View Full Version : WWE NXT Results August 24th, 2010

08-25-2010, 04:32 AM
Last week, we lost two more rookies. First Percy Watson had to take Showtime on the road. Then we saw Husky Harris finally end his run. Then we saw Cody Rhodes show that not only is he ‘dashing’, he is a man of action.

We are live on tape from Fresno, California and your announcers are Josh ‘When do I get to guest star on Warehouse 13’ Mathews and Michael ‘Internet Darling’ Cole. Your host is Matt ‘Now I’m not that bad on Pay Per Views, am I’ Striker.

The pros come out to sit on the stage.

It is time for the remaining rookies to come out and they are Kaval, Alex Riley, and Michael McGillicutty.

Matt Striker joins them in the ring and he reminds us that twelve weeks ago, there were eight rookies who wanted to be a WWE Star. We are now down to the final three with one week to go. Matt wants to know from the rookies how it feels to have gotten this far.

Michael says that this is the greatest job in the world. This is the greatest time of his life. He credits Kofi for a lot of his success. He gets to perform in the same ring as his father and that makes it all worth it.

Alex says that he expected to be here. He says that this contest is about finding the next breakout ‘STAR’. That means a total package. He says that he is that total package. He looks the part, acts the part, and talks the part. Alex says that he will have a pay per view opportunity while Miz will have the briefcase. He says that Sheamus better hope that he doesn’t get there first because Sheamus is dismissed.

Kaval says that it is indescribable. He thanks the WWE Universe for the support that they have given him. He was almost ready to celebrate last week due to one pro because his rookie was eliminated. That pro should be ashamed of himself because he couldn’t get his rookie into the final.

Cody tells Kaval to watch his tongue.

Kaval says that Cody got into the company because of his father and he didn’t earn his way into the company.

Cody says that he wants to know what else Kaval believes in besides booster seats and really bad promos.

Kaval says that he is the last of a dead breed because he earned his way to get here to perform for the WWE Universe. Kaval says that it is easy to talk from 50 feet, but what about face to face.

Cody says that he is floored at Kaval’s originality. He attacked Cody’s heritage and that is so original. He wants to put it as politely as he can. He says that Kaval is the gum that he scrapes off his boots. He tells Napoleon that he is a wee little rookie, while Cody says that he is a pro. Cody says that his answer is no.

Montel Vontavious Porter says that he cannot stand here and let it go. Porter says that Kaval stands up and makes a challenge. Cody says that this doesn’t concern him. Does Kaval sleep at the foot of MVP’s bed or is that for his babysitters as Cody looks at Michelle and Layla. Porter says that he has been watching Cody and since Cody won’t accept Kaval’s challenge because he isn’t on the same level, why not accept his challenge for a match tonight.

Cody tells Porter that just to shut everyone up, he accepts the challenge.

We go to commercial and a trivia contest is next.

We are back and it is time for the WWE Trivia challenge with the three rookies. Matt says that in order to be Superstars, you need to know about the history.

The first question was to name the participants in the Iron Man Match at Wrestlemania 12. Michael McGillicutty gets it right and takes the lead with 100 points. The next question is who Pete Gas, Joey Abs, and Rodney are part of what group and Kaval gets it right to tie McGillicutty. The third question is whose entrance music starts with You Think You Know me and Michael takes the lead back. The fourth question is what billionaire did Vince McMahon put his hair on the line against and Michael extends his lead. The next question is which wrestler’s finisher is the Killswitch and Kaval edges closer to Michael. Question number six is who performs Triple H’s music and Michael is wrong and Kaval ties Michael. We are at the end of round one. Michael and Kaval are tied with 300 points while Alex Riley is watching.

Round two starts with a question about the first Intercontinental Champion and Kaval takes the lead. The next question asks who won the Diva Search in 2007 and Michael ties Kaval. The next question is to finish the theme for Demolition and Kaval is back in the lead. The next question is what did the Dynamic Dudes ride on their way to the ring and Kaval is close and Alex Riley is just as far away from the correct answer while Michael does not answer.

