View Full Version : HBK Signs New Deal, TLC Match Returns, Trish/WWE Update

08-12-2006, 03:08 AM
Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Shawn Michaels recently signed a 5-year contract for $1.5 million per year which shocked a lot of people, including Michaels himself. Michaels never thought he'd get an offer like that and while he had been planning on slowing down his schedule very soon, the deal offered to him changed his mind.

For Unforgiven, the main event is all but confirmed to be Edge Vs. John Cena for the title in a TLC match. The idea currently is that Cena will win the title at Summerslam in his hometown, but Edge will then win it back the next month in his hometown and in his specialty match. The feud is currently planned to end around Survivor Series time with Edge being scheduled to be champion afterwards, but things change rapidly in WWE so it is not written in stone.

Speaking of Unforgiven, Trish Stratus is currently being written off RAW and will have her blow-off match at the Unforigven PPV in her hometown of Toronto.

Lita may finish her WWE run as late as November with September being the earliest. She has left the door open to a possible return down the line.

08-12-2006, 03:18 AM
The Edge/Cena feud is really getting old really quick

08-12-2006, 05:41 AM
Why are Edge and Cena feuding in the first place?

And cool for HBK!! That's a pretty sweet deal.

08-12-2006, 01:56 PM
HBK must be pretty happy about that deal!!

I am going to miss Trish, looks as though they will be making her work her butt off before she leaves though. But who can blame her if she wants to leave, settle down and raise a family, she has accomplished what she set out to do in the wrestling business... And shown everyone who doubted her abilities just what she can do. Hopefully she goes out on a high though, and not just buried.

Cena/Edge is getting a bit boring now...

Can't say I will be sad to see Lita go.

08-12-2006, 09:59 PM
Well it looks like HBK is going to be around for awile thats good he should be he's one of the all time greats and he's very entertaining. I'm sure someday he will work for the WWE front office. To me is one of the most loyal people Vince has. He has never left that company sence he came there and he has been rewarded for it.

08-13-2006, 05:06 AM
I cant believe that a part time wrestler, even one of Shawn's caliber, would get that large of a contract while wrestling is in a down period. I guess DX is selling a hell of a lot of more merchandise than i thought they were.

08-13-2006, 05:48 AM
Wow thats unexpected. The TLC matches dont really interest me at all.I mean I know alot of people like them but i think there just boring,I could live without them. I just like plain ladder matches

08-14-2006, 02:14 AM
They should have had Trish get the belt but I guess they other plans??

Its good to see HBK is staying with WWE. I think the reason why they gave him such a great deal is because they might have speculation he could get offers from TnA.

08-14-2006, 02:18 AM
They should have had Trish get the belt but I guess they other plans??

Its good to see HBK is staying with WWE. I think the reason why they gave him such a great deal is because they might have speculation he could get offers from TnA.
Theres no way that he would sign with tna, Shawn would never do that, He loves WWE to much to go down to a lower class wrestling show...i mean come on christian Main eventing pfff...Thats a joke.

08-14-2006, 02:57 AM
I really like TNA and WWE. I would also never say TNA is a lower class than WWE either