View Full Version : WWE Superstars Recap August 25th, 2010

08-27-2010, 05:08 AM
* Opening music video, and the action is underway.

* Match #1: Goldust vs. William Regal. Goldust starts the action with a headlock takeover. Regal nails a European Uppercut, then begins to knee and inflict damage on the left arm of Goldust. Goldust tries for a crossbody off the ropes but Regal ducks, causing the Bizarre One to crash to the outside. Commercial. We return to see Goldust suplex Regal from the apron onto the ring. A succession of punches in the corner land for Goldust. Regal lands a left forearm shot to the face. Both men exchange a combination of punches, and forearm shots. Goldust executes a bulldog but Regal kicks out. Regal hangs up Goldust on the top turnbuckle and lands the Knee Tremblor for the victory. The NXT recap is shown. Commercial.

* Match #2: Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer vs. The DudeBusters. Hawkins and Baretta are in the ring where Baretta nails a dropkick. The DudeBusters slam Hawkins down via the use of his hair. Archer and Croft are in & Archer clotheslines Croft to the outside. Hawkins drives Croft into the ring apron and he tags in. Hawkins clotheslines Croft in the corner, then tags in Archer. Archer controls Croft, drapes him on the middle rope as Hawkins lands a right kick to the dome. Croft separates long enough to tag in Baretta. Baretta is in to land a missile dropkick to the back of Archer. Hawkins breaks up the count. Croft eliminates Hawkins by elevating him to the outside with a back body drop. Croft turns around where he is kicked by Archer with a big right boot. Archer is about to deliver his reverse DDT finisher but Baretta reverses him & instead nails a beautiful springboard DDT for the win. Commercial.

* A highlight video package of The Undertakes is shown. The Raw Rebound follows, recapping the announcement of the 6-Pack Challenge for the WWE Championship. “The Chosen One” Drew McIntyre slowly makes his way to the ring as he is in the main event. Commercial.

* Match #3: Drew McIntyre vs. Chris Masters. Masters lights McIntyre up with 2 knife-edge chops as well as with punches. He clotheslines McIntyre to the outside. He lifts McIntyre over the shoulder but the Scotsman shoves him into the ringpost. McIntyre viciously throws the left lef of Masters into the ringpost. Back in the ring McIntyre isolates the left leg of Masters. A Dragon Whip by McIntyre takes us to the final commercial. We’re back to see McIntyre nail a European Uppercut. A reverse toe hold by McIntyre wears Masters down but he uses both legs to kick McIntyre out of the ring. Masters nails a Samoan Drop then follows it up with a spinebuster. Masters is pulled towards McIntyre who strikes with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. McIntyre bounces off the ropes only to receive a scoop slam. Masters prepares for the Masterlock but McIntyre rolls to the outside. With Masters on his back, McIntyre falls straight back, causing Masters to collide with the ringside barricade. In the ring, McIntyre kicks the injured leg of Masters & delivers the Future Shock DDT to pick up the 1, 2, 3. A replay of the action is shown as the Chosen One stands tall in the ring.


08-27-2010, 06:53 AM
We start off this week with the Raw brand and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Match Number One: Goldust versus ‘The 2008 King of the Ring’ William Regal

They lock up and Goldust with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a quick cover for a near fall. Goldust with a side head lock take down but Regal with a wrist lock on Goldust. Goldust reverses and turns it into a hammer lock. Regal gets to the ropes and he wants Goldust to release the hold. Regal and Goldust with a Greco Roman Knuckle lock but Regal with a hammer lock on Goldust and Goldust gets to the ropes. Goldust with elbows but Regal with a kick and a knee drop. Regal with an arm wringer that sends Goldust into the corner. Regal with a European uppercut followed by an arm bar take down and a knee drop to the biceps. Goldust with a side head lock and misses a cross body and goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Goldust suplexes Regal from the apron back into the ring. Goldust with a punch and then he mounts Regal in the corner and finishes it with an uppercut. Regal begs for mercy from Goldust and Goldust thinks about it and stomps on his hand. Regal with an Irish whip and forearm to the head. Regal with a knee drop to the head and he gets a near fall. Regal with a few more near falls but Goldust kicks out. Regal with forearms to the head and a rear chin lock. Goldust with a punch but Regal with European uppercuts followed by a kick and he gets another near fall. Regal with a key lock on Goldust and he turns it into a reverse chin lock. Goldust with a punch but Regal with one too. Goldust with uppercuts while Regal with punches of his own. Goldust staggers Regal with punches and then he hits the drop down uppercut and a clothesline. Goldust with another clothesline and a punch followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Regal drops Goldust on the top rope and then Regal with a running knee to the head and he gets the three count.

Winner: William Regal

It is time to take a look back at the Rookie Jeopardy segment from NXT.

We go to commercial.

We are back with photos from the Chinese tour by the Raw brand.

