View Full Version : Ooops - WWE.com Spoils Daniel Bryan's Return

A Blissful Ass
08-16-2010, 05:09 AM
The official WWE website spoiled a surprise as the WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view event as an article titled "Daniel Bryan Returns at Summerslam!" was posted before the NXT season one rookie's return took place.

Here is the article in its entirety:

Daniel Bryan returns!
Written: August 15, 2010

LOS ANGELES - The Miz really milked it. The United States Champion and Mr. Money in the Bank thought that he had Team WWE by the short and curlies. Before the 7-on-7 Tag Team Elimination Match, Miz even insisted on John Cena and Bret Hart begging him to join them.

While Cena did appear on the TitanTron to address Miz, he wasn't there to stroke The Cleveland Screamer's ego. Instead, he informed the entire WWE Universe that Team WWE's seventh man would be none other than a former member of The Nexus, Daniel Bryan.

A humiliated Miz, Bryan's former WWE Pro on season one of WWE NXT, went apoplectic at being slighted and let everyone within earshot know of his dissatisfaction. As for Bryan, he had one word to describe the development: Awesome

Note from Ryan Clark: That is a MAJOR OOOPS on WWE's part. I'll admit that I saw it while browsing WWE.com during the PPV and couldn't believe my eyes.


08-16-2010, 06:05 AM
Im so confused so was it a work? If so I love you WWE. But how I don't understand he's booked on many indy shows and I really want to see his EVOLVE 5 Match :( Hopefully this is a plan.

08-16-2010, 07:04 AM
I was surprised when he returned, so whetever WWE spoiled it or not, I didn't see it :P

If he is signed up for Evolve, I think he will appear Travis

08-16-2010, 07:11 AM
I will write in my signature WWE Are The Greatest (apart from DJ Hyde's Company) Wrestling Company Ever if they let Danielson keep on wrestling while he's in WWE lol.

08-16-2010, 07:15 AM
^^ LOL!

The greatest? You must be kidding!

A Blissful Ass
08-16-2010, 11:30 AM
It was all a Work Trav i doubt he will work ELVOLVE

08-16-2010, 03:36 PM
bryan fuckin Danielson is back in the wwe and is going to kill micheal cole and beat somebody for a championship maybe US champ or intercontinental. But I wish Cena turned heel. Your gonna get your fucking teeth kicked in

08-16-2010, 07:45 PM
I think the whole indy thing, changing of twitter account from Daniel Bryan to Bryan Danielson, etc. was done through WWE to cover the story of him being fired. I can't remember ever seeing a fired worker say that he was allowed to wrestle for any other company within 90 days, even if it was non-televised, but WWE immediately gave him permission to do just that. I think that last night, when Danielson became the number one twitter trending topic in the world and most people were completely shocked by his appearance (I believe I started screaming YES! YES! YES!) Vince McMahon was laughing his ass off and counting himself lucky that every now and then a secret can be kept in his company. I could be completely off-base here, but it makes sooooooooo much sense, not to mention it allowed Daniel Bryan to wrestle like Bryan Danielson, and created a Superstar more over than anyone at his stage in the company has been since probably Jericho left WCW for WWE. Now, if they would just let him call himself Bryan Danielson.

08-16-2010, 11:30 PM
It was all a Work Trav i doubt he will work ELVOLVE

So you think Evolve have cooperated with WWE? I doubt it!

If Danielson is signed for a match at Evolve, I think he will go a match there

08-16-2010, 11:41 PM
Dosent make any sense so many booked matches he has why just randomly return then something's going on. But either way who gives a damn let's hope THE Bryan Danielson is bad and WWE is doing a right good thing.

08-16-2010, 11:47 PM
I'm just glad he returned, he's definitely going to help make RAW interesting especially since he'll probably take the US Title from Miz then have Miz cash in later in the night.

08-17-2010, 02:36 AM
Smartmark, isn't it possible that WWE isn't working with anyone, just told Danielson to make dates? They must be allowing him to keep what he booked, because according to PWI, earlier today, Danielson will be appearing in his final Independent gig at Evolve on 9/11. That sounds like a work to me, because how many independent dates in past history had to be cancelled by WWE mandate after hiring someone.