View Full Version : Cena Complains About The Fans

The Mac
09-06-2010, 06:12 AM
Newsday did an interview with John Cena in promotion of "Legendary". He was asked where the best place to wrestle was and he said, "I'm not going to be specific geographically, but the best crowds to wrestle in front of are the WWE live events and the television broadcasts. And the worst are the pay-per-view events, the tickets are more coveted, it's like super fans going to a baseball game. You really have to knock their socks off. The audience is slightly more jaded than your average WWE live event."


Straight Edge CM Punk
09-06-2010, 03:50 PM
I want him to break down to tears about the "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" and "CENA SUCKS!" chants... He actually WANTS everybody to like him, then quit being so self-righteous, and wrestle like you DON'T KNOW if you'll win the match or not. This 5 Moves of Doom is all you've been doing for 4 years STRAIGHT! Adding ONE move does not make you better, it just delays our predictions of 5, 4, 3, 2, Five Knuckle Shuffle, F-U then pin... You're a horrible wrestler, that's why at the PPVs, which is GUARANTEED LIVE! WE CHOOSE TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD! I went to NYR 06 when Cena killed the Elimination Chamber match, and I nearly gave up on WWE because of that ending (30 minute match & Cena wins with a school boy roll up... bullshit!) BUT... along came our saviour Edge, MR. MONEY IN THE BANK, and SAVED the night for us by stopping Cena and Edge leaving Albany as the NEW WWE CHAMPION! So I'm sorry, Cena, that people can't BOO you, because of your TREMENDOUS ABILITY... (-crickets-) But your ONLY fan base consists of pre-teens, children, and wannabe wiggers who idolize you... More KIDS go to house shows and TV tapings than PPV's are typically the smarter audience. Nobody would be happy to pay $180 for a ticket just to see the SAME SHIT they do on RAW, with a different stage/set. It feels like you got ripped off when you SUPERMAN, 5 moves of doom, and win the match YET AGAIN! Here's a thought: Dream Matchup - Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena... Because NEITHER OF YOU are MAN enough to LOSE, you might break a record for longest wrestling match ever! The only thing to stop Hogan would be a heart attack, but Cena you will convince yourself & your Mickey Mouse club fans that you actually beat Hulk Hogan. You're more pathetic than Bill Goldberg, Lord help us if he comes back to WWE. Two in the same category... Anyways Cena, as long as you're the way you are, don't get butt hurt and whine like a BITCH because WE exercise our right to free speech!

09-06-2010, 05:10 PM
ha ha hes a funny man lol

Big Evil
09-06-2010, 06:35 PM
I want him to break down to tears about the "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" and "CENA SUCKS!" chants... He actually WANTS everybody to like him, then quit being so self-righteous, and wrestle like you DON'T KNOW if you'll win the match or not. This 5 Moves of Doom is all you've been doing for 4 years STRAIGHT! Adding ONE move does not make you better, it just delays our predictions of 5, 4, 3, 2, Five Knuckle Shuffle, F-U then pin... You're a horrible wrestler, that's why at the PPVs, which is GUARANTEED LIVE! WE CHOOSE TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD! I went to NYR 06 when Cena killed the Elimination Chamber match, and I nearly gave up on WWE because of that ending (30 minute match & Cena wins with a school boy roll up... bullshit!) BUT... along came our saviour Edge, MR. MONEY IN THE BANK, and SAVED the night for us by stopping Cena and Edge leaving Albany as the NEW WWE CHAMPION! So I'm sorry, Cena, that people can't BOO you, because of your TREMENDOUS ABILITY... (-crickets-) But your ONLY fan base consists of pre-teens, children, and wannabe wiggers who idolize you... More KIDS go to house shows and TV tapings than PPV's are typically the smarter audience. Nobody would be happy to pay $180 for a ticket just to see the SAME SHIT they do on RAW, with a different stage/set. It feels like you got ripped off when you SUPERMAN, 5 moves of doom, and win the match YET AGAIN! Here's a thought: Dream Matchup - Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena... Because NEITHER OF YOU are MAN enough to LOSE, you might break a record for longest wrestling match ever! The only thing to stop Hogan would be a heart attack, but Cena you will convince yourself & your Mickey Mouse club fans that you actually beat Hulk Hogan. You're more pathetic than Bill Goldberg, Lord help us if he comes back to WWE. Two in the same category... Anyways Cena, as long as you're the way you are, don't get butt hurt and whine like a BITCH because WE exercise our right to free speech!

Sounds like your prototypical Cena hater on steroids! The bottom line is Cena is a great talent, gets a great draw from the audience the WWE wants him to draw from, and it's not his fault he was stuck with a superman gimmick after they shut down the rap gimmick. He's doing his job, entertaining the fans that care for him, and that's why he stays on top while guys like Punk run around the mid-card.

09-06-2010, 07:03 PM
Sounds like your prototypical Cena hater on steroids! The bottom line is Cena is a great talent, gets a great draw from the audience the WWE wants him to draw from, and it's not his fault he was stuck with a superman gimmick after they shut down the rap gimmick. He's doing his job, entertaining the fans that care for him, and that's why he stays on top while guys like Punk run around the mid-card.

Are you saying that Punk isn't doing this? Or Jericho? Edge? Fuck the amount of shit Christian does when told is crazy.

Straight Edge CM Punk
09-07-2010, 08:30 AM
The difference is you don't hear Punk, Edge, Jericho, Christian, or many other people complaining about the fan's response. Drawing heat should be the number one priority, and he's crying because not everybody in the WWE Universe likes or respects him. Like I said, I don't remember wrestlers in the days of old, or recent, really complaining over the fan's reactions. You bought that ticket, say what you need to say. Especially now that security guards tear people's signs in half for saying "CENA SUCKS!" and such at New Year's Revolution 2006... Censorship is ridiculous, being a fan is the experience of WWE, not seeing a show and not being able to cheer or boo who you want to? Cena needs to get over it, he's the most popular wrestler merchandise wise and wrestler wise... who cares if he doesn't have 100% crowd support? That's all I'm sayin Big Evil, it doesn't need anything to do with being a "Cena Hater", it's just a statement.

The Mac
09-07-2010, 08:38 AM
i remember going to a show in 2004 i think and the guards were checking everyones signs as we walked in i had this sign that said JBL is the Chump Peon and the guard wanted to tear it up like wtf and its only gotten worse since then

09-07-2010, 03:02 PM
cena sux