It is the Smackdown part of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer versus Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft

Archer and Barreta start off and they lock up and Trent is sent to the mat. Archer backs Trent to the corner and Curt is tagged in and he punches him. Hawkins with an Irihs whip but Trent with a baseball slide and a drop kick. Croft tags in and they hit a double punch and tehn they send Curt to the mat. Croft with a leg drop for a near fall. Archer tags back in and Archer with punches and a forearm to the back. Archer misses a short arm clothesline and Croft with a drop kick to the knee. Croft punches Hawkins on the apron but that allows Archer to clothesline Croft over the top rope to the floor. Hawkins tags in and he runs Croft into the apron. Hawkins with a near fall. Hawkins with a chin lock. Croft with punches but Hawkins trips Croft and gets a near fall. Hawkins sends Croft into Archer’s boot. Archer sends Hawkins into the corner and he connects with Croft. Archer with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Archer chokes Croft in the ropes and then Hawkins kicks him in the head. Archer with a clothesline and he gets another near fall. Archer with a chin lock but Croft with a jawbreaker. Archer misses a charge into the corner and Croft is able to tag in Barreta.

Trent with punches and then he connects with a sdouble sledge and a knee into the corner. Barreta goes to the apron and hits a springboard drop kick to the back and he gets a near fall. All four men are in the ring and Croft sends Hawkins to the floor. Archer with a boot that sends Croft to the floor. Archer with a forearm to Barreta and then Trent hits a tornado DDT for the three count.

Winners: Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed it, Undertaker will be on Smackdown tomorrow.

It is time for the Raw Rebound with the greatest ten seconds in Zack Ryder’s life.

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Chris Masters

They lock up and Masters backs Drew into the corner and Drew pushes him out of the corner. They lock up again and Drew works on the arm and wrist. Masters reverses but Drew with a forearm and a front face lock. Masters tries for the Master Lock but Drew gets to the ropes. Drew with a kick and forearm to the back. Drew with punches and kicks in the corner and the referee warns Drew. Masters takes his turn and he chops Drew followed by forearms. Drew runs into a boot from Masters and Masters with a flying shoulder tackle form the turnbuckles and then he clotheslines Drew over the top rope to the floor.

Masters goes to the floor and he connects with a forearm to Drew and then he tries to send Drew into the ring post but Drew escapes and he sends Masters into the post. Drew sends the leg into the ring post and he wants the referee to count Masters out. Masters rolls back in and Drew kicks Masters and he drops elbows to the injured leg. Drew with a boot to the knee and then he gets a near fall. Masters with punches followed by a chop. Drew with a kick to the injured knee and head and he gets a near fall. Drew continues to work on the knee as he also works on the ankle. Masters with a punch to get out of the hold but he cannot walk to the corner. Drew with a kick to the leg followed by a dragon screw leg whip and we go to commercial as Drew plans his next area to attack.

We are back and Masters is being choked in the ropes while Drew continues to work on the leg. Masters is unable to get up but Masters fights off McIntyre with his good leg. Drew with a drop kick to the knee as Masters goes back to the mat and Drew gets another near fall. Drew with a kick to the head and then he stomps on the hand. Drew with a European uppercut and Masters goes to the mat again. Drew with a kick to the hamstring and then he drives the leg into the mat. Drew with a spinning toe hold on McIntyre and Drew gets a near fall. Drew with a kick to the leg and then Masters sends Drew to the floor. Masters with a desperation Samoan drop but Masters still struggles to stay on his feet for more than a few seconds. Masters with an elbow and kicks from the corner followed by a running clothesline and back elbow. Masters with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall. Masters with a chop. Drew with a neck breaker after Masters collapses on an Irish whip. Drew gets a near fall and then he stomps on the knee. Drew takes off the knee pad and Drew stomps on the knee again. McIntyre sets for the Future Shock but Masters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Drew with a kick but he runs into a power slam and Masters tries to set for the Master Lock. Drew blocks the Master Lock and they go through the ropes to the floor. Masters has Drew in the Master Lock on the floor but Drew backs Masters into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Drew with a kick to the knee and Drew with the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

We go to credits.

Source - PWInsiderElite.

08-27-2010, 06:53 AM
We start off this week with the Raw brand and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Match Number One: Goldust versus ‘The 2008 King of the Ring’ William Regal

They lock up and Goldust with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a quick cover for a near fall. Goldust with a side head lock take down but Regal with a wrist lock on Goldust. Goldust reverses and turns it into a hammer lock. Regal gets to the ropes and he wants Goldust to release the hold. Regal and Goldust with a Greco Roman Knuckle lock but Regal with a hammer lock on Goldust and Goldust gets to the ropes. Goldust with elbows but Regal with a kick and a knee drop. Regal with an arm wringer that sends Goldust into the corner. Regal with a European uppercut followed by an arm bar take down and a knee drop to the biceps. Goldust with a side head lock and misses a cross body and goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Goldust suplexes Regal from the apron back into the ring. Goldust with a punch and then he mounts Regal in the corner and finishes it with an uppercut. Regal begs for mercy from Goldust and Goldust thinks about it and stomps on his hand. Regal with an Irish whip and forearm to the head. Regal with a knee drop to the head and he gets a near fall. Regal with a few more near falls but Goldust kicks out. Regal with forearms to the head and a rear chin lock. Goldust with a punch but Regal with European uppercuts followed by a kick and he gets another near fall. Regal with a key lock on Goldust and he turns it into a reverse chin lock. Goldust with a punch but Regal with one too. Goldust with uppercuts while Regal with punches of his own. Goldust staggers Regal with punches and then he hits the drop down uppercut and a clothesline. Goldust with another clothesline and a punch followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Regal drops Goldust on the top rope and then Regal with a running knee to the head and he gets the three count.

