View Full Version : WWE Friday Night Smackdown Report for July 24th 2010

07-24-2010, 03:24 AM
We are live on tape from Little Rock, Arkansas and your announcers are Todd ‘When do I get to announce a PPV’ Grisham and Matt ‘If you want to call a show with Lawler and Cole, go ahead’ Striker.

We begin with Todd and Matt talking about Kane’s victory in the Money in the Bank match at the Money in the Bank pay per view, and Kane cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase to defeat Rey Mysterio to become the new World Champion at Money in the Bank.

The new World Champion wastes no time coming to the ring and he is going to address the Smackdown audience. Kane says as a child, he would take his goldfish and pinch its tail as he held it high above its bowl. He watched it withering in pain, gasping for air, and slowly dying. Kane says that is how he has felt for the last thirteen years until last Sunday night. That was when seven bruised, battered, and lifeless souls were laid to rest with their bodies piled on top of each other as he won the Money in the Bank contract. Then he did something unprecedented. He made history. He cashed in the Money in the Bank contract that same night to become the World Heavyweight Champion. It was the most gratifying moment of his career.

Kane says that Rey put up a valiant effort against Jack Swagger but his moment of glory was quickly extinguished when Swagger fastened the ankle lock on Rey like a deadbolt, almost ripping Rey’s ligaments into tiny pieces of fragmented shrapnel. Poor little Rey and his ankle. When he came out to help, Rey’s gratitude shined bright on his face and the fans applauded. Rey’s gratefulness and appreciation quickly turned to horror when Kane came out to challenge him for the championship. When he towered over Rey and grabbed him by the throat, he could feel Rey’s pulse throb in his hand, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Then he choke slammed Rey through the mat with all of his force. That would have been enough but then Kane says his primal animal instincts took over and he scraped up Rey’s remains and dropped Rey on his head to become World Heavyweight Champion. The crowd applauded again.

Kane tells Rey that he did what anyone in his position would have done . . . even Rey. Kane says that he did it better. Kane says that he did it. He says that he didn’t do it for himself. Kane says that he did it for his brother. [While Kane is talking we see the footage of Kane dealing with his brother’s demise and the attempts at finding out the identity of the person who attacked his brother] He brought the World Title to where it rightfully belongs. He brought it to the dark side. Then he went to his brother’s bedside to share his victory. Instead of an overwhelming feeling of pride and adulation, Kane says his soul was overcome with shame and sorrow because his once all powerful brother laid there, unable to appreciate the momentous occasion. His eyes were still closed and his body was still limp and unresponsive. Kane says that he vowed that nothing and no one would tear this Holy Grail from his grasp. Kane says that his brother’s assailant is still at large and he will not rest until he finds the culprit. He will not rest until he finds the one who put his brother in a vegetative state. He says that he will not rest until he finds the one who is responsible for his brother’s demise. Hell will reign supreme when the World Champion finally achieves his vengeance.

Kane unleashes the pyro from the turnbuckles before he leaves the ring and walks to the back.

Todd mentions that Jack swagger and Rey Mysterio will meet in a two-out-of-three falls match to determine the number one contender for the World Title at SummerSlam.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Matt Hardy and Christian three weeks ago on the Peep show which saw Matt Hardy’s unprovoked attack on Christian. Then we see Matt and Christian working together in a tag match two weeks ago when Christian decided to cost them their match.

Match Number One: Matt Hardy and Christian versus Drew McIntyre and ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes

McIntyre and Hardy start things off and they lock up. McIntyre tries to punch Hardy instead of giving a clean break but Hardy moves and punches Drew. Hardy works on the arm and puts Drew in an arm bar. Matt follows that with a short arm clothesline and front face lock. Christian tags in and he punches Drew a few times before going to a side head lock. Christian holds on when Drew tries to get out of the side head lock. Drew tries to escape again and Christian with a side head lock take down. Drew backs Christian into the turnbuckles and Drew kicks and punches Christian. Drew runs into a back elbow and Christian goes to the turnbuckles for a drop kick and gets a near fall. Drew with a punch and a short arm clothesline before he tags in Rhodes. Rhodes with an elbow and punches to Christian but Christian responds with a flapjack to Rhodes. Hardy tags in and they send Cody into the turnbuckles and Christian hits a running cross body into the corner off Hardy’s back. Hardy with a snap mare and a near fall.

