View Full Version : Vince McMahon comments on John Cena's talent

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-29-2010, 05:51 PM
In at interview with The Boston Herald, Vince McMahon talks about John Cena's rise to the top in WWE.

"You have to start with the quality of the human being,” McMahon said. "John is an extraordinary human being; he’s honest, he’s loyal.

"He’s full of himself, too,” McMahon added with a laugh. "But he’s like a throwback to the type of individual it’s difficult find these days, someone with old-fashioned values. In addition to that, he’s a Neanderthal when it comes to strength. No matter how good you are as a human being, you need talent. You could tell that John had talent - very raw talent, mind you."

Vince also recalled holding a meeting with the locker room in which he stated that he was looking for someone who was ready to reach for the brass ring. "Step on people on the way over if you have to," McMahon recalled saying.

"Apologize later. I’m looking for someone with courage that wants to break out and be ballsy enough to take on the responsibility of being the top guy. At the end of the meeting, someone came over and said, ‘I’m your man,’ and that was John."

Click here ( http://www.bostonherald.com/entertainment/television/general/view.bg?&articleid=1277628&format=&page=1&listingType=tv#articleFull) for the full article.

08-30-2010, 01:21 AM
Of his movie roles, Cena says "I play a superhuman on WWE television and I played damn near a superhuman in 12 Rounds and The Marine."

The article also includes the following Vince McMahon quotes about Cena:

"You have to start with the quality of the human being. John is an extraordinary human being; he's honest, he's loyal. He's full of himself, too. But he's like a throwback to the type of individual it's difficult find these days, someone with old-fashioned values. In addition to that, he's a Neanderthal when it comes to strength."

“No matter how good you are as a human being, you need talent. You could tell that John had talent - very raw talent, mind you.‘

According to the article, Vince held a meeting with WWE talent years ago, saying he was looking for someone who was ready to reach for the brass ring.

"Step on people on the way over if you have to. Apologize later. I'm looking for someone with courage that wants to break out and be ballsy enough to take on the responsibility of being the top guy."

"At the end of the meeting, someone came over and said, ‘I'm your man,' and that was John."

Note from Ryan Clark: That's some very high praise from the man himself. It's not often you see that so it just goes to show you how much Vince McMahon likes John Cena these days. He's been called the 'poster child of WWE' and 'Vince McMahon's guy' by sources in the past.

Source - EWN.

The Mac
08-30-2010, 02:42 AM
cool... i just wish he would go heel he is so boring

08-30-2010, 01:14 PM
*Sigh* Many more years of Cena in the spotlight. Happy days :(

08-30-2010, 03:10 PM

09-02-2010, 07:43 AM
I'm getting so tired of Cena, it just seems like they wanted a new Stone Cold but I guess the younger people like him and he is helping WWE and Vince make alot of money. Cena is the poster child of the PG era.

I can not stand his ring ability, he doesn't do anything and that STF is quite possibly the worst move and finishing move in the history of wrestling IMO. It makes me cringe every time I see it, it does not even seem like he has his arms touching the opponents chin sometimes.

Although, in saying all that, he does help the WWE, do I like him, definitely not, am I sick of him, yes but he keeps parts of the crowds happy lol. Maybe he will change in the future, we will have to wait and see. Even Stone Cold was boring at one time but he was not pushed into the limelight very early in his career and eventually got that gimmick and style down that everyone loved.

09-02-2010, 09:25 AM
agreed with lionden he is worse wrestler with pathetic moves .he is only appreciated because he is liked by childs and in this case vince make more money .i hate when crowd chant cena cena cena ..