View Full Version : Jericho Plans and NXT Segment was Terrible Thoughts

09-22-2010, 12:14 PM
As of now, WWE does have a tentative WrestleMania match in mind for Chris Jericho if he's back in time for it. His European tour with Fozzy starts in two weeks and will end the final week of October, so at the very earliest Jericho won't be back until November. There will be an angle next week on RAW to explain his absence.

-- That WWE NXT segment earlier tonight with the Divas being given topics to rant about could possibly have been the worst segment ever in WWE history. Are you kidding me with that?! CM Punk was speechless and Cole/Mattews/Striker were laughing. That was incredible.


09-22-2010, 03:23 PM
damn is there a video of that somewhere...i want to see it