Winner: William Regal

It is time to take a look back at the Rookie Jeopardy segment from NXT.

We go to commercial.

We are back with photos from the Chinese tour by the Raw brand.

It is the Smackdown part of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer versus Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft

Archer and Barreta start off and they lock up and Trent is sent to the mat. Archer backs Trent to the corner and Curt is tagged in and he punches him. Hawkins with an Irihs whip but Trent with a baseball slide and a drop kick. Croft tags in and they hit a double punch and tehn they send Curt to the mat. Croft with a leg drop for a near fall. Archer tags back in and Archer with punches and a forearm to the back. Archer misses a short arm clothesline and Croft with a drop kick to the knee. Croft punches Hawkins on the apron but that allows Archer to clothesline Croft over the top rope to the floor. Hawkins tags in and he runs Croft into the apron. Hawkins with a near fall. Hawkins with a chin lock. Croft with punches but Hawkins trips Croft and gets a near fall. Hawkins sends Croft into Archer’s boot. Archer sends Hawkins into the corner and he connects with Croft. Archer with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Archer chokes Croft in the ropes and then Hawkins kicks him in the head. Archer with a clothesline and he gets another near fall. Archer with a chin lock but Croft with a jawbreaker. Archer misses a charge into the corner and Croft is able to tag in Barreta.

Trent with punches and then he connects with a sdouble sledge and a knee into the corner. Barreta goes to the apron and hits a springboard drop kick to the back and he gets a near fall. All four men are in the ring and Croft sends Hawkins to the floor. Archer with a boot that sends Croft to the floor. Archer with a forearm to Barreta and then Trent hits a tornado DDT for the three count.

Winners: Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed it, Undertaker will be on Smackdown tomorrow.

It is time for the Raw Rebound with the greatest ten seconds in Zack Ryder’s life.

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Chris Masters

They lock up and Masters backs Drew into the corner and Drew pushes him out of the corner. They lock up again and Drew works on the arm and wrist. Masters reverses but Drew with a forearm and a front face lock. Masters tries for the Master Lock but Drew gets to the ropes. Drew with a kick and forearm to the back. Drew with punches and kicks in the corner and the referee warns Drew. Masters takes his turn and he chops Drew followed by forearms. Drew runs into a boot from Masters and Masters with a flying shoulder tackle form the turnbuckles and then he clotheslines Drew over the top rope to the floor.

Masters goes to the floor and he connects with a forearm to Drew and then he tries to send Drew into the ring post but Drew escapes and he sends Masters into the post. Drew sends the leg into the ring post and he wants the referee to count Masters out. Masters rolls back in and Drew kicks Masters and he drops elbows to the injured leg. Drew with a boot to the knee and then he gets a near fall. Masters with punches followed by a chop. Drew with a kick to the injured knee and head and he gets a near fall. Drew continues to work on the knee as he also works on the ankle. Masters with a punch to get out of the hold but he cannot walk to the corner. Drew with a kick to the leg followed by a dragon screw leg whip and we go to commercial as Drew plans his next area to attack.

We are back and Masters is being choked in the ropes while Drew continues to work on the leg. Masters is unable to get up but Masters fights off McIntyre with his good leg. Drew with a drop kick to the knee as Masters goes back to the mat and Drew gets another near fall. Drew with a kick to the head and then he stomps on the hand. Drew with a European uppercut and Masters goes to the mat again. Drew with a kick to the hamstring and then he drives the leg into the mat. Drew with a spinning toe hold on McIntyre and Drew gets a near fall. Drew with a kick to the leg and then Masters sends Drew to the floor. Masters with a desperation Samoan drop but Masters still struggles to stay on his feet for more than a few seconds. Masters with an elbow and kicks from the corner followed by a running clothesline and back elbow. Masters with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall. Masters with a chop. Drew with a neck breaker after Masters collapses on an Irish whip. Drew gets a near fall and then he stomps on the knee. Drew takes off the knee pad and Drew stomps on the knee again. McIntyre sets for the Future Shock but Masters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Drew with a kick but he runs into a power slam and Masters tries to set for the Master Lock. Drew blocks the Master Lock and they go through the ropes to the floor. Masters has Drew in the Master Lock on the floor but Drew backs Masters into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Drew with a kick to the knee and Drew with the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

We go to credits.

Source - PWInsiderElite.