View Full Version : WWE NXT September 7th 2010 Report

09-08-2010, 04:46 AM
We are live on tape from Baltimore, Maryland and your announcers are Josh ‘Where is The Block Mathews and Michael ‘Peter Angelos is my hero’ Cole. Your host is Matt ‘Old Bay’ Striker.

We have a new theme song for this season of NXT and we have no idea who Vickie Guerrero’s rookie is going to be.

We go to Matt Striker who is in the ring and he brings out the pros for this season. Kelly comes out first and she brings out her rookie, Naomi. The Bellas come out and they introduce their rookie who was a former ring announcer, Jamie. The next pro is Primo and he introduces his rookie AJ. The next pro is Alicia Fox and she introduces her Undefined rookie Maxine. Goldust is the next pro and he introduces his rookie Aksana. The final pro comes out and she excuses her way onto the stage. She reminds us that she fired her rookie last week. He says that she had to learn the hard way that she may be taller than her, but she will never be bigger than Vickie. Vickie introduces her rookie Kaitlyn.

We go to the ring where Matt welcomes everyone to NXT. He says that they have a long and arduous three month journey that will end with a happy ending for only one Diva. He says that Divas are strong, sexy, and powerful and they will be tested on that during the competition.

Matt tells us that we will have the same voting system as Season Two. It is time to meet the rookies.

Kaitlyn goes first and Matt asks her to tell everyone who she is. Kaitlyn says that Matt is handsome and then she says that she is not just the girl next door. She lived two houses down. She was the one who blew up your mailbox every Fourth of July. She is the girl who gave you your first kiss and then gave you a wedgie. She says that she was the homecoming queen and class clown in the same night. She says that there is something different about her and she hopes to capture your heart.

Vickie asks Kaitlyn if that is the best that she has. Vickie says that if Kaitlyn is going to represent her, she has to do it well. Vickie tells Kaitlyn to do it again.

Kaitlyn says hello again and she says that she is soooooooooo excited to have Vickie Guerrero as her pro. She says that she will give everyone wedgies.

It is time for Aksana to introduce herself. She tells double double e universe that she is going to introduce herself. She calls herself the billion dollar baby from Lithuania. Aksana says she here because she follow her dreams and her heart. She’s beautiful, she smart, she talented, she gorgeous, and she speaks in Russian. She loves her dog, and she loves going to the gym. She loves black and gold, just like her pro. Aksana wants to entertainment the double double e universe.

The next rookie is Maxine. Maxine wants to know what Aksana just said. She says that she has three senses. A business sense, street sense, and common sense. The average person is lucky to have any of those qualities. She says that she is not average. She says that makes her a triple threat. A triple threat in a skirt. The only position for her in WWE is at the top.

AJ is next and she says that someone needs to hug Maxine. AJ says that for the last thirteen years, she has dreamed of being a Diva. She wants to be the Divas Champion. She wants to have an action figure with exaggerated body parts. She says that there is not one girl or thing that is going to stop her.

Jamie is next. She says that she is a Florida girl and she is ready to step out from behind the microphone to be a part of the greatest entertainment in the world. She says that it is an honor and a privilege to compete in front of the WWE Universe. She will always give 110 percent. She says that she will win the competition.

The final rookie is Naomi. Naomi says heeeeeeeeeeeeeey to the WWE Universe. She says that the WWE Universe has been missing something for a long time and that is Naomi. She says that she is a fighter and she does not back down. She will not be intimidated. She says that talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. When all is said and done, her actions will show why she will be the Season Three breakout star.

We will have our first rookie challenge after this commercial break.

We are back and it is time for our first competition. Matt tells us that the first rookie challenge is to make a good first impression. Matt says that we will have our first elimination in four weeks. The person with the most challenge victories will have immunity. It is time for a Diva Dance Challenge.

