View Full Version : NXT Divas Lost there Names

09-11-2010, 07:38 PM
All the FCW divas (now NXT rookies) have their last names dropped now after being called up. The only exception is Alicia Fox's sister, who is going by the name Caylee Turner, who they added recently to the roster page. They have also added Brad Maddox (Beef Wellington in OVW) and Kevin Hackman (college football star Andrew Levine who was signed recently).


09-11-2010, 07:41 PM
Yeah... I don't understand why they do that to most of the divas, it's dumb. Some of them work with one name, but others as just, well... dumb, lol.

09-12-2010, 08:37 AM
thanks for the post

09-12-2010, 04:43 PM
The only thing I can think its drop the last name if its there real name like Maryse for instance for 2 reasons .
a. The last name may contradict the gimmick or how WWE wants them perceived.
b. Lastly if it is there last name they build recognition with the name and they move on from WWE they cant copyright a birth name ( i dont think lol) so people know who it is being a former wwe star, And I know WWE hates that build em up or attempt and another company get em .

09-12-2010, 05:36 PM
I dont see a point in them not having last names.

09-13-2010, 10:47 AM
Yeah only some people can work having last names dropped. Like Maryse Oullete doesn't work, Maryse just sounds better. But Jillian Hall sounds better than Jillian. In some cases I agree they should have a last name but some people can work no last name. Just another brilliant way WWE manages to mistreat my undefined divas :(

09-13-2010, 10:48 PM
very dumb of wwe.