View Full Version : Unforgiven PPV Spoiler, Ironic Hogan Note, More

08-11-2006, 12:41 PM
Credit: Gerweck.net & PWInsider.com

- Did anyone think it was a bit particular that Hulk Hogan informed WWE over the weekend that his meniscus may be cracked and would be missing RAW on Monday, and thus missing a WWE drug test?

- Thanks to reader Robert Greif for passing along the following spoiler:

I work for a cable company in Louisiana. Today as I was programming a digital box for a customer, we noticed that it was showing previews for upcoming PPV's. They showed one for Unforgiven, saying that Edge would battle John Cena for the WWE Title in a TLC match. Didn't say who was champion.

- Its also being rumored that Triple H will be going up against Umaga at the Unforgiven Pay-per view.

08-15-2006, 03:05 AM
Another spoiler

Speaking of Unforgiven, Trish Stratus is currently being written off RAW and will have her blow-off match at the Unforigven PPV in her hometown of Toronto.


Ethan Hunt
08-15-2006, 08:33 AM
^ post it in a new thread.....so tht many ppl shall view it

Role Model
08-22-2006, 03:44 AM
More onto the unforgiven spoilers and one thats already said...

As previously reported, the talk is John Cena vs. Edge for the WWE title at the Unforgiven PPV in a TLC match plus Triple H vs Umaga.

My thoughts on both But now for HHH vs. Umaga, now this just is terrible and sounds terrible. But I have a hard feeling something will DX will happen and they will break up with probally having HBK trying to Help HHH but then hits him, so basically the usual Bull shit. But and I mean But it doesnt happen all this match is said to be is where you go the bathroom.

Also for the TLC match, well a be damned. I think this will be a real brawl and come down to the end of the match. I see Cena winning this match, but it being possibly match of the year.

08-22-2006, 08:33 PM
nice..I see DX breaking off soon too, the whole gimick is already getting old so.. the TLC match will be awesome though, i am looking forward to it

08-25-2006, 05:48 PM
hhh v umaga? wow they have stooped to an all new low.. what about kane v umaga? they cant just end that feud right now.. monster v monster :hmm:

Flair Country
08-25-2006, 05:50 PM
hhh v umaga? wow they have stooped to an all new low.. what about kane v umaga? they cant just end that feud right now.. monster v monster :hmm:

This is the perfect idea, they aren't doing anything with Kane. Now that they have started a mini-feud with Umaga it would be a shame to just throw that opportunity away.