View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for July 1st, 2010

07-02-2010, 05:06 AM
MATCH 1 - Yoshitatsu and Goldust vs Zack Ryder and Primo Colon - Commentators: Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole
Match starts with Ryder and Yoshitatsu. Yoshi gets some offense on Ryder, but tags out quickly, letting Goldust hit some of his "different" offense on Ryder. Ryder is able to free himself and tag Primo who comes in to meet an arm drag from Goldust. Goldust then tags in Yoshitatsu and Tatsu hits a axe handle on Primo, and continues to work over the arm of Colo. Primo grabs the head of Yoshi and drapes over the top rope to get free of Yoshi's nonstop action. Primo and Zack make constant tags working over Yoshitatsu. Tatsu makes the tag on Goldust who goes to work on Colon. Ryder distracts Goldust, which leads to Primo clubbing Goldust in the back of the head and then dropkicking him out of the ring, sending the match to commercials. Superstars comes back to Ryder in the ring working over Goldust. Zack tags in Primo, Colon does a bad job of controlling Goldust so he knocks Yoshitatsu off the apron to prevent the tag, but that leads to Colon getting hit by a back body drop and then a powerslam. Goldust then tags in Yoshitatsu, and Primo tags in Zack Ryder. Yoshitatsu hits Ryder with kicks and chopes. Yoshitatsu hits a shining wizard on Ryder and almost gets the pin, but Primo breaks it up and Goldust hits a bulldog on Primo sending both men on the outside. Ryder then hits the Ruff Rider on to the distracted Yoshitatsu, which leads to the pinfall.
Match Result - Zack Ryder and Primo Colon def. Zack Ryder and Yoshitatsu via pinfall.
Match Thoughts - ** 1/4 Was a really fun opener that got a good amount of time. Definetily one of the better openers on Superstars.

After the opener a package recapping last weeks edition of NXT is shown, recapping the majority of the keg carrying competition. An Alberto del Rio (Dos Caras Jr.) vignette talking about how he hates Liars and that he is an honest man.

MATCH 2 - Nikki Bella vs Jillian Hall and Maryse - Commentators: Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole
Hall comes out and says that she can't sing after what happened last week when she wrestled Brie Bella on Superstars. Jillian just gets straight into the action pulling and yanking the hair of Nikki and throwing her around the ring. Nikki turns the tables when she hits a hurricanrana on Jillian and then a monkey flip which leads to dropkick to a seated Jillian Hall. Nikki goes for a top rope manuever, but Jillian throws Nikki on the outside. Brie then is about to lay down next to Nikki, and Jillian slides on the outside and beats up both Brie and Nikki. Both Bella Twins disapper under the ring, and on comes out of the ring, but Jillian has none of it and knocks the Bella off the apron. Jillian smiles as she doesn't notice that the other Bella comes from the other side of the ring and gets a roll-up on the distracted Jillian.
Match Result - Nikki Bella def. Jillian Hall via pinfall
Match Thoughts - * Was a decent women's match, the finish atleast was a bit interesting, but really nothing special.

The NXT attack on Ricky Steamboat is shown in a condensed package incase people hadn't tuned into RAW.

MATCH 3 - Christian vs Curt Hawkins w. Vance Archer - Commentators: Todd Grisham and Matt Striker
Hawkins starts the match with a shoulderblock on Christian and then yells his name, which only leads to him getting slapped by Christian. Christian hits a leg lariat on Hawkins and then a dropkick to Curt who was on the outside. Christian then hits a flying crossbody on Hawkins, but Curt is able to kick out. Christian looks to knock Hawkins off the apron, but Hawkins throws Christian outside the ring. Archer then walks up to Hawkin's downed opponent which leads to the referee ejecting Vance Archer from the match which leads to a commercial break. Superstars comes back with Hawkins wokring over the stomach of Christian. Christian looks to get some kind of offense going with a swinging ddt off the top rope, btu Curt just throws Christian off which leads to Christian landing on his stomach. Hawkins looks to hit a clothesline on Christian, but instead meets a slap from Christian and then an inverted ddt onto the knee of Christian. Christian then goes for his reverse sunset flip, but Hawkins grabs the feet of Christian and Christian lands on his stomach once again. Curt looked to continue the punishment on Christian's stomach but Christian knocks down Hawkins, and hits a missile dropkick and then tries to follow up with a frog splash but misses Curt. Curt looks to finish Christian but Christian hits the manuever when he brings his feet up to hit his opponent in the head from the second rope and then follows up with a Killswitch to get the pin.
Match Result - Christian def. Curt Hawkins via pinfall
MATCH Thoughts - **3/4 Really fun tv match, pretty unorthodox with Hawkins working over the stomach of Christian.

Overall Show Thoughts - A great episode of Superstars with a solid opener and good main event. Christian/Hawkins is definitely one of the better singles matches on Superstars this year.