View Full Version : WWE Signs a 6 Foot 9 Diva?

08-30-2010, 10:30 AM
There are rumors that WWE has signed or is close to signing female independent wrestler Isis The Amazon to a developmental deal. Isis is 6 foot 9 inches and besides indy wrestling, has done some modeling and acting work. Isis also has participated in a week-long evaluation at WWE's FCW developmental territory.

Isis has been in attendance at as many as two WWE developmental shows this month. A fan in attendance at this week's show in Fort Myers, Florida says Isis had to ask FCW officials if it was okay to take photos with fans. To put Isis into perspective, she is just a few inches shorter than Big Show.


Shane McMahon's Ass
08-30-2010, 10:36 AM
HOLY CRAP! :shock:

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-30-2010, 11:24 AM
I'll believe it when I see it

08-30-2010, 12:57 PM
Isis The Amazon to get a new name of.....

08-30-2010, 01:41 PM
I've seen her before and yeah... she's huge. She actually follows me on Twitter. /brag, lol.

But from the matches I've seen... huge is all she is. Not really much of a technical wrestler.

08-30-2010, 03:09 PM

Shane McMahon's Ass
08-30-2010, 03:11 PM
For those who have not seen her, pics of Isis The Amazon are Here. (http://www.uowforums.com/threads/192783-Isis-The-Amazon-FCW-Developmental-Diva)

08-30-2010, 06:11 PM
I've seen her before and yeah... she's huge. She actually follows me on Twitter. /brag, lol.

But from the matches I've seen... huge is all she is. Not really much of a technical wrestler.

She could work great as a female monster-heel :) I would love to see The Amazon Vs The Glamazon :D

Thanx for posting Kellie!

The Mac
08-30-2010, 06:16 PM
gigantour lol

Black Widow
08-30-2010, 06:29 PM
shes hot :)

08-30-2010, 08:41 PM
Ugh. This has awful written all over it.

Firstly, I assume she'll have a "Tall-girl" gimmick which only really works as a heel. Now, The problem being that we've got far too many heels in WWE at the moment. I could only imagine her doing a feud with LayCool where LayCool challenge Kelly Kelly to find someone who can defeat them (LayCool being undefeated is quite FTW). That would lead to the debut of this girl.

I can't say I'm jumping around my livingroom right now because I've read this.

08-31-2010, 07:38 AM
Now sign Kong to be her tag team partner.

08-31-2010, 07:58 AM
YES! That's what WWE needs now, to turn their women's division into their men's division where they only focus on the giants except now Vince can have them prance around in bra and panties/do nothing.

Shane McMahon's Ass
08-31-2010, 08:32 AM

The ShowOff
08-31-2010, 10:07 AM
I like this signing to be quite honest. I've seen her before and ehh John she used kinda like the tall girl gimmick but didn't really play a heel. I mean yes she was facing the face of the women's division here but she was over with the crowd and they loved her. It was more of a mutual respect type deal. She isn't that great of a wrester but she's good and could very well add a bit of spice to the diva division. Like SM I love to see Isis vs Beth it be a very great match.

09-03-2010, 08:08 PM

Alouisa – Miami based indy worker who had been working as “Isis The Amazon”. She is a legit 6′9″ and is the only season 3 rookie who has not yet worked a match in developmental. Vickie Guerrero will be her pro.