View Full Version : What You Didn’t See Last Night On RAW

08-08-2006, 11:48 PM
Special thanks to Brandon Wooten for sending this report in:

I went to the Raw show in Memphis, TN last night and here is an off air report. I will try to remember as much as I can.

Some OVW tag team defeated Rob Conway and his partner. The OVW guys looked pretty impressive.

Trevor Murdoch and Cade defeated Val Venis and Snitsky. Pretty decent match considering who was in it.

Matt Striker defeated a local guy.

Hacksaw and Eugene defeated another tag team I didn't know. Eugene worked most of the match with a hot tag to Hacksaw at the end. They used a Double Four Point Stance Shoulder Block for the win.

Spirit Squad beat some local guys.

As Lilian was introducing J.R. just minutes before Raw went live a maintenance crew had to fix a pyro take was located right above the curtain where everyone came out and they got it fixed just before the McMahon skit ended.

No National Anthem by Lilian by the way. That kind of sucked.

Maria came out to do the kiss cam and this is when the King left the announce table to go to the back. Just before he left he had a confused look on his face as he was talking to J.R. about something. I thought that was funny to see the look on the King's face like he was lost and didn't know what was going on.

After the Diva search was over the contestants were shaking hands with the fans on the aisle by the ramp and Miz was trying to hurry them up before Raw came back on and it was like they didnt care if it did. He actually had to round them up and run them off the stage.

Before Shane and Vince left the stage Vince started dancing as his music played and it was hilarious.

Before Triple H left the stage as the refs were helping him to the back he turned around and gave the crowd the DX crotch chop to a huge pop.

The main event dark match was Edge and Cena for the title. Very good match overall. Both guys hit their spots and at the end Lita jumped in with a chair and Cena caught her and as he was distracted Edge hit him with the championship belt and got DQ'ed. Which is what I expected to happen.

Just one other note we were sitting by the ramp and as Triple H came out and threw the water bottle it landed like 2 feet from me and a guy sitting behind me got it, but I would have redemption because as Cena was leaving after the dark match main event he threw his wristbands to the side where we were sitting and I got the "YOU CANT" wristband that he wore.

Also Mike Miller who plays for the Memphis Grizzlies was sitting to my right and I over heard him talking to some other fans and he seemed to really keep up with the WWE.

I think this covers pretty much everything if I happen to remember anything else I will let you all know.