View Full Version : WWE Confirms Hardy was sent home and RAW Speaks to Hart Dynasty

09-14-2010, 07:12 PM
The internet video that he posted trying to blur the truth notwithstanding, WWE has confirmed to Newsday in New York that Matt Hardy was indeed sent home from two show in the last weeks, as Mike Johnson initially reported here on the site.

After it was reported here over the weekend that Hardy was bumped from Sunday's show of the UK tour, he posted a video from his hotel room in Britain, asserting that he couldn't have been sent home because he was still overseas. Obviously, he was playing with words which is really kind of sad when you think about it.

In any event, being sent home from two different shows by WWE tells me that there is a pretty serious problem with Hardy.

-- Right After Wrestling then spoke with The Hart Dynasty (Kidd, Smith and Natalya) about their WWE run, the return of Bret to WWE and more. You can listen to that interview here. Here is an excerpt... Natalya (talked about Bret and Shawn in the ring together in January 2010) - "You could feel the weight being lifted off of them after that night. To have that kind of history, over a decade of holding onto that, it was a great release for both off them. Before Bret had come to WWE, Shawn Michaels had helped mentor a lot of the younger talent, HHH as well, so we saw a completely different side of these guys than Bret had remembered during the time of the Montreal Screwjob".


The Mac
09-15-2010, 12:53 AM
cool thanks for posting