View Full Version : Lower Indy Female Star Comments on NXT

09-15-2010, 09:28 PM
Fame Indy star and veteran wrestler Christie Ricci posted the following on her Facebook in regards to last night’s episode of NXT.

“I just saw a match on NXT. Obviously these girls
are not trained! This girl, “AJ” went from a total dead sell to getting up, flipping her
hair and beating the crap out of a dude! BRILLIANT! I have a good
idea, WWE! Why don’t you get Orton to sh*t in a bag, then through it in
the ring… atleast that would be interesting and more re…alistic. And
just think.. next year this girl will be PWI’s top wrestler!!!”


09-15-2010, 10:02 PM
Ooh nice little dig at McCool at the end there too :)

I saw the clips from the first episode, looked awful :(

09-16-2010, 11:41 AM
thanks for the update ..