Matt asks Alex about his great performance so far and Alex says that he does not care. Kaval suggests that the varsity villain must have spent more time on the field and not in the classroom.

The next question is to name the person who won the WWE title the most time and Alex gets on the board.

Kaval wins the challenge and Michelle and Layla celebrate with him. Matt says that Kaval will have a feature about him on WWE.com tomorrow.

Josh reminds us that voting begins at Noon Eastern on Wednesday after Michael Cole stops gushing about Alex Riley getting one answer correct.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see what happened on Raw with the Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to talk about the WWE’s debut in China.

Match Number One: Dashing Cody Rhodes versus Montel Vontavious Porter

They lock up and Rhodes works on the arm and puts Porter in a side head lock. Porter with a punch and Cody goes to the floor. Cody yells at the referee for letting Porter punch him in the face. They lock up again and Porter backs Rhodes into the corner and Porter with a clean break and Rhodes tells Porter it was a good thing he didn’t go for the face again. Porter with a side head lock but Rhodes with forearms. Porter with a shoulder tackle and Rhodes with a drop toe hold. Porter sets for a punch but Rhodes backs away and has something to say to the referee. Porter with clotheslines followed by a back body drop and gets a near fall. Porter with a snap mare and arm bar. Rhodes gets to his feet and Rhodes gets to the ropes.

Porter with a punch to the midsection followed by a suplex for a near fall. Porter returns to the arm bar. Cody with an arm drag but Porter holds on to the arm bar. Rhodes with a kick but Porter with a punch and then Porter with a clothesline that sends Rhodes over the top rope to the floor. Porter with a pescado onto Rhodes and then he sends Rhodes’ arm into the ring post and apron. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rhodes with a hard Irish whip and boot to the ribs. Rhodes with a punch, forearm, and elbow to Porter in the corner. Rhodes with an Irish whip but Porter floats over and hits a running clothesline and gets a near fall. Porter returns to the arm but Rhodes with a jawbreaker. Rhodes with a boot to the chest and a gourdbuster. Rhodes with a Ric Flair rolling knee drop and he gets a near fall. Rhodes with a slam but he misses another knee drop. Porter with a running forearm for a near fall.

Rhodes goes to the floor and he is telling the referee about the trauma that his face has suffered during the match. Rhodes pulls Porter to the floor and Porter is sent into the ringside barrier and Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with a head lock but Porter with a rollup. Rhodes with boots to the head and then he uses his boot on Porter’s face. Rhodes with a boot to the head followed by a knee to the face. Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with a front face lock but Porter sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles.

Porter charges into a boot from Rhodes and Porter has his hand on the rope. Rhodes moves Porter into the center of the ring and gets a near fall. Porter with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow and Rhodes with a springboard round kick but Porter is under the ropes. Rhodes with boots to Porter. Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with a crossface on Porter and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rhodes with a drop kick and both men are down. Rhodes gets a near fall but he does not make a good cover. Rhodes with a better cover and another near fall. Rhodes punches Porter and then connects with a boot to the chest and then he puts Porter in a head scissors with the arm isolated. Porter gets Rhodes on his shoulders and he hits an electric chair drop and gets a near fall. Porter with another near fall. Rhodes runs Porter into the corner and he punches and kicks Porter until the referee warns him.

Porter is put on the top turnbuckle and Rhodes goes up top but Porter pushes him off. Rhodes stops Porter and Cody hits a dashing superplex and Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with a forearm to Porter and Rhodes with a surfboard but Porter is able to escape. Rhodes misses an elbow drop when Porter moves out of the way. Rhodes runs into an elbow and then misses a charge into the corner. Porter with a flying clothesline and both men are down again. Porter and Rhodes with punches but Porter with a double thrust and then he tosses Rhodes into the air and he lands face first on the mat. Porter with the facebuster and it is time for some ballin’ and he connects with the Ballin’ Elbow. Porter tries for the Play of the Day but Rhodes escapes and hits the Alabama Slam but Cody takes too long to make the cover and Porter kicks out.

Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes and gets the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

We go to credits.