View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for August 19th, 2010

08-20-2010, 08:42 AM
We start off tonight’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Match Number One: Yoshi Tatsu versus Primo

They lock up and Primo works on the wrist and Yoshi reverses and works on Primo’s wrist. Primo rolls through and takes Yoshi to the mat. They lock up and Primo with a side head lock but Yoshi with a take down to escape. They lock up and Yoshi with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Yoshi with chops but Primo blocks a hip toss. Yoshi with a Japanese arm drag followed by a standard arm drag into an arm bar. Primo with a kick followed by a forearm to the back. Primo with a chop to Yoshi. Yoshi tries for a sunset flip but Primo drops down. Yoshi with a back slide for a near fall. Yoshi follows that with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Yoshi with a back body drop and drop kick that sends Primo to the floor. Yoshi with a baseball slide and then he skins the cat and hits a pescado. We go to commercial.

We are back and Primo with a rear chin lock on Yoshi. Primo with a forearm to the back of the neck followed by a drop toe hold and Muta Lock. Primo add a rake of the face and he is forced to break the hold. Primo and Yoshi exchange chops and Primo with a punch. Primo chokes Yoshi in the ropes and then he hits a splash and goes through the ropes. He returns to the ring and gets a near fall. Primo returns to the reverse chin lock and Yoshi tries to get to the ropes. Yoshi with punches, kicks, and a chop.

He goes up top but misses a missile drop kick when Primo moves out of the way and Primo gets a near fall. Primo with a modified surfboard and then he drops an elbow to the ribs. Primo with an Irish whip followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Primo with an Irish whip and he misses a charge into the corner. Primo gets caught in the tree of woe and Yoshi with a drop kick. Yoshi with kicks and chops to Primo followed by another chop off an Irish whip. Yoshi with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Yoshi with the running knees into the corner followed by the rolling mare but Primo ducks the round kick. Primo with a near fall. Primo with a jawbreaker and then he sends Yoshi to the apron. Yoshi with a kick and heel kick from the turnbuckles for the three count.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

We take a look back at NXT when Percy Watson and Husky Harris were eliminated.

We are back and did you know that WWE SummerSlam was still the number one search term on Google on Sunday.

It is time for the Smackdown portion of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number Two: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Vance Archer with Curt Hawkins

They lock up and Porter with a hammer lock but Archer gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Archer gets to the ropes to escape a top wrist lock. Archer with a kick and he works on the wrist. Porter with forearms and he reverses the wrist hold. Archer backs Porter into the corner and he has something to say to Porter. Porter slaps Archer and punches him. Archer with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Porter avoids Archer and Porter with a drop toe hold and kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Porter with an arm bar but Archer gets to his feet. Archer with shoulders in the corner and the referee warns him. Archer with a punch to the head and then he chokes Porter in the ropes. Archer distracts the referee and Hawkins hits Porter. Porter with shoulders in the corner followed by kicks and the referee warns Porter. Porter with a forearm to Archer and he gets a near fall. Porter misses the running boot into the corner and then Archer sends Porter to the floor. Archer distracts the referee and Hawkins attacks Porter.

JTG comes out and he goes after Hawkins. All four men brawl on the floor and Teddy Long comes out. He announces that we will have a tag match with JTG and MVP facing Hawkins and Archer.

We go to commercial.

Match Number 2.1: Montel Vontavious Porter and JTG versus Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer

The match is joined in progress and JTG with a sliding punch and leap frog leg lariat to Hawkins for a near fall. Porter tags in and they hit a double hip toss and Porter with a knee drop for a near fall. Hawkins with a jawbreaker and he tags in Archer. Porter with punches to Archer. Archer with a big boot when Porter was distracted by Hawkins. Archer with punches before he gets a near fall. Hawkins tags back in and he punches Porter. Hawkins with a snap mare and knees to the back. Hawkins with a rear chin lock Porter escapes and Hawkins responds with a clothesline for a near fall. Archer tags in and hits an elbow drop and follows that with a leg drop and gets a near fall. Archer with a reverse chin lock. Archer with a forearm to the back but he misses a short arm clothesline. Porter with a running boot into the corner and JTG is tagged in. JTG with punches followed by a drop kick. JTG with a flip shoulder tackle to Archer followed by a drop kick to Hawkins. JTG leaps into the corner and hits an X Factor for a near fall. Porter throws Hawkins to the floor. Hawkins drops Porter onto the apron. Archer catches JTG and they hit a modified spike power slam for the three count.

Winners: Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at SummerSlam week in Los Angeles as well as the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Chris Masters

Swagger with a waist lock take down and Masters pushes Swagger when he gets back to his feet. They lock up again and Swagger with a front face lock into a side head lock. Masters powers out of the head lock. Masters with a forearm and running shoulder tackle. Masters with an Irish whip and Masters with a Stinger Splash. Swagger escapes a power slam attempt and hits a clothesline to the back of the head followed by sending Masters shoulder into the ring post. Swagger with a key lock on Masters. Swagger with a knee followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger with a hammer lock. Swagger locks his hands to work on the arms and then he hits a forearm to the back. Masters with a desperation side slam and both men are down.

Swagger runs into a boot from Masters and Masters with clotheslines and a spinebuster for a near fall. Masters goes to the turnbuckles and hits a flying shoulder tackle with his injured shoulder. Masters sets for the Master Lock but Swagger rolls to the mat. Masters gets Swagger back to his feet but Swagger backs Masters into the turnbuckles and then he puts Masters in the ankle lock. Masters reaches for the ropes but he cannot get there and the pain is too much so Masters taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to credits.