View Full Version : Update: Y2J's WWE Future

09-15-2010, 09:09 PM
The latest on Chris Jericho is that a lot of people within WWE are still unsure what he’s going to do when his contract expires this month. Apparently Jericho isn’t talking to anyone about his plans, that goes from wrestlers to people in the office. Jericho had an interesting comment on Twitter last night: John Morrison and Sheamus had a hell of a match last night! The future of the company is in their (and a few select others) hands.... People are choosing to speculate that either he wants to work with Morrison and will stay around to do so, or he will leave and is making suggestions to WWE for who should take his spot.


09-15-2010, 10:13 PM
Well if he does stay/comeback they've started feelers for an angle with Morrison a couple of weeks back.

09-15-2010, 11:14 PM
That could be good they could have good matches and may give Morrison some time to progress.