View Full Version : Backstage TNA-ECW Stable News - Why TNA Is Doing It, Invasion?

A Blissful Ass
07-02-2010, 04:57 AM
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

» Right now, TNA officials know that they're doing an angle with the ECW originals but do not know exactly what that angle will consist of. Different ideas are being discussed, including the idea of eventually producing a second ECW-like brand in the company with it's own TV show. The feeling is that the more TV programming they have, the more money they can charge Spike TV for TV. That's what helps the company stay alive.

» The reason TNA is bringing in several former ECW stars is because the focus group that did research a few months back showed that many fans responded that ECW was their favorite period in wrestling when asked. The results from this focus group is what really started the idea of bringing in Paul Heyman to lead a group of former ECW stars.

It's said that Paul Heyman does not want to come into TNA with the way things are currently set up as far as creative and everything else goes.

Dixie Carter has been calling Paul Heyman about coming in for the storyline with ECW originals and to take over TNA creative. If Heyman comes in, Vince Russo would walk away from the creative side of things but still remain with the company. Eric Bischoff would be there to work on new programming.

It's said that Spike TV is involved in the talks with Heyman, like they were with guys like Mick Foley and Ric Flair.

Heyman is currently helping market Brock Lesnar while working on two book projects and running his creative agency.


Vick Diesel
07-02-2010, 06:20 AM
Thank you for the update Mat! :)

07-02-2010, 07:15 AM
thanks for the post Mat

Kenpachi Zaraki
07-02-2010, 07:43 PM
they are doing it because they've already done lame-ass imitations of all other story lines. Also TNA wanna do something but have no idea how to do it. Nothing nwe there XD