Naomi is the first to dance and Matt tells Naomi that she needs a dance partner and Matt brings Michael Cole into the ring. Cole stretches and he shows his leg warmers. The next dancer is Jamie. Matt tells Clark Griswold to have a seat and AJ gets Tony Chimmel to be the dance partner. Maxine is the next to dance. Tony is sent to the showers and Matt looks out for Tony’s health so it is time for Josh Mathews to join Aksana. Kaitlyn is the final dancer and she does the robot and the Running Man.

It is now time to get the crowd’s vote and the winner is Naomi.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Kelly Kelly and Naomi versus Alicia Fox and Maxine

Kelly and Alicia start off and Alicia with a forearm but misses a clothesline. Kelly with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors followed by a rana for a near fall. Naomi tags in and she works on the arm and puts Alicia in a side head lock and then gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Alicia with a forearm but misses a clothesline. Naomi with a drop kick followed by a leaping butt bump. Alicia with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Maxine tags in and she stops Naomi from making the tag and sends her into the corner. Maxine with a version of a bronco buster and rakes the eyes. Maxine with a suplex and gets a near fall. Alicia tags back in and she gives Naomi a snap mare and puts Naomi in a rear chin lock. Naomi with a jawbreaker and then Alicia keeps Naomi from making the tag. Maxine tags in and she snap mares Naomi but Naomi with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winners: Naomi and Kelly Kelly

After the match, Naomi attacks Maxine and hits a suplex and covers Maxine but the referee tells Naomi that she already won.

We will have another Diva challenge when we come back from commercial.

We are back and it is time for the physical challenge. There are five stations around the arena. After each station, there is one fewer flag than Diva. We have a false start and Matt chastises them. Jamie is the one who did not get a flag so she is eliminated. Time for the race to station two. AJ is too slow and she is eliminated. We move on to the third stage of the Tour De Flag. Aksana is exiled to the gulag and we are down to three. Kaitlyn is too slow and we are down to Maxine and Naomi. Naomi grabs the flag in the ring and wins the competition.

Matt asks Naomi for her thoughts. Naomi says that she is so excited and then she has to catch her breath. She says that her athleticism gives her an advantage. She says that this is only the beginning.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that Legendary is coming to theaters this Friday? In case you missed the segment from Raw, here it is.

It is time to get a look at Jamie. She says that she was always active and her mom was into fitness. She was always doing something like that and she did cheerleading, dance, or track. She got into weightlifting while doing cheerleading and she took a love to it. She went to nursing school but did not have the passion. Then she got into WWE and has a passion for it. She says that ring announcing allowed the crowd to get to know her. She is ready to compete and win. She says that her athletic background will give her an advantage. Her drive and determination will be another thing that will help her. She wants to be like Trish Stratus.

Match Number Two: Goldust and Aksana versus Primo and AJ

The men start off and they lock up with Goldust hitting an arm drag. Primo pushes Goldust but Goldust with a punch and rollup for a near fall. Primo punches Goldust but Goldust with a drop down uppercut. AJ tags in and Aksana comes in. Aksana with a shoulder tackle and clothesline followed by a slam. She follows that with a leg drop and gets a near fall. Aksana blocks a hip toss and hits a back breaker and gets a near fall. Aksana slaps AJ. AJ with a kick and then she hits a bulldog out of a wheelbarrow for the three count.

Winners: AJ and Primo

After the match, Vickie throws out an Excuse Me or two and she brings Kaitlyn to the ring so she can take the opportunity to have her rookie say her introduction one more time.

Primo says that this is AJ’s moment since she won her first match.

Vickie says that Primo might be used to living in failure, but she is used to being a winner.

AJ tells Vickie to go away. Vickie asks AJ if she knows who she is. Vickie tells Kaitlyn to go after her. AJ sends Kaitlyn into Vickie and Vickie starts to scream and freak out before she leaves the ring. Kaitlyn follows behind and wants to see if Vickie is okay.

We go to credits.