View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for July 22nd, 2010

07-23-2010, 03:08 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand one more time and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Chris Masters and Montel Vontavious Porter with Percy Watson versus Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft

Porter and Barreta start things off and Porter with a side head lock and Trent backs Porter into the corner and he kicks Porter followed by an uppercut. Porter with a flying forearm after a Hennig leap frog and he gets a near fall. Porter with a front face lock and Masters tags in and he connects with a forearm. Masters works on Trent’s shoulder as he continues to work on the wrist. Trent with forearms but Masters with a shoulder tackle. Masters with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Trent gets a back body drop from Masters and Chris with a near fall. Masters with chops and Caylen tags in. Trent with an elbow and Caylen clips Masters who did not see the tag. Croft works on the knee and uses the ropes for extra leverage. Trent tags back in and he works on the knee with elbow drops.

Trent continues to work on the knee to stop the Master Lock. Croft tags back in and he hits a leaping knee drop to the leg and he gets a near fall. Croft gets a near fall as Croft continues to work on the leg. Trent tags in and he connects with a knee drop and gets a near fall. Trent with a kick to the head followed by a step over toe hold. Masters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Masters with a double leg take down and he catapults Trent into the turnbuckles. Masters crawls to the corner and he makes the tag and so does Croft. Porter with an overhead belly-to-belly throw followed by a clothesline and then he sends Croft to the mat. Porter with a facebuster and then it is time for the Ballin’ Elbow but Trent breaks up the cover. Masters puts Trent in the Master Lock and then he tosses Trent out of the ring. Croft gets a near fall with a rollup but Porter hits the Play of the Day for the three count.

Winners: Chris Masters and Montel Vontavious Porter

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that voting continues on WWE.com for the fan poll for NXT.

Match Number Two: JTG versus Chavo Guerrero

They lock up and JTG with a waist lock but Chavo with elbows and a forearm. JTG with a hip toss and punch to the midsection followed by a leap frog leg drop for a near fall. Chavo sends JTG into the turnbuckles and Chavo punches JTG and chokes him in the ropes before the referee warns him. Chavo with more punches and then he chokes JTG again. Chavo with a snap mare and a modified camel clutch on JTG. JTG with punches and a flying back elbow and clothesline to Chavo. JTG with a back body drop followed by the flip shoulder tackle for a near fall.

JTG with a drop down punch but Chavo with a spinning heel kick and he sends JTG into the ring post. Chavo with a kick and then it is time for a brainbuster followed by a suplex. Chavo goes to the turnbuckles and he tries for a frog splash and he hits it for the three count.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

Yoshi Tatsu is walking in the back as we go to commercial and cross the line to the Raw half of the show.

We have a brief Nexus video package.

It is time for the Raw half of the show and your announcers are Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.

Match Number Three: Yoshi Tatsu versus Primo

Yoshi with a top wrist lock but Primo gets to the ropes. They lock up and Primo with an elbow and kick followed by a leg sweep and a near fall. Primo slaps Yoshi in the head but Yoshi responds with chops. Primo with an Irish whip and Yoshi floats over and connects with a chop and then he hits a baseball slide and goes to the apron but Primo trips Yoshi on the apron. Primo with a running boot to the head and then he slingshots Yoshi’s throat into the bottom rope and gets a near fall. Primo with forearms to the head as he wears down Yoshi. Primo with a rear chin lock but Yoshi with punches and he tries for a back slide but Primo counters with a neck breaker for a near fall. Primo with a kick to the head and he sends Yoshi into the turnbuckles. Primo with an Irish whip and drop kick that sends Yoshi back into the corner and Yoshi grabs the ropes to stop the referee’s count. Primo with an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner. Yoshi with kicks to Primo followed by chops. Yoshi with a spinning heel kick followed by a Shining Wizard for a two count. Yoshi puts Primo on the turnbuckles followed by chops and Primo staggers on the top turnbuckles. Primo crotches Yoshi on the turnbuckles after countering a rana and Primo with a lungblower while Yoshi is caught in the ropes and Primo gets the three count.

Winner: Primo

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound and time to run through the card so far for SummerSlam.

Match Number Four: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus Jimmy and Jey Uso with Tamina

Smith and Jey start things off and they lock up with Smith hitting a hip lock take down into a side head lock. Smith with a key lock into an arm bar. Smith with a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Smith with an arm drag and then he takes Jey down into a cross arm breaker as Jey tries to escape. Smith rolls through as he holds on. Jey gets to the ropes. Jey with a kick and forearms followed by a punch but Smith with a running high knee. Smith puts Jey in the tree of woe and he tags in Kidd. Smith sends Kidd into the turnbuckles with a baseball slide and then he gets a near fall and applies a Fujiwara arm bar into a standard arm bar. Jey with punches and he runs Kidd into the corner and Jimmy is tagged in and he punches Kidd and slams him. Jimmy works on the wrist but Kidd uses the ropes to hit an arm drag. Kidd with a victory roll for a near fall. Kidd tries for a drop kick but Jimmy holds on to the ropes. Kidd does not miss a second time as Jimmy goes off the ropes. Kidd with a drop toe hold and Smith with a leg drop after a tag and he gets a near fall. Smith with a side head lock and Jimmy backs Smith into the corner. Jimmy with a side head lock. Jey makes a blind tag and he tries for a super kick when Jimmy goes to the floor, but Smith sees him out of the corner of his eye and he sends Jey to the floor as well as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jimmy has Tyson in a side head lock as Kidd escapes with an arm drag. Kidd tries for a rollup but Jimmy holds on to the ropes. Kidd rolls through and then connects with a kick to Jimmy followed by a drop kick. Kidd goes to the apron and he tries for the cannonball but Jimmy and Jey catch him and they throw Tyson into the ringside barrier. The referee checks on Kidd to see if he is okay.

The referee starts to make the count with Jey and Tamina watching on the ground. Tyson gets back into the ring in time and then Jimmy punches Kidd. Jey tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop as Jey gets a near fall. Jey gets another near fall on Kidd after a slam and then he returns to a chin lock and arm bar. Jey runs Tyson into the corner and kicks him in the upper chest. Jey Irish whips Jimmy into the turnbuckles and Jimmy’s rear end connects with Kidd and Kidd appears to be out cold. Smith breaks up the cover and then we see the Usos double team Kidd while the referee sends Smith back to his corner. Jimmy with a slide into a side head lock to apply extra pressure. Kidd and Jimmy each connect with clotheslines and they are both down.

Smith and Jey tag in and Smith with a shoulder tackle and clotheslines followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Smith tries for a sharpshooter but Tamina gets on the apron to distract Smith. Natalya with a clothesline to Tamina. Smith with a kick to the head and then Kidd is tagged in and Kidd hits the springboard Hart Attack on Jey while hitting a drop kick on Jimmy at the same time as he tried to break it up.

Winners: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd

We go to credits.