Hardy puts Rhodes in the corner and Christian tags back in. They hit a double back elbow and then Hardy tags back in and Matt punches Cody. Hardy with an Irish whip but he runs into a knee. Drew tags in and he kicks Hardy in the head. Drew tries for the Future Shock DDT but Hardy back body drops Drew over the ropes to the floor. Cody is thrown over the top rope as well when Cody tries to interfere. Matt with a baseball slide to Cody to knock him off the apron. Christian hits the double jump cross body onto Drew and Cody as we go to commercial.

We are back and Cody with a kick and punch as the advantage shifted to Rhodes and McIntyre during the commercial break. Rhodes with forearms in the corner followed by an Irish whip and side Russian leg sweep. Cody stands over Matt and then he tries for the rolling Ric Flair knee drop but he may have taken too much time because Hardy is able to move out of the way. While Cody holds his knee, Hardy tags Christian back into the match. Christian with punches to Cody followed by a knee to the midsection. Christian puts Cody in the ropes and then he jumps on Cody’s back before he slingshots to the floor but Drew gets close enough to stop Christian from connecting with the punch to Rhodes. Rhodes with the Alabama Slam for a near fall. Rhodes with a boot to Christian and then he tags Drew back in and he kicks Christian. Drew kicks and punches Christian in the corner and the referee warns him. Drew goes to the floor and he connects with a forearm across the chest as Christian falls to the floor. Drew with a kick to Christian and then they return to the ring.

Drew gets a near fall and then he tags Cody back into the match. Cody with a gourdbuster and then he hits the Ric Flair rolling knee drop for a near fall. Cody with jabs to Christian and then after Christian misses a punch of his own, Rhodes with a drop kick to Christian’s back and Christian’s throat hits the ropes and Rhodes gets a near fall. Drew tags back in and he puts Christian in an arm bar before tagging Cody back in. Cody kicks Christian in the corner and he slaps Christian in the back of the head as Christian gets back to his feet. While Christian holds on to the ropes, Cody kicks Christian in the midsection. Christian tries for another Alabama Slam but Christian rolls through. Each man with a clothesline and they are down.

Drew tags in and he keeps Christian from making the tag. He sets up for the Future Shock DDT but Christian escapes the hold and he tags Hardy into the match. Matt has taken off his shirt while on the apron to show that his ribs are taped. Mat with punches followed by a roaring forearm and side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Matt with an elbow to the head and then Matt with a neck breaker for a near fall. Matt sends Drew to the turnbuckles and then Matt goes to the turnbuckles and hits a tornado DDT. The referee feels that it is more important to talk to Cody about being dashing in the ring without being the legal man than to make the count so we will not know if Hardy would have gotten a three count on McIntyre because of the referee being out of position. Matt goes after Cody and Cody yells at Matt for going after his face. Drew tries for the Future Shock DDT again but Matt counters and gets a near fall after a small package. Rhodes breaks up the cover as well and Christian enters the ring and punches Cody. Things get a little out of control in the ring and Matt accidentally punches Christian. Matt with a Side Effect to Cody but Drew with a boot to the side of the head for the three count.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre

After the match, we get a look at Hardy’s punch of Christian and Striker wonders if it was intentional or an accident.

Christian returns to the ring and Matt backs up. Christian picks Matt up and Christian offers his hand to Matt. Matt thinks about it and they shake hands.

