View Full Version : ROH Richmond Virginia Live Report

08-28-2010, 10:52 PM
Show opened w/ a 10 Bell salute to Luna Vachon.

Jim Cornette opened the show and explained that Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens had flight issues and will not be able to make it to town until after the show would be over. Talked about wanting to bring more ROH shows to the Mid-Atlantic.

1. All Night Express (Rhett Titus & Kenny King) defeated El Generico & Colt Cabana to advance in 2010 Tag Wars. Very good match to open the show. Cabana didn’t do too much clowning around. Lots of arm drags & hip tosses. Corino came out in a shirt & tie & brawled with Cabana (unbeknownst to Generico) and they brawled out of the arena. Match continued for probably close to 5 minutes with Cabana gone which I thought was a bit much. It’s times like this I wish on the DVD they insert footage of the guys brawling outside or something or show why a guy couldn’t make it back out in that length of time. This did set up later though. All Night Express won with King hitting Coronation and Titus follows up with top rope knee drop on Generico.

2. Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis) defeated Bravado Brothers to advance in 2010 Tag Wars. Dark City Fight Club won what was largely a squash but Bravados got a few hope spots in. Fun for what it was and really all you could expect here.

3. Jay & Mark Briscoe defeated Necro Butcher and Prince Nana (subbing for Erick Stevens) to advance in 2010 Tag Wars. Jay hit Necro with Jay Driller. Match was all story driven with Nana refusing to tag in unless Briscoes were at a disadvantage and pretty much got beat up when he was in. Necro looked much better and part of his stable with his new “genie” pants and was almost playing like a “reluctant heel” role as even the Briscoes sort of tried to get the fans to have sympathy on him. Nana was extremely entertaining here.

4. Davey Richards defeated Kevin Steen to move up the Pick 6 list. Steen did his usual dickish mic work before the match talking about the Wolves feud with he & “that retard partner” and how much he enjoyed when they broke Edward’s arm. Match took a while to get going but both men went all out and whipped the crowd into a frenzy with all the near falls. Fans were losing their minds by the end of this. Very good match. Richards won with a kick to the head after surviving a package piledriver. Both men were pretty much presented as equals.

5. Bobby Dempsey and Cedric Alexander defeated Jake Manning and Caleb Konley. 3 of these are NC workers. Konley looks very much like Brian Kendrick. Alexander seemed green, but showed potential, probably on par with Bravados., but with a better look. Dempsey hit a DVD on Konley. Decent match despite the crowd not being familiar with most of them. Again, accomplished what it needed to.

6. Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli (w/Shane Hagadorn) vs. The Set of Lance Lude & J-Sinn was a no contest. This was an “open challenge” by KOW. The Set wrestled them on the last ROH Manassas show and a recent VCW show in the area. “Richmond Lucha Libre” chant for Set. Claudio & Hero largely threw around Lude like a rag doll including Claudio gorilla pressing him like 10 times & then holding him there while carrying on a conversation w/ Hero. Set was able to make a bit of a comeback. Lude tried to run off the ring apron into a huracanrana on Claudio who caught him & powerbombed him into the ring post. A bunch of refs & backstage crew ran out & carried the very small Lude out.

Jay Briscoe in street clothes came out to be J-Sinn's partner and cleaned house off a hot tag. 4-way brawl erupted until Mark ran in & it was declared a no contest. I almost expected DCFC & All Night to run in as a preview for Charlotte but that didn’t happen.

7. Steve Corino defeated Jeff Early after a brutal lariat followed by the sliding D in around 5 minutes. Cabana came out and Corino nailed him with chain after refusing to wrestle twice. Roderick Strong came through the crowd in street clothes straight from the airport.

8. Roderick Strong defeated Steve Corino. Strong with the Sick Kick after Cabana hit Corino with a steel chain when the ref was down. Until the ref counted the pin, I didn’t realize this was actually a match. Good storyline progression here and although I kind of questioned putting the locals on the second half of the card instead of mixing it up a little more, they spiced these matches up by involving the ROH regulars. Corino always shines on the mic. I thought Strong maybe should have gotten on the mic and promised to give Richmond a match on their return.

Cornette came out and tried to make the main event into a ROH World title match. ROH World Champ Tyler Black said no, and demanded that Davey leave ringside. Cornette agreed and is angry.

9. ROH Champion Tyler Black defeated ROH TV Champion Eddie Edwards. Tyler Black won with feet on the ropes after escaping a half crab. Very good match with the usual back & forth action and lots of near falls. Earlier there was a brawl on the floor after Black did his flip dive up the aisle & gashed his back open on the railing. Black gave Edwards a running “buckle” bomb on the floor into the railings. Crowd near me was a bit confused here as Sinclair stopped his count at around 11 here in reacting to this spot and started it over despite no one entering the ring. Edwards made it back in at 19. Crowd came unglued at a top rope huracanrana by Edwards. At one point Black did the “you can’t see me” pose when he had Edwards held down by his foot. Black attacked Edwards with the belt after match. Davey made the save. Eddie dropped Black with the 2K1 Bomb. Davey did a promo over the mic but rather than plug his match with Black for Charlotte, gave a heartfelt speech about asking the last “new” booker to team with Edwards and put over how much he respected his partner for surviving the Noah dojo, returning from elbow surgery etc. and thanked the crowd for coming.

Show ended just shy of 3 hours. ROH really seemed to hit a home run here tonight even without Stevens & Strong being in their announced matches. Crowd was around 400 despite not much local publicity and people were thanking Cary Silkin & Jim Cornette for bringing ROH here and reigniting their love for wrestling. Return date is Friday, Jan. 14.


08-29-2010, 02:15 AM
Thanx for posting Travis!