View Full Version : WWE Supershow 9/18 Results (Warm Up PPV Matches)

09-19-2010, 07:28 PM
I went to the WWE Supershow in St. Louis, Missouri. Here is the results.

It was a fun show and all the WWE Superstars worked hard even with the PPV the next day. I would say about 5,000 people in the arena.

The first match was John Morrison taking on Ted DiBiase with Maryse. Before the match started, we get the "GM Email Sound" and Tony Chimel announced that Ted deserve a rematch at singing but he then said that he was so bad on RAW this week that it wont be a sing off but a dance off. Ted DiBiase and Maryse danced which was just as bad as it was on RAW. The funny thing is, after they danced, Ted DiBiase dropped to the mat and act like he was "humping" the mat kinda like what Edge use to do when he entered the ring. Maryse falls down laughing as he was doing it. John Morrison went next and does a lot of break dancing moves. The crowd chose John Morrison as the winner. The bell ring and here is a full rundown of the match, DiBiase attacked Morrison. Morrison hits DiBiase, then does his springboard kick to the head follow by Starship Pain. Match lasted probably 30-40 seconds, if that. After the match, The Nexus came out and cornered John Morrison. Wade Barrett took the mic and told Morrison that they are giving him a chance to leave the ring so he better take it. Morrison goes to leave but he runs and kicks Michael Tarver in the leg and exit the ring with The Nexus trying to get him. Barrett says that Morrison shouldn't of done that and that they will get him very soon. Barrett says that they have bigger fish to fry tonight when they beat Randy Orton, Big Show, Evan Bourne, and John Cena in the main event.

Next was a Women's Championship Match between Melina and Alicia Fox. Alicia did a little bit better here, not much as she messed up the finish. Melina wins with her split legged leg drop but Alicia went down before Melina even dropped the leg on her.

Bella Twins came out to pick someone to be the bell ringer for the next match. They picked this young kid and the question was, "What is the name of tomorrow's Pay Per View". The kid got it right with Night of Champions and they brought him out to ring the bell. The match was for the WWE Tag Team Championship, The Hart Dynasty vs. The Usos. This was a great tag team match, better than I seen both teams do on TV each week. Natayla even bodyslam one of the Usos outside the ring. The finish came when Tyson Kidd knocks a Uso off the apron and David Hart Smith made the other one tap out to The Sharpshooter.

Next was a Diva's Championship Match between Layla with Michelle McCool taking on Kelly Kelly. Me being a Layla fan was totally into the match and Kelly was good in the match. Before the match, Layla brought out this big exercise ball which she did "exercise" on it. Kelly Kelly took the ball and hit Michelle with it and hit Layla hard in the face with it. Layla won with The Lay Out.

The next match was a great match, second match of the night between CM Punk and Kofi Kingston. Before the match started, CM Punk grabbed a mic and wanted to know why we booed him when he didn't say anything or done anything to us. He said he didn't make fun of our "stupid Arch", or even our local sports team. He said he was in St. Louis before and we loved him because he was straightedge and he wants to know what have changed. He said he didn't changed, it was us, and that he is from Chicago and that tonight, he is going to be St. Louis and he wants us all to act like, just for this one night that Kofi Kingston is from St. Louis. Like I said, great match, Kofi did his jumping over CM Punk like he does so Punk decide to try it but Punk jumped too soon and lands right on Kofi. I dont know if it was planned or not but it was nasty looking. The finish comes when Punk springboards off the ropes going for his flying clothesline but Kofi ducks it and get up and nails Trouble in Paradise for the win.

The Bella Twins came back out to throw some t-shirts.


The next match was a United States Championship Match between The Miz and Daniel Bryan. This was my match of the night. Just great stuff and if this is like there Night of Champions match is like, it should be good. Before the match started, Miz grabbed a mic and said that unlike CM Punk, he is going to make fun of our sports teams. He said that St. Louis is the worst city he ever been in. He said New York, LA, and even Cleveland was better than St. Louis. He then said that Daniel Bryan was like the St. Louis Rams and St. Louis Cardinals, they are never going to win any championships. He then started to say his "Awesome" stuff but stopped and said we can't say it with him. He then said that if we have anything to say to raise our hands. People raised their hands and Miz picked a guy in the front row with a Ochocinco jersey on and asked what he wanted. The guy said Miz was Awful. Miz laughs and said that he should take off that jersey since he already got rid of Ochocinco on RAW. Daniel Bryan was on fire tonight. The crowd was really liking his Submissions and even did some highflying stuff as well. The finish came when Miz did The Skull Crushing Finale on Bryan for the pin.

The next match was for The World Heavyweight Championship and a Night of the Champions Preview, as Kane faced his brother, The Undertaker. They brawled around the ring mostly the whole match. Undertaker rammed Kane into the stairs hard and it was loud. The finish came when Kane grabbed Undertaker by his neck for the chokeslam but Undertaker does the same and gets ready to pick Kane up when Kane kicked Undertaker between the legs and the ref calls for the bell. Undertaker wins by DQ, Kane is still the World Heavyweight Champion. After the match, Undertaker does a chokeslam to Kane anyways. He goes for The Tombstone but Kane runs out of the ring.

In the main event, The Nexus faced John Cena, Randy Orton, Evan Bourne, and The Big Show. Loud and I mean loud pops for Randy Orton and Evan Bourne since they are from St. Louis but John Cena's pop was louder than Ortons. The match was going to be four against four, David Ortunga, Health Slater, Justin Gabriel, and Wade Barrett against Team Cena but we get the GM sound again and Tony announces that the RAW GM made this match a Five on Four Handicap Elimination Match. The first elimination came when Big Show did a chokeslam on Michael Tarver but Nexus breaks it up. Health Slater brings a chair in the ring only for Show to swat it away. He picks up the chair and the ref turns around and tries to get it away from him but Show shoves the ref down. Ref tells Tony Big Show is disqualified. The next elimination is Michael Tarver when Evan Bourne did The Shooting Star Press which is great seeing live. The next elimination happens when Health Slater did a neckbreaker type move to Bourne for the three. John Cena is in and they worked on John Cena for 15 minutes straight. The longest beatdown I think I ever saw. During it though, John Cena planted David Ortunga with The Attitude Adjustment for the three and he made Justin Gabriel tap out to even the match up two and two. John Cena finally made the hot tag to Randy Orton which the roof blew off when he came in. He came in on fire and after about a minute he planted Health with a RKO for the three. He then gets on the mat and does his fist stomping waiting on Barrett to get up. Wade gets up and gets a RKO as well. Randy Orton pins Wade Barrett to win the match. After the match, Randy Orton and John Cena stared at each other and finally they shook hands. John Cena left while Randy Orton goes around ringside to greet fans.

It was a pretty good show.

John Cena
Randy Orton
The Undertaker
Evan Bourne

The Miz
CM Punk
Ted Dibiase when he was dancing with Maryse