View Full Version : Talk for the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony in Atlanta

A Blissful Ass
09-16-2010, 10:24 AM
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

- Nothing is set in stone yet for the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony in Atlanta. Since it is being held in Atlanta, obvious pushes are former WCW stars Ron Simmons and Arn Anderson. WWE is also open to Lex Luger and Sting being inducted, if Sting doesn't sign with TNA for another year.

There has been talk of putting Arn Anderson in the Hall with a Four Horsemen group consisting of Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard.

Jim Ross has been pushing for Danny Hodge to be inducted as well.


09-16-2010, 11:46 AM
thanks for the update

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-16-2010, 03:37 PM
Not such a huge fan of Ron Simmons although he did have some classic moments in both WCW and the WWE. Lex Luger deserves to be there I don't care what anyone says the man was one of the few who was pushed when the nWo was running riot and sold PPVs every time. I would mark out for a Horsemen group with Double A and Windham and although I never watched Blancard the man needs to be there. Unfortunately though, no Horsemen without Naitch :(

Also, Sting was WCW he should be inducted but then again the TNA thing comes up.

Other people I'd like to see go in are....

1. Goldberg
2. Malenko
3. Randy Savage
4. JJ Dillon (do the Horsemen group already lol)
5. Wahoo McDaniels
6. Magnum TA

and who the hell is Danny Hodge lol