View Full Version : ArchBang 2010.09 Returns to OpenBox

09-24-2010, 05:05 PM
ArchBang 2010.09, a boutique Linux distro based on Arch Linux as the name implies, has been released, bringing an updated set of packages and a return to the venerable OpenBox window manager.

The latest releases drops LXDE in favor of OpenBox, the original option. Some of the packages have been replaced as well, as part of the switch.

The 64-bit version is now available for download with a 32-bit version coming soon.

"ArchBang-2010.09 - RELOADED is out! It's entitled RELOADED because we went back to our orginal combo (AB=Arch Linux + OpenBox) & also because I'm back in action (after months with no laptop lol)," Willensky Aristide, ArchBang's creator announced on the homepage. (http://www.archbang.org/)

"The 64 bit version is the only one available @ this time but by the end of the week the 32 bit version should be available as well. Enjoy!," he explained.

Highlights of ArchBang 2010.09:

· Linux kernel;
· The LXDE desktop environment has been dropped;
· Xdg-menu has been removed and replaced with the dmenu dynamic menu;
· Thunar, the Xfce file manager, is replacing PCManFM, the default file manager in LXDE;
· New look;
· VLC is now the only media player, Exaile and Gnome Mplayer removed;
· GIMP has been included;
· Xfburn replaces Graveman;
· Gnumeric has been added;
· Evince replaces Xpdf.

About ArchBang

ArchBang is a simple Linux distro based on Arch Linux and the OpenBox window manager. The emphasis is on ease of use and lightness.

Along with the snappy window manager, the package selection is also geared for simplicity and performance.

However, this does not affect usability, since packages for most uses, including multimedia and photo editing, are included by default.

It is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors and can be run from a LiveCD or USB drive as well as installed on a hard drive.
