View Full Version : 8/7 WWE House Show Results from San Diego, CA

08-08-2010, 10:49 PM
First off basically the whole top part of the arena was empty, so I guess you would say it was 3/4 full. Crowd was into pretty much the whole show.

Show opened with Vladimir Kozlov & Santino Marella vs The Usos. Santino & Vladimir won when Santino pinned one of the Usos (sorry wasn't sure who got pinned). After the match Nexus came out and beat up both Vlad and Santino then cut a promo saying that tonight would be a small preview of SummerSlam and that they would give John Cena, John Morrison & Rey Mysterio the biggest beating yet.

Second match was Great Khali vs Zack Ryder. Squash match pretty much as Khali won in a few minutes.

Gail Kim came out next & asked a fan at ringside to name 3 members of "Team Raw" for SummerSlam. The girl named Cena, Bret Hart & Khali. She got to be the "special bell ringer" for the next match which was:

Goldust vs. Primo. Good match with Goldust the winner by pin.

After Goldust won Edge snuck into the ring & when Goldust turned around he got speared. Then Edge cut a promo saying that he is "the leader of wwe" and if anyone in the locker room could prove him wrong then come on out. That lead to:

Edge vs. Evan Bourne. Good match with Edge getting the win by pin. After the match Edge tried to spear Bourne but he moved out of the way then with Edge on the mat hit the 450 splash off the top rope on Edge.

Randy Orton vs Sheamus for the WWE Championship was next. Orton won by DQ when Sheamus brought a chair in to the ring and the ref tried to take it away but Sheamus pushed the ref away so the ref called for the DQ. After the bell Orton hit the RKO on Sheamus.

Intermission came followed by a 6 diva tag match with Eve & The Bella Twins vs. Maryse, Alicia Fox & Jillian. Eve & The Bellas won the match with Eve pinning Alicia Fox.

Triple Threat Match for the US Championship as The Miz faced Ted Dibiase & Mark Henry. Miz cut a promo when he came out saying that he chose not to cash in his Money in the Bank tonight because why would he cash it in at San Diego! Major heat for that statement! The Miz retained the title when he pinned Ted DiBiase after Henry had powerslammed DiBiase, Miz came in from behind and knocked Henry out of the ring and pinned DiBiase.

6 man main event was next as John Cena, John Morrison & Rey Mysterio faced Nexus members Wade Barrett, David Otunga & Justin Gabriel. Good match but John Cena took a long beating before making the hot tag to Mysterio. Mysterio was cleaning house when the rest of the members of Nexus jumped into the ring & caused the DQ finish. So Cena's team wins by DQ. After all of Nexus was beating up on Cena's team a group of Raw wrestlers hit the ring including Evan Bourne, Vladimir, Santino, then Orton's music hit and he came out along with Khali and a couple others. The Raw guys beat up Nexus & they all ran off except for 2 of them, but I don't recall who the 2 were that got beat up by everyone including Khali. After the beatdown the Raw guys started leaving 1 by 1, then Orton's music hit, he posed, then left, which left Cena & Mysterio in the ring. Cena gave Mysterio the mic to give a shout out to the San Diego crowd. Crowd went NUTS for Mysterio! He thanked us for coming & said he loved SD and without us there would be no 619! He said thank you & posed for a bit then left the ring, and that closed the show.

It was a good show and I had a good time and it seemed like the crowd was into everything the whole night!! No return date to San Diego announced just reminders about SummerSlam next Sunday, Smackdown
being moved to SyFy in October, and of course buy that merchandise lol!