View Full Version : Hurricane Helms Discusses Several Topics

09-26-2010, 06:19 PM
Thoughts on his WWE departure: “I would say that my career was 95% positive. I had some of the best times of my life. I wasn’t really too thrilled with my last run. In WWE/ECW, I wasn’t too happy with that show; I wasn’t a fan of that show. I’m the type of person where I have pride in what I do and I want to feel like I’m a part of their varsity team. I enjoyed my storyline with Paul Burchill, I felt that he was very underrated and underutilized and had a lot more talent than he was allowed to show. On more than one occasion we stole that TV show together. Just at that point in my career I was thinking why do I have to keep proving stuff that I’ve already done?“

“I was there 10 years, that’s pretty much the main factor. Most guys don’t even last half that long. I think the average career there is about 2-3 years. Some guys last way longer of course and some guys last one show and they’re out. I was pretty vocal with how unhappy I was there with Talent Relations toward the end and then me and Jericho had our little incident. I was ready to go, and they knew I was ready to go, and when that happened [Jericho incident], it’s like okay let’s just take a break. The door’s open. I’ve called WWE out on some things but not as a company as a whole. I had a great time there. There were some times where they used me well and did a lot of good things. Towards the end I just wasn’t happy though.”

On being injured: “That neck injury was pretty drastic. It was way worse than what was reported. I’m still rehabbing it. It’s just not something that’s ever going to be fully repaired. I still have side effects that I have to deal with but there’s a good chance I would have to deal with them whether I wrestle or not. I’m going to keep wrestling. It’s what I do, it’s what I dedicated my life to. Modesty aside, I think I’m pretty good at what I do. I’m having a lot of fun working the indies.”