While thus far WWE has stated the "medical issue" (they have not publicly confirmed the aneurysm) was unrelated to the angle on Monday where Steamboat was beaten by the Nexus, there is at least some concern within the company that the angle and the medical problems might be related. I wouldn't go so far as to say there's heat on the Nexus crew but there's certainly unhappiness about this turn of events.

WWE has not released any additional statement or information on Steamboat's condition. The company released a DVD about Steamboat's career this past Tuesday.


07-02-2010, 07:50 PM
TNA President Dixie Carter posted the following message on her official Twitter page yesterday...

"Best wishes to Ricky Steamboat for a full and speedy recovery."
Jim Ross posted on Twitter:

Ricky Steamboat's condition is stable. He did not have an aneurism nor is his condition related 2 Raw. He's still hospitalized but improving

07-03-2010, 03:13 PM
That's horrible!!!

He is one of the greatest wrestlers ever! :shock:

07-05-2010, 11:15 PM
definitely looked like he hit his head when he got slammed on raw. Maybe thats what caused it ?