View Full Version : WWE Quick/Full Raw Spoilers for September 27th, 2010

09-21-2010, 01:04 PM
Thanks to Eric for live spoilers for tonight’s RAW tapings from Indianapolis. These will air next week, September 27th:

* Daniel Bryan and John Morrison lost to Alex Riley and The Miz in the opener. Daniel Bryan vs. Miz for the US Title in a Falls Count Anywhere Match is made for Hell in a Cell.

* A Divas Battle Royal to determine a new #1 contender to Michelle McCool is up next.

* Natalya defeated all the other Divas in a Battle Royal to become the new #1 contender to the Unified Divas Championship held by Michelle McCool.

* Sheamus comes out for an open challenge that is answered by The Great Khali. Khali won via disqualification after Sheamus threw a chair.

* The Cutting Edge with Edge is up next. His guest will be the anonymous RAW General Manager.

* John Cena defeated Edge.

* Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater beat Mark Henry and Evan Bourne.

* Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre successfully defend the WWE Tag Team Titles against The Hart Dynasty.

* Randy Orton defeated Chris Jericho. Orton punted Jericho in the head after the match. They took Jericho out on a stretcher in an injury angle.


Black Widow
09-27-2010, 06:46 PM
Below are full taping results for tonight's edition of Raw. Thanks to Wrestling News World reader Josh Storms (who was in attendance) for his comments after many of the matches:

WWE Raw (Airing tonight on the USA Network):

* The Miz & Alex Riley b. WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan & John Morrison. A match for WWE Hell in a Cell is setup Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz in a Falls Count Anywhere Match for the United States Championship.

* Natalya won a Divas Battle Royal to become the number one contender for the Unified WWE Women's Championship.

* Sheamus comes out and issues an open challenge. The Great Khali comes out to accept. The Great Khali b. Sheamus when Sheamus got himself disqualified for throwing a chair.

* The Cutting Edge segment is taped with Edge and his guest the anonymous General Manager.

* John Cena b. Edge. Match is highly competitive and was mostly Edge then went back and forth and then Edge wins by pinfall. The General Manager comes on to announce he must win fairly and since Cena had his foot under the ropes and he said the match would be started. Once restarted Edge went to hit a spear and was then submitted via the STF. Edge then had enough and went over to the lap top and destroyed it. He broke it over his knee, hit it with a chair, elbow dropped it, punched it, and then pounded it on his head cutting himself open. It drew a big pop from the crowd.

* Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater b. Evan Bourne & Mark Henry. After the match, Wade Barrett announces that the Nexus will invade Smackdown this coming Friday (Oct. 1st edition). Otunga adds that Smackdown is lucky, because they were at least warned. After what they used as a small break Cena is seen in the locker room talking with R-Truth and Truth says no matter what happens at Hell in a Cell he has John's back. John says he will not join the Nexus because he won't lose so no need to worry. He also announces that he will also invade Smackdown on the 1st and says if he and the Nexus cross paths, then Hell in a Cell will start early.

* "Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre b. The Hart Dynasty to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. The Hart Dynasty looked as they were in the drivers seat to win back their titles, but when they went for their team finisher, Drew McIntyre shoves Tyson Kidd off the ropes into David Hart Smith and Cody Rhodes then capitalizes by hitting his finisher and picking up the 3 count. After the match Kidd is seen trying to explain to Smith what happened, but Smith storms off to the back alone.

* WWE Champion Randy Orton b. Chris Jericho. Orton punted Jericho in the head and he was removed from ringside on a stretcher in an obvious injury angle. Overall it is a very good match. At the end Jericho looks to put away Orton with the Walls of Jericho, but after a long struggle Orton gets out and takes control. When coiling up to hit the RKO Sheamus who was standing in the entrance way interferes with the match and Orton wins via DQ. Orton then hits Sheamus with an RKO and Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Later Orton goes to punt Jericho in the head (and from where I was sitting which was around 11 rows from ringside it looked as if he missed by a mile) and puts Jericho on a stretcher where he is carted out. Yet once he went around the Titantron we see an empty stretcher.


09-28-2010, 04:07 AM
Wow the guy who wrote those second spoilers is retarded, or blind, or both. Orton clearly connected with the punt.