View Full Version : JR Blogs: Savage, Sid and He would return to Raw

07-30-2010, 09:53 PM
Jim Ross
has posted his latest blog entry, which you can check out at this link. In the blog, JR gives his feelings on footage of him being used in political commercials by Linda McMahon opponents, and also sends out well wishes to Bobby Heenan. Some other highlights from this entry:

Old friend Pat Rose, an excellent wrestler in his day, is a fishing expert now and has a radio show on WPLZ 95.5 FM out of Chattanooga starting Saturday August 7 @ 7 a.m.

We're getting a great deal of questions regarding Sid returning to WWE. I'm not in the loop nor do I know WWE's plans or Sid's physical status. Does Sid even want to get back on the road to any degree? I have no idea but if I had to make a random guess I would suggest that WWE and Sid will likely never do any thing together in a significant way again. I certainly could be wrong because as I said I don't know WWE's plans other than they are definitely trying to get their roster 'younger.'

I do not know any more than most fans about WWE's updated relationship with Randy Savage or what the future holds for WWE/Savage, if any thing. It seems that a marketing arrangement has or is being established and one could always speculate that could eventually morph into more. Yes, Randy Savage is deserving of the WWE HOF and perhaps one day he will be inducted which would be a great moment for his many, loyal fans. Until then, let's just sit back, be patient and wait.

It is truly gratifying that so many fans miss my work on TV as there is not a day that goes by that someone doesn't Tweet us @JRsBBQ or email this website. If I'm not careful it could inflate my 'ego' but we all know that I already admit to having a sizable ego. For some reason, fans have asked if I would accept reassignment to Monday Night Raw and/or PPV's. The answer is obviously yes. But why? Simply because I'm a team player and what ever the decision is for how I contribute to the team is simply the way that it will be. I don't look to go back onto weekly TV commentary but making a cameo here and there is a remote possible. Obviously, what WWE person wouldn't want to be a part of WM27? If I am once again there and if I only watch the event as a fan, that will be fine but 'players' always want to 'play' if they can and many of us veterans generally feel that we have just a little more to give or at least that's usually our mindset.

Is the War Games a concept suited for The Nexus? It certainly might work but it adds yet another steel cage into the PPV equation. Steel cages, in any form, and frequent title changes seem to be over utilized from my personal perspective in general within the biz. Plus, although I like Nexus very much, they all have a long way to go and need significant ring time to hone their skills to a perennial main event level and there is no guarantee that all 7 can or will succeed in such. I do feel that Nexus is the freshest thing to come along in WWE in a good while so I am more than happy as a fan to watch this faction grow and develop and and to wait and see what happens down the road.

As always, JR's blog is well worth checking out, and you can do so at this link (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/heenanpolitical-jackassesrandy-savagewar-games-ala-nexusjr-tampasid-returningfree-shipping-usa)