View Full Version : EXW in Mesa and Hoosier Pro Wrestling Cards

07-30-2010, 06:16 PM
Hoosier Pro Wrestling returns to the HPW Arena in Columbus, IN on Saturday August 7th.

HPW Wrestling
Saturday August 7th, 2010
4-H Fairgrounds
Columbus, IN
Belltime 7:45pm Open 6:45pm
Tickets $12 Kids 10-3 $10 3 & Under Free

Main Event
Street Fight
Diceman Ronnie Vegas w/Diva April Hunter
TJ Powers

Ox Harley defends the HPW Heavyweight Title vs Dylan Bostic

plus Donny Idol, Shawn Cook, TJ Kemp, Jed, Kings of Capital City,
Damien Cole, Cousin Cooter, Ricky Ruckus, Gary Cherry and much more!!
EXW Aftermath 7/25 FULL Show Report
Category: Sports
Full Credit: Toom E. Guci

The "AFTERMATH" has begun. The events from Tuesday July 20th, 2010 have taken their toll. The victims, discovered inside the squared circle of Elite Xtreme Wrestling, by the end of the night caused EXW to live up to the "Xtreme" part of it’s name!

"AFTERMATH" opened with Johnny Manson vs. Mike Da'Lite. Manson was so hungry going into the match, that the pro-Manson crowd was able to break out into the traditional, “Manson’s going to kill you! Then he’s going to eat you!” song. This lead to Manson having his "Lunchtime Attack" on Da'Lite in the corner, followed up by a tenderizing of the meat with Manson’s trademark “Bouncy”. As the match progressed, Da'Lite got the upper hand on Manson, setting him up for a textbook suplex that Manson countered into a neck breaker. Da'Lite eventually got the upper hand again, as he nailed a Tilt-a-Whirl Slam onto Manson, and barely missed a 3-count. Not feeling full from the earlier attack, Manson went for a second "Lunchtime Effect", but Da'Lite was able to escape the corner attack and nailed Manson with a Fisherman Suplex to receive the victory. Manson, very unsatisfied with his loss in the match and his meal ticket, took it out on EXW Referee Chad Hawkins by biting a chunk out of his ass.

Just as the match finished up, the familiar music of the Freak Squad hit the EXW Arena. The self proclaimed “Your favorite wrestlers' favorite wrestler”, Dom “The Bomb” Vitalli was out for a 1 on 1 competition against the fist-pumping, Atlantic City rocking, East Coast Styling Ryan Castellucci. Needless to say, the toilet paper was flying for this one due to the fan’s hatred of Vitalli. Not only did we have a battle of New York/New Jersey to deal with, but we had a classic EXW tag team rivalry return from the early days of EXW between the Freak Squad and the Atlantic City All Stars. The only difference was the absence of Frenchy Rivera and Woodro Santenelli. The match was a back and forth battle between both men, when who would appear with a ticket for a ringside seat, but Gabriel Gallo. Vitalli was so distracted by Gallo’s appearance that Castellucci’s pin attempt went unnoticed as the referee’s back was turned, arguing with Gallo to leave the ringside area. After the departure of Gallo, Castellucci was able to keep the upper hand in this encounter via an arm bar submission in an attempt to not only get submission from Vitalli, but hyperextend his elbow in the process. As the match progressed, Castellucci took it to the air, climbing the top rope and nailing an elbow to the head of a prone Vitalli. As both men got to their feet, Castellucci was able to connect with a back body drop which lead to Vitalli countering with his own sunset flip attempt. Castellucci’s luck eventually fell short as Vitalli managed to take the Jersey native out, winning one for New York with a Superkick to the face as Castellucci charged at him, scoring the 3-count. To celebrate his victory, Vitalli left the ring and planted a kiss on the forehead of his one only fan…a 5-year old girl at ringside!

After a brief pause in the show that saw the Extasy Dancers take to the ring, "The Kid From Vegas" Cutler Wright was out to once again to badmouth the EXW talent and look for a worthy challenge for the 3rd week in a row. After pointing out that he scored the pinfall victory in last Sunday’s show against Derick Neikirk & Gabriel Gallo, he was interrupted by Gallo himself. Gallo clearly pointed out to Wright that his pinfall victory came at a cost, with outside interference from Vitalli; plus the fact that his own tag team partner betrayed him with a low blow shot in the match. Gallo also accepted Wright’s challenge for a worthy opponent from the EXW locker room with a punch to the face and calling for a referee to get the match underway. Gallo was able to get Wright off to the corner, where he showed Wright just how vicious his chops are and why his chops are the best in EXW. After a very successful, yet painful chop, the fans were so pleased with it that a yell of “Thank you sir, my I have another?” was heard from the crowd. How could Gallo not oblige this female fan? Another vicious chop brought the redness out in Wright’s chest just a little bit brighter. The chops then lead to a very unsuccessful spear in the corner, as Wright was able to dodge out of the way. The match continued with neither man gaining an upper hand and a Fall Away Slam from Gallo getting both men down, as the referee started to issue a 10-count. Gallo managed to get to his feet first, throwing Wright into the corner for another chop attempt. This one fell short, as Wright was able to counter with a chop of his own and an eye rake, using the top rope as he dragged Gallo’s face across the top rope. Eventually, Gallo got Wright back in the corner where he wanted him, where he nailed Wright with a bicycle peyle kick, a baseball slide causing every male in attendance to wince in pain, followed with Gallo's patented bootwash. Dom Vitalli had seen enough by this point and decided that payback would be a bitch, as he appeared ringside to now distract Gallo, who was setting Wright up for his Spear. The distraction paid off better for Vitalli then it did for Gallo, as Wright was able to get the 3-count with a schoolboy roll up to end the match.

