View Full Version : Tna movement!!

Vick Diesel
07-14-2010, 05:32 PM
Hey everyone,

I joined a movement yesterday on Dixie Carter's FB page; it's located here--- The name of the movement is called the E-NWO, and the message that we're tryin to get out there is that the majority of TNA fans are tired of the garbage that Dixie and Company keep tryin to feed us. We feel that Vince Russo should be fired cause he doen't have one bit of creativeness in his body, and the storylines and fueds that's he's writing are total junk. Dixie claims that she listens to the fans, and cares about what the fans want, however her actions prove that she is a total liar. You see, she deleted us as her friends, and then she blocked what we're writing cause she doesn't want to hear the truth about her company or about the way we feel about her company at the present time. Alan Darder who started this movent has some great ideas about what needs to happen within TNA if TNA is gonna put out a better product, and get a huge fan base like what the WWE has. I'll post on here some of Alan's ideas, and if I may stress this just a little, Alan know full well what he's talkin about, he used to work along side Vince Russo when they were both creative writers for the WWE, however due to creative differences, Alan left. Along with our movement we're tryin to get Dixie to fire Vince Russo and hire Alan Darder...if I WERE Dixie I'd hire Alan in a heart beat, cause he's got more creative juices than Vince Russo and the rest of the creative team put together. We would also like for people to join in our effort, cause the more people that join our group hopefully then Dixie will get the point and listen to us..oh and BTW I believe whole heartedly in the E-NWO and what we're tryin to accomplish not only for TNA, but for it's fans as well!! :)

Thanks for your time!


07-16-2010, 01:51 AM
What are these ideas Alan Darder has laid out then?

It's just his word he left solely on creative differences? If so and if his ideas are so superior to Russos why was he the one to leave and not Russo and why would he need to use an internet campaign to not only try and wrangle himself a job but to cost another man his own?

No offence but it seems a pretty slimey thing to do and it's pretty low to try get someone fired, yet alone so you can take their job. Whatever the reasoning behind it, save for indefensible acts etc.

For this reason I won't be signing up to this "movement" as it were.

07-20-2010, 12:45 AM
Seems like this guy just wants Russo's job.

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-04-2010, 06:58 PM
yeah this Alan Darder is a fake.