View Full Version : Styles Says he is the Lone Member of ECW Working for WWE

07-22-2010, 03:20 PM
Below is a review of the 4/15/97 ECW TV show currently airing on WWE Classics on Demand. In regards to current events, I find it interesting that Joey Styles and Tommy Dreamer were doing an introduction and providing concluding thoughts of last week’s show the network was airing. This week, Joey Styles is doing it solo, and says he is the lone remaining member of ECW currently working for the WWE.

News from the show:

· Joey Styles comes out prior to the actual show airing to give some background on this week’s particular show. Joey says this is the first ECW TV show to air after the company’s inaugural PPV “Barely Legal” and was a bit unique considering how ECW handled its TV at the time. Joey states ECW’s television format was very different than the WWE now, and even at the time, when it came to its television. Joey says ECW did not have another TV taping scheduled until the following Saturday night, almost a week following the PPV, whereas the WWE has the advantage of running a follow-up the next night. Furthermore, the show would not actually air anywhere until that Tuesday on Sportschannel Philadelphia almost a week in a half after the PPV aired.

At the same time they had a TV show to produce for that particular week following the PPV, yet did not have any new matches to air. Rather than airing actual video footage from the PPV and basically insult those who paid for the show, Styles said they decided to incorporate still photos from the PPV along with highlights from the 30 minute pregame show building up the PPV.

· At the end of the actual show they return to the WWE studio where Joey describes how excited everyone with the company was after the first PPV and thought the future was bright. Joey states what killed ECW was its move to the Nashville Network. Joey claims the powers to be made the mistake and aired PPV caliber matches on TV despite only receiving a small amount of money from TNN. This he claims greatly damaged their PPV numbers which was the company’s primary source of revenue.

· The actual show began with some video footage from the Terry Funk banquet the night before the PPV. Terry puts over Paul Heyman.

· They air the build-up to the Shane Douglas v. Pitbull #2 (Anthony Durante) match. They show video clips of when Douglas shook the halo Pitbull #1 Gary Wolfe was wearing to protect his broken neck. They show basically the entire ECW locker room emptying and chasing Douglas out of the building. Next, clips aired of a masked man (Rick Rude) in the ring with Douglas and Francine stating his New Year’s Resolution was to screw (he used more colorful language) with the Franchise.

Styles then states the stipulation for the match was if Douglas beat Pitbull #2 the masked man would have to unmask. They show clips of Douglas winning the match at the PPV. However, he was swerved as a man playing the role of a masked Rick Rude (including wearing a Rude robe) came out. Douglas attacked him. While doing this one of the swat guards who was there to protect Douglas climbed in the ring. Douglas turned around and the guard took the helmet off to reveal Rick Rude. The person who Douglas thought was Rude unmasked to reveal Brian Lee. Lee choke slammed Douglas. Styles then interviews Rude who states he didn’t achieve everything he wanted at the PPV, but he was able to screw with the Franchise and there was much more to come.

· The show then airs video footage to build-up the Dudleys v. the Eliminators. The footage primarily was from when the Dudleys defeated the Eliminators for the tag belts. Then still photos are aired from the PPV match were the Eliminators regained the tag titles.

· Next up they air still photos of the three way dance between Terry Funk, The Sandman and Stevie Richards where the winner met Raven immediately following for the ECW Heavyweight title. One of the photos was of Terry Funk’s moonsault from a ladder used during the match. Terry Funk wins and Raven enters. Photos included a verbal confrontation between Raven and Tommy Dreamer (who was up in the balcony doing commentary with Joey Styles). Big Dick Dudley comes out and attempts to choke slam Dreamer off the balcony through several tables stacked up. Dreamer reverses and Dudley goes through the table. Dreamer makes his way to the ring and DDT’s Raven, and Terry Funk scores the pin with an inside cradle for the win.

· They save the Sabu v. Taz match for last. Prior to the photos of the match they show a brief recap of the feud from the PPV pregame show. Most notable was Paul Heyman choking Bill Alfonso from a previous show, and Taz delivering a T-Bone Tazplex on Heyman. The lights go out and reappear with Sabu in the ring doing a stare down with Taz.

The still photos show Sabu with a badly busted nose from some of Taz’s crossfaces; a big spot in the match where Sabu tries to do a tornado DDT on Taz putting him through a table but Taz blocks it and Sabu goes crashing through selling his neck. Taz delivers some of his patented suplexes and the Tazmission for the tap out win. They show stills of Alfonso turning on Taz after the match and post match beat down delivered on Taz by RVD and Sabu.

Backstage interviews air next beginning with Bill Alfonso. Fonzie says he put all his money prior to the match on Sabu, because he felt he was the tougher man after Sabu had put him through a table previously. Fonzie says he taught Taz everything he knows and will be nothing without him. Sabu and Rob Van Dam come out. RVD mentions he is now available for Monday Night bookings. Taz interview with the towel over his head saying he loved being hoodwinked by the three of them as it only fuels his fire even more. He also says he doesn’t need Fonzie, team Taz or anyone else to make it.

· Show concludes with Joey Styles thanking everyone for their support and stating this is only the beginning. Paul Heyman wraps the show up thanking everyone for their support.