Jack Swagger is in the interview area with Josh Mathews. Josh mentions that Jack can avenge his loss at Money at the Bank later tonight when he faces Rey Mysterio for a shot at Kane’s World Title at SummerSlam. Josh says that Jack must feel fortunate about the opportunity. Jack snaps back at Josh and wonders how he can feel fortunate. He says that he was robbed by that dirty worm, Rey Mysterio. Rey took a page out of the book of one of the dirtiest liars and cheats in WWE history, Eddie Guerrero. Jack says that he had Rey in the ankle lock and he says that he could taste his second World Title on the tip of his tongue. Jack says that Rey purposely unlaced his boot in order to slither out like the snake he is. Jack wants Josh to admit that it was unfair. Josh points out that while Jack may consider it unfair, some might call it clever. Jack says that where he comes from, it is called cheating. Jack says that it was clever that Rey lost his title later in the night to Kane because he almost snapped Rey’s ankle in two. That is clever. He says that Rey won’t be able to lie, cheat, or steal tonight. He says that Rey won’t be able to walk after the first fall. He will dominate the match. Not only will he break Rey’s ankle, he will shatter it. Jack says that he will do the same to Kane at SummerSlam. Jack says that he is going to put Kane in the same place that Kane put his father. He is going to put Kane in the hospital. We go to commercial.

We are back and DID you Know that WWE has worked with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for more than 25 years.

We see a graphic for the two-out-of-three falls match later tonight with footage of what Jack has done to Rey’s ankle and Matt Striker wonders if Rey’s ankle will be a factor in the match as well as Jack’s anger at losing to Rey at Money in the Bank.

It is time for another Alberto Del Rio video package. Alberto walks into his house and he looks at a statue. He says that he is the bravest of the brave. He says that bravery is an extraordinary attribute that lies in the heart of extraordinary men. He says that bravery is more than facing overwhelming odds. It is more than spitting in the eye of adversity. Bravery involves breaking boundaries, abolishing cultural stereo types, and competing with so much passion and cajones that people say that you have changed their lives forever. They write letters, name their children after you, and sometimes send you gifts like the statue that is in front of him. He says that he is the bravest of the brave.

Michelle and Layla are in the back and they are celebrating Layla’s title win at Money in the Bank. They drink some champagne. Michelle says that Layla is the best friend and co-champion she can have. Layla says the same thing. Michelle says that she has a gift for Layla and Layla has a gift for Michelle. They give each other half of a locket that fits together perfectly.

Teddy Long enters the room and Teddy congratulates Layla for successfully defending the Women’s Title on Sunday. Teddy tells them to enjoy their celebration while it lasts because Layla will be defending the title against Tiffany. Teddy leaves and Michelle and Layla are outraged that Teddy would steal their lines and then they throw out a playa and Holla.

Kofi is getting his neck brace taken off by the medical staff as he gets ready for his match and he walks with Michael McGillicutty as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Kofi Kingston with Michael McGillicutty versus Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero

