View Full Version : IGN: The Miz talks about Danielson, Cashing In and More

07-24-2010, 10:35 PM
IGN has an interesting interview with The Miz at this link (http://uk.tv.ign.com/articles/110/1107768p1.html). He talked about a number of items. Here are three highlights.

About training in UPW he said:

The Ballard Brothers actually trained me. They taught me how to lock up and how to run the ropes. They taught me all the basics. Other people who were around were Frankie Kazarian. Samoa Joe was down there. Cena had just left when I got there. Right before I came. I don't think anyone else that's in the WWE was there. Mike Knox was in IZW and I wrestled him a couple times while on the independents. Those are the main guys, more or less. Everyone else quits. And trust me, I've seen a lot of people come in and a lot of people quit.

About being paired with Bryan Danielson on NXT:

I loved it. When they said that Bryan Danielson was going to be my "rookie" I thought it was a genius move. It really was. I mean, think about it. I'm the guy who everyone looks down at and says "this guy can't wrestle. We can't stand him." And they look at him like a god. They look at him and call him the best technical wrestler in the world. Now I didn't know Danielson at the time he came in so the way I looked at it was like this: I was like "screw these people who say he's the best. He's never been in the WWE." He's travelled all over the world but the WWE is a different entity. It's nothing like anything he's ever experienced.

About who he would like to cash in his MITB briefcase against:

Cena, And here's why. Because I had six months where I ripped him to shred in my promos. Just months and months of ripping him and ripping him. Right up until the Pay Per View match where he just killed me. And let's face it. I wasn't ready for Cena. We all knew I wasn't ready for Cena. But now? Right now? I think I'm getting there. I'm just at the point where I really think I could take him.

Thanks to Greg McCulloch for sending that along.


07-25-2010, 05:29 AM
thanks for the update