View Full Version : Nexus Flops

09-25-2010, 07:33 PM
– World Wrestling Entertainment’s symbolic Nexus T-shirt has been a huge flop in terms of sales.

According to a company source, Vince McMahon was ‘mortified’ when he was shown the latest merchandising report on Nexus shirts.

Source - EWN.

09-25-2010, 08:48 PM
Also goin to flop then as well.

09-26-2010, 12:11 AM
its so ovious nexus is breaking up and it all has to do with wwe creative they have buiried that group.

09-26-2010, 07:07 PM
What the hell was he thinking would happen?

The Nexus are a massive heel unit who hate WWE and Raw and want to take over.. Why would people (Who love WWE & support the faces like Cena.. Who is the person who Nexus attack everyweek) purchase one of their T-Shirts? The only people with them are the internet fans/people who actually like Nexus as they're unique.. Also, WWE need to push the fact that you can buy one of their shirts..

09-26-2010, 08:09 PM
What the hell was he thinking would happen?

The Nexus are a massive heel unit who hate WWE and Raw and want to take over.. Why would people (Who love WWE & support the faces like Cena.. Who is the person who Nexus attack everyweek) purchase one of their T-Shirts? The only people with them are the internet fans/people who actually like Nexus as they're unique.. Also, WWE need to push the fact that you can buy one of their shirts..

yes they are unique, to anyone who didn't see that little group called the nWo that dominated the wrestling scene for a few years, ushered in the attitude era and changed the face of professional wrestling. Or if you didn't see the Japanese group that they were based on, or if you didn't see any of the other hundred other invasion angles over the course of wrestling's history. Nexus has never been relevant. Vince already shown that he couldn't replicate the nWo five years ago and he still cant do it.