View Full Version : Triple H: The Cerebral Creative Advisor

09-08-2010, 06:49 AM
WWE headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut is undergoing a slight renovation as an office is being built for Paul "Triple H" Levesque, who was recently promoted to an executive role within the organization.

According to a company source, the multi-time wrestling champion now officially serves as WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's creative advisor.

While Triple H has had Vince's ear for the past several years, it was always in an unofficial capacity. From this point forward, he will have a much more authoritative voice in regards to the company's creative direction and its many performers.

Source: PWI

I love this.

This is another sign of his career slowing down and him focusing on the young guys in WWE (After all, He was the one to choose McIntyre and Orton). I think this is a good move as HHH does know about wrestling and it will be interesting to see what storylines he can come up with. It's apparent that he has pretty much had this role for years, but this is the first time hes getting payed for it.

09-09-2010, 01:56 AM
As it has been widely reported among the wrestling media, Triple H's current role with WWE was officially formalized in an executive position as he is now working in the office in Stamford, CT (he was recently given a new office). His new official title is Senior Adviser, basically meaning he is working directly under Vince McMahon reports The Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

One source noted that the role he has right now is basically the same role he has been doing for almost the last decade as one of McMahon's main advisers on the wrestling end of the business. The new title officially formalizes his position with the company in a corporate capacity. This all but seems to confirm discussion that if and when Vince steps down that Triple H and Stephane McMahon will be the ones in large control of the company, more specifically on the creative end.