View Full Version : Should AJ Styles Walk Out Of TNA?

08-25-2010, 03:50 PM
I can't see him being a major player in WWE so I doubt he'll ever go there but I can see him walking out and leaving TNA and perhaps moving to this florida company we hear so much about. The thing is, AJ boasts about him being a TNA origional and how he built TNA. I can't really see him leaving a company he's built. Sure, He's fustrated at how TNA is currently operating and Dixie isn't listening to him but I don't see him leaving anytime soon.

AJ's character is a mess. He's been turned so many times that it's getting stupid. There was one point where he cut a promo saying he's leaving TNA then the next week he was wrestling. It may have been TNAs fault but it's still making AJ Styles look uncredible.

But overall, I don't see him leaving the company unless he gets to the point where he's so pissed that he does something stupid (Like making a Twitter account and blasts Dixie). AJ is far too important in the company (In terms of history) as he's the only guy to be a TNA champ, X Champ, Tag champ & TV Champ. I don't see him leaving.


Kenpachi Zaraki
08-25-2010, 06:25 PM
the last line itself contradicted you. People are fapping over this Florida company they just pushed back their dates once again. Why put your eggs in a basket that's no even been built. I kinda like his character in the Fortune but yeah the retirement storyline was rushed

08-25-2010, 08:00 PM
Come back to ROH Styles!!

08-26-2010, 12:32 AM
Hope he leaves and Joe and then they return to ROH Where they get used and belong.

08-26-2010, 01:36 AM
AJ will go back to ROH when TNA goes under.

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-26-2010, 02:10 PM
nope he'll probably selling hot dogs somewhere in Gainesville and Joe will be doing Michelin commercials :shifty:

08-27-2010, 06:34 AM
He's got a belt and is the top wrestling talent in a new main event stable. Not to mention he's surely one of the companies highest earners and his reputation there is synonymous with the company.

Sure he may not be happy at being made to wear a suit and having a character change to that of a petulant idiot but I'd imagine he's been around the business long enough to know tides change and gimmicks come and go.

He wouldn't get a decent and/or sustained push if he were to ever join WWE not to mention they'd likely ground his ring style a fair bit. He wouldn't make anywhere near the money nor get the same level of exposure if he went back to ROH.

TNA is where AJ belongs and AJ is who TNA need to keep sweet arguably above any others.

In short, No he shouldn't.