View Full Version : WWE auctioning Items for MDA

09-09-2010, 03:07 AM
With Triple H and WWE's involvement in the Muscular Dystrophy Association's Make a Muscle - Make a Difference campaign there is some involvement this year in the telethon's events. Triple H appeared on the telethon this weekend in pre-recorded segments and both WWE and John Cena have donated items for the auction, which comes to a close at 7pm edt on September 16th. Up for auction from them is a deluxe ticket package for Wrestlemania, a Cena t-shirt (not autographed???), and one of each of a WWE Championship belt and a World Heavyweight Championship belt (both autographed by John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Edge, Kane, and Sheamus). All proceeds go to MDA and are tax-deductible. The site to go to to bid is:


This is a great cause and near to my heart as my wife has Muscular Dystrophy. I was very glad and appreciative of WWE and Trips (Celebrity Board Ambassador, I believe this is his title with MDA) involvement. Cena could have autographed the shirt, imho, for more value for the shirt, but am still glad its there for auction.

09-09-2010, 03:33 AM
No matter how much it makes I wish it made more, a great cause thank you for posting.