View Full Version : Bilbo may get to kick some ass in The Hobbit, Kick-Ass 2 to bring the supervillainy!

09-13-2010, 08:20 PM
The end of The Hobbit might be changed to give Bilbo a chance to show off his newfound bravery. Kick-Ass 2 will feature rival gangs of superheroes and supervillains.

The Hobbit:

A casting document for Bilbo Baggins mentions his great bravery in the story's final battle - which doesn't fit with the book, in which Bilbo is unconscious for pretty much the entirety of the Battle of the Five Armies. That could mean they're changing the ending to give Bilbo an active role in the big battle, which makes sense from a filmmaking perspective, in that it wouldn't really do to have the protagonist absent from the movie's big finale. This report also suggests other actors apart from Martin Freeman may be auditioning for the Bilbo role, and that production could start as early as January. [The One Ring]

Kickass 2:

Mark Millar spilled some more details for his next full-frontal assault on the forces of subtlety. Exhibit A: the Red Mist, played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse, will now be known as the Motherfucker, and he will make you forget all about McLovin:

"It's gangs going all over New York filming atrocities on their cell phones and putting them on the internet, trying to outdo each other, all at the behest of Red Mist. My idea for Red Mist was to introduce a supervillain that made Heath Ledger's Joker look like Cesar Romero's Joker. He's basically Charles Manson as a supervillain."

He also said that Kick-Ass forms a rival gang of heroes to take on the former Red Mist, and it all ends in a big gangfight between heroes and villains. [Empire]