Dolph with a single leg take down but Kofi escapes. Kofi with a waist lock and take down but Dolph escapes. Dolph with a waist lock but Kofi with a standing switch. Dolph with a kick to the midsection followed by a punch to the head. Dolph with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Kofi with a series of leap frogs followed by a back elbow. Kofi leaps into the corner and punches Dolph before getting out of the corner and connecting with a European uppercut. Dolph with a kick to the chest and an elbow to the back of the neck as Kofi holds his head. Dolph with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Dolph stands on Kofi’s neck and then he throws Kofi to the floor. Michael checks on Kofi and Vickie comes over and yells at Michael. Vickie tells him to leave and the referee obliges Vickie’s demand. Michael says that he isn’t doing anything wrong as he leaves.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph has Kofi in a reverse chin lock. Kofi with punches but Dolph sends Kofi to the mat again. Dolph with a Rocker Dropper for a near fall. Dolph punches Kofi in the head as he continues to work on the neck. Dolph with an elbow drop to the neck. Kofi with kicks to the leg followed by punches to the ribs. Ziggler with a rear chin lock and he puts his knee on Kofi’s neck for extra pressure. Kofi with more punches but Dolph with a kick. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Dolph with another neck breaker and then he returns to the chin lock with his knee on Kofi’s chest. Dolph with kicks to Kofi followed by a choke in the corner. Dolph gets a near fall and then he chokes Kofi in the ropes. Dolph gets another near fall on Kofi. Dolph returns to the neck with a modified camel clutch. Kofi gets to his knees and then to his feet but Dolph with elbows to the neck. Dolph stands on Kofi’s throat and the referee warns him. Dolph takes too long for the leaping elbow drop and Kofi moves out of the way. Kofi with a boot to a charging Ziggler in the corner. Dolph with a kick and then he tries for another neck breaker but Kofi counters with a back slide and gets a near fall. Kofi with chops to Ziggler followed by a drop kick. Kofi misses the leaping clothesline the first time, but he does not miss the second time. Kofi punches Ziggler and the referee warns Kofi. Kofi hits the leaping clothesline on Dolph and then hits the Boom drop. Kofi prepares for Trouble in Paradise but Dolph moves out of the way. Dolph tries to throw Kofi over the top rope to the floor but Kofi skins the cat. Dolph talks to the referee to allow Vickie to grab Kofi’s ankle. Dolph hits the Zig Zag and Dolph gets ready for the sleeper and he locks in the sleeper. Kofi tries to fight out of the hold, but Kofi goes out after Ziggler applies a body scissors.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Ziggler grabs the Intercontinental Title belt and he brings it into the ring and puts it on his shoulder. The referee takes the belt when Ziggler tries to leave the ring with it.

Big Show is walking in the back and he sees Rosa jumping rope in the back. We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Big Show unmasking CM Punk last week on Smackdown when Punk was caught on the Mega Ladder.

Match Number Three: Big Show versus Luke Gallows with CM Punk, the unknown masked member, and Serena

Before the match starts, Punk says something to Luke and Luke goes to the floor. The masked member of the Straight Edge Society goes into the ring and he takes Gallows’ place in the match.

Show with a chop but the masked man with a punch. Show puts the masked man on the turnbuckles and chops him. The masked man with drop kicks to the knee but Show grabs the masked man by the throat and takes off the mask to reveal that it is Joey Mercury. Luke gets on the apron and he sends Joey into Gallows and then Show with another chop. Show puts on Joey’s mask and he punches Joey and he gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

We go to commercial.

We are back with Dashing Cody Rhodes’ Grooming Tips. Cody says that there is nothing more disgusting than gnarly walrus like nose hairs. Cody says that he is here to show us how you can be ‘dashing’. Cody talks about men who have hairs dangling from their nostrils. Cody says that the last thing you want your woman to worry about when you go in for that first intimate kiss is those curved feelers on the inside of your nostrils. Cody brings out some nose hair clippers and shows us the proper procedure. He says that everyone is one step closer to being dashing.

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

Matt and Todd talk about how we will know Kane’s opponent for SummerSlam by the end of the night so we go to the back to get some comments from Rey Mysterio.

Josh approaches Rey and he asks if Rey can handle this match tonight after what happened the last few weeks. Rey says that he is in a lot of pain, and he was getting the feel of being World Champion. His story as World Champion was just getting started but it was taken in the blink of an eye. Rey says that he probably wouldn’t have done what Kane did on Sunday, but he is not Kane. He says that he is not happy with what happened on Sunday. He says that he has to beat Swagger twice tonight in order to make things right. The next time he meets Kane in the ring, it will be a different story. It will be a story with a happy ending.

We go to commercial.

We are back and are reminded that the military gets free tickets to WWE events.

