View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for July 29th, 2010

07-30-2010, 07:30 AM
We start off tonight’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Match Number One: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov versus William Regal and Primo

Regal and Santino start things off and Santino swings wildly at Regal and misses. Then he does the same with a kick. Regal works on the arm and Santino rolls through but Regal takes him down to the mat. Santino rolls through and reverses. Santino with a cartwheel and then he does some race walking across the ring and Regal wonders what is going on. Santino with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Regal tags in Primo and he punches Santino. Primo goes to the arm and applies a hammer lock. We see a few reversals and then Santino tries to formulate an escape and he reverses. Kozlov tags in and he connects with shoulders in the corner and then he punches Primo. Kozlov gets Primo on his shoulders and then he puts Primo on the turnbuckles and connects with head butts followed by kicks to get Primo off the turnbuckles. Kozlov tries for a power slam but Primo with a clip and leg sweep. Regal tags in and he kicks Kozlov and works on the leg. Regal with a knee to Kozlov’s leg and then he puts the leg against the ropes and connects with a knee to the leg. Regal with a kick to the leg in the ropes. Kozlov with a kick and he makes the tag.

Santino has a that look in his eyes and he summons the cobra and hits it but Regal goes to the floor. Santino goes for Primo but he gets to the floor as well and we go to commercial.

We are back and Primo with a side head lock on Santino. Primo with a shoulder tackle and Santino with a hip toss and arm drag. Santino with a slam to Primo and then he tries for a diving splash but he lands on Primo’s knees. Primo with a head butt to Santino and Regal is tagged back in. Regal with a kick to Santino. Regal with a head butt to Santino. Santino with a sunset flip attempt but Regal drops down onto Santino’s chest. Primo is tagged back in and he kicks Santino. Primo with a hard Irish whip to Santino and then he stomps on Santino’s chest. Primo runs Santino into the corner again and Regal tags back in. Regal with knees to Santino. Regal and Primo double team Santino while the referee deals with Kozlov. Regal with an abdominal stretch but Santino escapes with a hip toss. Regal with a knee drop to Santino and he tags Primo back in.

Primo slams Santino and then he goes to the turnbuckle but he hits Santino’s knees on a frog splash attempt. Santino crawls to his corner and he makes the tag to Kozlov. Kozlov with a head butt and then he throws Primo into the corner followed by a series of kicks. Kozlov with a running power slam but Regal breaks up the cover. Santino forces Regal out of the ring with the cobra. Primo goes to the turnbuckles but Kozlov catches him and hits a spinebuster for the three count.

Winners: Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella

We take a look back at this week’s NXT when Eli Cottonwood was eliminated.

We are back and it is time for the Smackdown half of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

We see highlights of the feud between the Dudebusters and Chris Masters.

Match Number Two: Chris Masters versus Caylen Croft with Trent Barreta

Croft with a punch to Masters and Masters does not like that. Masters with a punch of his own followed by a kick and delayed vertical suplex and he gets a near fall. Masters with a chop and then he Irish whips Croft but misses a splash into the corner. Croft with punches in the corner. Masters gets a boot up but Croft blocks the kick and then drops down and works on the leg. Croft with kicks to Masters and he gets a near fall. Croft with a leaping knee drop to Masters’ leg and he gets a near fall. Croft with a spinning toe hold but Masters kicks Croft into the corner. Masters with a reverse atomic drop followed by a few clotheslines. Croft with a kick and a power slam for a near fall. Masters presses Croft over his head but he cannot hold him because of the work done on the knee. Masters clotheslines Croft over the top rope to the floor. He goes out to the floor and he punches Barreta and puts Trent in the Master Lock for a moment. Masters returns to the ring and Croft clips Masters and hits a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Caylen Croft

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE and Make A Wish have been working together for 25 years.

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

We run through the card for SummerSlam.

Match Number Three: Montel Vontavious Porter with Percy Watson versus Chavo Guerrero

Chavo backs into the ropes and the referee pulls Porter away. They lock up and Chavo works on the arm and takes Porter down. Porter with a head scissors and Chavo tries to escape. Chavo does get out and he puts Porter in a side head lock. Porter with a rollup but Chavo escapes before a one count. Porter with a cravate and Porter adds some knees. Chavo with a forearm and then he punches Porter. Porter punches back and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Porter with a front face lock but Chavo with a knee to the face. Porter with a drop toe hold and then he hits a running knee to the back of the head for a near fall. Porter with an arm bar on Chavo but Chavo with Latino uppercuts. Porter with punches to Chavo and Porter with a flying forearm and a back body drop. Porter sends Chavo over the top rope to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Chavo punches Porter but Porter with an Irish whip. Porter goes to the floor when Chavo moves out of the way. Chavo sends Porter to the floor with a drop kick. Chavo goes to the floor and he kicks Porter on the floor. Chavo punches Porter. They return to the ring and Chavo gets a near fall. Chavo with an arm bar and he adds pressure to Porter’s back. Porter with forearms and a kick to Chavo. Porter tries to float over but Chavo anticipates it and hits a drop kick to the back that sends Porter into the turnbuckles. Chavo with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Chavo with a chin lock to Porter and the referee checks on Porter. Porter gets Chavo on his shoulders and he hits an electric chair drop and both men are down.

Porter with an Exploder suplex to Chavo and then he avoids a punch from Chavo and connects with punches of his own followed by a double thrust and then he tosses Chavo into the air and down to the mat. Porter with the facebuster and then he sets for the Ballin’ Elbow. Chavo escapes the Play of the Day and he sends Porter into the turnbuckles. Chavo waits for Porter to get up and Chavo sets for the Three Amigos but Porter blocks the third one and hits a German suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Chavo with a spinning heel kick and he gets a near fall. Chavo goes to the turnbuckles but Porter punches Chavo and they both go up but Chavo sends Porter to the mat. Chavo comes off into a boot and Chavo is able to kick out. Porter tries for a delayed vertical suplex but Chavo with a knee and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Porter hits the Play of the Day for the three count.

Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

We go to credits.