View Full Version : Sheamus comments on Younger Talent.

07-08-2010, 06:57 PM
In an interview with PJStar.com, WWE Champion Sheamus discusses his rise in the WWE, younger stars and more. When asked what he thinks about the WWE pushing younger guys, Sheamus had this to say:

"I think it's a good sign, and no matter what industry you are in, there is new talent coming no matter what. Guys like Cena and Orton have done a good job. The NXT guys are a bunch of scumbags as far as I'm concerned. It's always been ... since the golden era of the '80s, the logo of the WWE changed to the New Generation and guys like Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Shawn Michaels were coming through, and then to the Attitude Era of "Stone Cold" Steven Austin and The Rock. This is just another chapter in the WWE. As far as I'm concerned, I'm leading the flag. They'll have to kick me out of the door there


Black Widow
07-08-2010, 07:02 PM
By John Sharp (jsharp@pjstar.com)
Journal Star
Posted Jul 08, 2010 @ 12:30 AM

Sheamus is unlike the World Wrestling Entertainment champions of the past.

He doesn't have a tan nor does he hail from some beach in Florida or California like Hulk Hogan or Randy "Macho Man" Savage. He enjoys his Guinness pints, but is not likely going to be seen on TV downing beer, ala "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Sheamus, the first Irish-born WWE champion ever, says his "Celtic Warrior" style is unique and not one that is mimicked after any one former superstar.

"Don't be wrong, I respect the legends and those guys who are different than me," Sheamus, the 6-foot, 6-inch tall, 272-pound WWE RAW superstar, said. "I'm a different character. I don't want to be compared with anyone. As long as I become one of the greatest champions ever and the biggest superstar ever, that would be fantastic."

Cue had a chance to interview the champion shortly before he defends the WWE championship against John Cena at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Peoria Civic Center.

- John Sharp

Q: Congratulations on being the 2009 breakout superstar of the year last year, which is quite an achievement considering that about one year ago today, you weren't even on the WWE RAW roster.

A: That's a good thing for you to say. That's a good way to start the interview.

Q: A lot has been said about your meteoric rise through the WWE in the past year, but in all actuality though, you've been wrestling for many years. Can you share with us your professional wrestling background, including your career as a wrestler in Ireland?

A: Well, the whole thing is I'm a sports entertainer. I started in Ireland in 2005. There have been a lot of rumors about me starting my career in 2002. I don't count it as a start to my career. I did it for a couple of weeks (back in 2002). I started in 2005 and (performed) in Dublin for Irish Whip Wrestling. I kind of cut my teeth there and got to compete in front of crowds of 20 to 25 people. I got to compete against some of the guys who came over from the states. I went to the UK to All-Star Wrestling, and Fit Finley and (William) Regal were there. Finally, in April 2007, I got offered a developmental contract (with WWE) and moved to America. It took 21/2 years to do that, but I kept myself busy.

Q: What did the opportunity to become the first Irish-born WWE champion really mean to you last year?

A: It meant everything. This has been a long journey. This is something I've always wanted to do, to be in the WWE since I was 4 or 5 years old. A lot of people will tell you to be realistic in school - that you can't do this or can't do that. They will tell you to find a 9-to-5 job and all of that. But we all have dreams. Realistically, they are thinking you are out of your mind. It's pretty hard in Dublin sometimes. You get knocked around sometimes. Going back as the first Irish-born WWE champion, it shows you that if you have a dream or a goal that you can achieve it.

Q: The WWE seems to be focusing a lot of its programming of late on the new guys, including guys from NXT. In the last couple of years, it's been Cena, (Randy) Orton and Batista dominating the main events. But as of late you're seeing prominent roles for guys like Jack Swagger and The Miz. What does that say about where this company is headed in the near term?

A: I think it's a good sign, and no matter what industry you are in, there is new talent coming no matter what. Guys like Cena and Orton have done a good job. The NXT guys are a bunch of scumbags as far as I'm concerned. It's always been ... since the golden era of the '80s, the logo of the WWE changed to the New Generation and guys like Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Shawn Michaels were coming through, and then to the Attitude Era of "Stone Cold" Steven Austin and The Rock. This is just another chapter in the WWE. As far as I'm concerned, I'm leading the flag. They'll have to kick me out of the door there.

Q: Much has been said about your pale complexion and red hair, like it's some sort of rarity in the entertainment world. As a fellow redhead myself, don't you find it refreshing that not all sports entertainers are fake baked?

A: Absolutely, being different is everything and it is an advantage. Once you are different, that's what you are all about. That's why our shows are great. If everyone looked the same and did the same thing, what is the point? When you look at a WWE show, you will see someone with a beautiful Irish tan like myself and someone like Randy Orton with the snake-like features and the Big Show and people like Evan Bourne who is like a rubber band and can do anything, and a big mouth piece like The Miz. If everyone looked the same with tans, what would be the point? It's like watching the same movie over and over again.

Q: Peoria has such a strong Irish community with a lot of Irish Catholics, and St. Patrick's Day is a huge holiday here. What does Sheamus do on St. Patty's Day?

A: Well, I start it off in the gym and then I like to get a good Irish stew, a few pints of Guinness and then put the head down early. You can't lose track of where you want to go in being the best WWE superstar and to be a champion, you have to be serious. There is no point in going in binges. Maybe (I'll get) a Shamrock Shake like everyone else.

Q: Name one wrestler, alive or dead, who you would love to have faced in the ring?

A: I've had a chance with Finley. He's always been a big hero of mine. We did cross paths with the No. 1 contendership battle royal. Stan Hansen, too. He was a big dude and took no prisoners and he was a hard hitter who everyone feared. Him and Finley would be my two biggest idols.

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07-08-2010, 07:04 PM
Thanks the full interview just about to edit.

Black Widow
07-08-2010, 07:07 PM
lol no problem :)