View Full Version : 8/2 WWE House Show Results from Brisbane, Australia

08-03-2010, 04:14 AM
Just got home from the Brisbane house show, was absolutely fantastic and well put together.

To start things off the Brisbane Battle Royal for the Brisbane Cup took place. Every superstar except Kane and Ray took part. The winner would vs Kane for the world heavyweight championship

The Big show won the Brisbane Battle royal.
Some quite good spots by show, he was jumped by everyone then threw them all off to begin things. The crowd ate this up. Show eliminated most of the competition.
The last three were Swagger, Show and Cody Rhodes. Cody and swagger teamed up before show fought out. Cody then jumped over the top rope. Down to swagger and show. They traded blows for a bit then Show dominated Swagger. Went for the chokeslam out of the ring, Swagger resisted and ended up getting pushed out. Kind of anti-climactic.

Layla defeated Kelly Kelly for the womens championship via pin
Quite a boring match really. Crowd never really got into it, only when Kelly Spanked Layla. Layla hits the Lay-out for the win.

Alberto Del Rio defeated MVP via submission.
Alberto Del Rio Came out, spoke some Spanish then responded to the boo’s and said in English he cant understand us either. MVP came out with his shoulder heavily taped up, i think this was kayfabe because Del Rio worked on it all match. Del Rio controlled the whole match really, MVP rallied a few times. Del Rio got the win with an arm bar on that shoulder.

The Hart Dynasty w/ Natalya Defeated SES (Luke Gallows and Joey Mercury w/ Serena) via submission for the unified tag team championship.
Quite a good match. Crowd got right into it, giving a lot of heat to the SES. Natalya was very good at getting the crowd into it, I was impressed. The best part was Natayla draggin joey mercury out of the ring while the ref was distracted with serena and scoop slamming him. Another thing that impressed me about her. Tyson kidd with the sharpshooter on Joey mercury for the win. Interesting thing after the match, Serena copped a clothesline from natalya after she scoop slammed mercury she stayed down for ages holding her head. I think she may have fell awkwardly.


Fatal 4 Way for the Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler Retained defeating Christian, Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston
It was the Match of the night. Fantastic match. Before things got underway dolph ziggler cut a good promo saying he will be the greatest champion ever and we will all remember his name. Crowd ate it up. Match was very upbeat and always moving. Everyone got their finishers in. It ended with with Kofi copping a Twist of Fate, Hardy got a Killswitch, then dolph jumped into the ring and tossed christian out to get the pin.

Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger via pin.
Swagger got the most heat of the night. With USA chants and such, then after Ray gave his shirt to a kid sitting beside me he yelled at the kid to take it off, Adults were seriously angry at this. I loved all of it. I actually now like Swagger because of it. The match took a while to start, after the crowd had multiple 619 chants, Swagger looked disgustedly at the crowd then went to walk up the ramp, but raced back to the ring just in time. Then a staredown, Swagger pushed ray over. Another staredown. then they started and ray set up a six one nine attempt. but swagger rolled out of the ring. This really took awhile to get into it. When swagger rolled back in they got underway properly. Usual swagger Ray match
swagger dominated most of the match, Ray with a few 619 attempts. Ended with Swagger getting in the ankle lock, ray reversing and setting up a 619 and finally connecting. After the match Swagger said he knows he lost, but at least he is from the USA.

Kane defeated the Big show via pin.
Kane and big show locked up at the start with big show winning it. Went back and forth. Crowd wasn’t entirely into it. few spots like the Big Show slap and a WOOO after a chop. Kane then worked on shows hand. Kane was then thrown into the referee in the corner, referee is down. Big show chokeslam on kane but no one is there to count. Show calls out a new ref, Kane kicks out. They go back and forth. Kane then gets knocked out of the ring. Swagger runs down and goes to get in the ring. Big show knocks him back down. As the ref tells Swagger to leave kane clocks show with the title then hits a chokeslam for the win.

After the match swagger comes in and gets the ankle lock on show. Kane watches and mocks show. Ray comes in for the save, few punches, a huricanrana off the turnbuckle to set kane up for the 619, show knockout punches swagger to set him up aswell. Mysterio connects. Show then thanks the fans and thanks mysterio for being such a good friend. another interesting fact after the match show was limping quite heavily, whether or not that was for show because of ankle lock, but he still did when he was walking around the ring signing autographs and getting photos, so i guess that’s a thing to watch.

Andrew Hayman