It is time for another Alberto Del Rio video package. He asks if when you look at yourself in the mirror, are you ashamed of what you see? He asks if you look at yourself and wonder what happened? He says that is because most people are weak. They are weak in the body and mind. He says that you take no pride in yourself. Meanwhile, Alberto says he takes tremendous pride in himself. It is in the way he dresses and talks as well as his physical appearance. He asks if you cannot love yourself, how can anyone else love you. Alberto says that he has no problem saying that he loves himself. He says that is because he has the one thing that most people do not have. That is pride. Alberto says that he takes pride in himself.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Rey Mysterio for the Number One Contender Spot in a Two-Out-Of-Three Falls Match

They lock up and Swagger sends Rey into the turnbuckles. They lock up again and Swagger takes Rey into the corner but he misses a charge into the corner and Rey with a rollup. Rey with kicks to Swagger’s leg but Swagger with a punch that sends Rey to the mat. Swagger sends Rey into the turnbuckles followed by an Irish whip but Swagger runs into an elbow. Rey with a head scissors take down and then Rey ducks down as Swagger goes over the top rope to the floor. Rey with a baseball slide to Swagger as we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a front face lock take down followed by a forearm across the back. Swagger stands on Rey’s chest. Swagger with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Swagger punches Rey in the head followed by a knee in the corner. Rey with a drop toe hold that sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Rey goes up top but Swagger is able to get up because Rey took too long to get up and Rey is crotched on the top rope. Swagger with a gutwrench slam and then he turns his focus to Rey’s injured ankle. Swagger with a body scissors on Rey and he grabs Rey’s ankle and Rey gets to the ropes and Swagger has to release the hold. Swagger tries to use the ring post and he sends Rey’s injured ankle into the ring post. Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger with a DDT to the injured leg as he tries to hyperextend the knee. Swagger kicks Rey in the chest as he wears down his opponent. Swagger gets a near fall.

Rey with kicks to Swagger but Jack with forearms to the back. Rey with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Rey with a kick to the head and Swagger is a bit disoriented. Rey with a kick followed by a wheelbarrow attempt but Swagger with a front driver. Swagger puts Rey in the ankle lock and Rey tries to get to the ropes but Swagger pulls Rey into the center of the ring. Rey makes it to the ropes and Swagger refuses to release the hold before the referee gets to five and he calls for the bell.

Winner of Fall Number One: Rey Mysterio by disqualification [Mysterio 1 Fall; Swagger 0 Falls]

Rey falls to the floor as the referee admonishes Swagger and we go to commercial.

Fall Number Two

We are back and Rey makes it back into the ring and Swagger goes after Rey. Swagger misses charges into the corner and Swagger hits the ring post. Rey goes up top for a head scissors and Swagger falls into the ropes. Rey tries for the 619 but Swagger grabs Rey and puts him in the ankle lock and Rey tries to fight out of it briefly but he decides to tap out.

Winner of Fall Number Two: Jack Swagger [Mysterio 1 Fall; Swagger 1 Fall]

Fall Number Three

The referee keeps Swagger away from Rey between falls. Rey goes to the floor to try to regroup.

Swagger kicks Rey in the ankle and the referee warns Swagger while Rey is holding the ropes. Swagger grabs Rey and Swagger goes to the floor while Rey is on the apron. Rey tries to kicks Swagger off but Swagger with a power bomb to the tailbone. Swagger sends Rey into the ring and Swagger does too. Swagger with the double jump Vader Bomb and then he gets up to hit another one. Swagger gets a two count. Swagger tries for a third one but Rey is able to get his feet up and Swagger is knocked loopy. Rey goes up top for the seated splash but Rey gets up gingerly and holds his ankle. Swagger tries for the Doctor Bomb but Rey escapes the hold and gets a crucifix driver into a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Swagger cannot believe that he lost. Swagger grabs Rey and he slams Rey’s knee into the mat.

Kane’s pyro goes off and Swagger punches Kane but Kane punches back. Kane with a choke slam to Swagger and Swagger goes to the floor.

Kane sees Rey down on the mat and Rey backs into the corner. Kane stands over Rey and brings Rey to his feet. Rey hobbles because he does not know what Kane is going to do. Kane raises Rey’s hand before leaving the ring.

Kane returns to the ring and Rey is able to get to the floor. Kane brings Rey back in. Kane tries for a choke slam and Rey with a head scissors that sends Kane into the ropes and Rey hits a 619. Rey hobbles up the ramp with Kane in the ring.

We go to credits.


07-24-2010, 03:44 AM