It did not end here for Gallo or Vitalli, as Vitalli quickly got in the ring with an advantage and attacked a prone Gallo after the match. This lead to the "Chicano Assassin" Chuey Martinez, Gallo’s opponent from last Tuesday, to come to the aid of Gallo. Gallo quickly jumped on the microphone and challengd Vitalli to a match, right then and there, when he was suddenly interrupted by EXW Owner, F.T.W..
F.T.W. informed Gallo that he will get his chance for revenge against the Freak Squad after all the sneak attacks and interferences both men have had against Gallo at Extreme Tuesday on August 3rd, 2010 at Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar! The match was officially announced as a tag team match as Gallo will team up with the man he faced in that same venue last Tuesday and has a ton of respect for, Chuey Martinez against the Freak Squad. DO NOT expect this match to be pretty, as Gallo is not only out with a personal vendetta against both men, but he is willing to show the fans why he is the "King of No Rules" if he has to. The fans in attendance actually told Gallo they would bring tables and chairs, with Gallo welcoming the gifts. After the show, he told the fans to bring whatever weapons they like, as the "King of Xtreme" is not afraid to use them!

Martinez was back out after he and Gallo left the ring for a 1 on 1 encounter against the high flying Luchadore, the Prophet! Martinez tried to get Prophet to answer the door a couple of times, but Prophet refused to do so, nailing an Enzuguri on Martinez. Prophet was then able to show the crowd that he can bring his style down to the mat, as he went for a Figure 4 Leglock in the center of the ring. Martinez was able to reverse the hold & escape, showing the fans that he is not a quitter, but an assassin! After a splash off the top rope from Martinez, victory was definitely his in the end.

The EXtasy Dancers were back out and were able to show just how serious they take their dancing, while Ryan Castellucci was out just to have himself a good time. What was originally a duet turned into a trio, as Castellucci was out to show the ladies a move or two. In the end, all were pleased and pumping the fists to the beat of the same drummer.

Tyson Tyler is out and demands the microphone. Tyler, fed up with the recent actions of Derick Neikirk, calls out Neikirk for a match. Neikirk is nowhere to be seen, but EXW owner F.T.W. is out once again, this time to remind Tyler just who is the man who signs the paychecks for the company. F.T.W. informed Tyler, “You will get your day” and points out to him that he will, indeed, have a match tonight. His opponent is no stranger to EXW fans for this night, as Mike Da-Lite is brought back out to face Tyler in the "Aftermath" Main Event. Da-Lite isn’t to anxious to start the match, as he stalls outside the ring several times, only to return before the 10-count and to roll back out of the ring. Da-Lite eventually stays in the ring, but is backed up into the corner, where he begs Tyler off. Tyler goes for a splash attempt, as Da-Lite hit’s a boot to the face, followed up with a beautiful missile dropkick from the top rope. Da-Lite gets taken down with a Russian Legsweep and a pin attempt, but manages a kick out at two. As the match progresses, Tyler misses a clothesline attempt as Da-Lite connects with a standing dropkick. As Tyler gets back to his feet, Da-Lite goes for a splash off the top rope, only to be caught in a fall away slam. Both men are down at this point, but they both manage to get to their feet prior to the 10-count. After a seesaw battle between the 2, Tyler eventually scores the pin, but it’s not over for Tyler just yet.

Turns out Neikirk was in the building and watching from the back, as he rushes the ring and attacks Tyler from behind. Neikirk connects on Tyler with a Siato Suplex, then gets Tyler out of the ring. Neikirk follows up by throwing Tyler’s head into the ring apron and starts searching under the ring. Neikirk brings out a steel chair and decided this is time for the "Elite Athlete" to take it to the extreme with Tyler. Placing Tyler’s head inside the back of the chair, Neikirk sends Tyler into the ring post, then rolls Tyler back into the ring. Neikirk lands not one, but two chair shots to the back of Tyler and follows the attack up with a swinging neck breaker. Neikirk then decides to get down to Tyler’s level and bad mouth’s him to his face as Tyler writhes in pain. Neikirk eventually leaves on his own, as Tyler is helped to the back by referees and fellow wrestlers. Definitely an extreme way to end the show.

Now the big question remains; What comes next in the Derick Neikirk/Tyson Tyler chapter?

Two men, who were thrown together by F.T.W. & victorious in a match, now bitter enemies.

Neikirk has betrayed not one, but two partners in the last 2 weeks. After his match with Sean “Val Venis” Morley last Tuesday, it appeared as if Neikirk was cleaning up his act after being on the receiving end of a Money Shot. That wasn’t the case, as Morley was the latest victim of a low blow attack. And now, Neikirk is bringing the steel chair into the fold, but Tyler is no stranger to weapons either. Both men can not coexist in EXW, yet neither man knows what the future has in store for them. Is F.T.W. protecting Neikirk from getting in the ring with Tyler? History has shown a friendship between Neikirk & F.T.W, but is this truly just two old friends, or an alliance to rule EXW? Will the fury of Tyson Tyler be unleashed at Xtreme Tuesday on August 3rd, 2010?

One thing is for sure on August 3rd, Gabriel Gallo will FINALLY get his hands on Dom Vitalli for all his sneak attacks in the past month since the accident; or as the Freak Squad says, Gallo meant to break Riviera’s arm. The Freak Squad have tried to even the playing field by taking out Gallo’s leg. Now on August 3rd, Gallo has Chuey Martinez watching his back, and it’s an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Nothing will be holding back the "King of No Rules"! Will it be a straight-up wrestling match though, or will Toby Keith’s turn into an Xtreme War Zone, with weapons all over the bar? As Gallo’s history has shown, he’s not afraid to turn a match into a Bar Room Brawl!

-Toom E. Guci