View Full Version : Former WWE Star Rips how Daniel Bryan was used at Raw and More...

10-05-2010, 03:32 PM
Former WWE star Charlie Haas took to his twitter account last night after Sheamus squashed Daniel Bryan on Raw, writing the following:

WWE creative is a joke. Way to kill off Daniel Bryan. Your brightest youngest star. Michael Hayes must have written this sh**. Please retire."

Responding to a fan who took him to task, Haas wrote,"Don't be a mark. They all have a say in the writing. Hayes is the most powerful of them all. He can change anything on any show."

Haas then posted the following:

"There is great talent in WWE, they just don't know how or refuse to write for them all. When the Monday night wars were going on, everyone on the roster had a story line. From Crash Holly to Stone Cold. Its an easy formula. Look at ROH everyone on the roster has a story line and is used. Not to be biased, but facts are facts. Every wrestler is unique and brings something to the table, that is what is great about the pro wrestling business."

Later, Haas made it clear he wasn't being bitter and was happy where he is in his life, noting he was about to go tour for All Japan, AWR in France and hoped to return to ROH before the end of the year, writing, "I'm not done. But am done talking about WWE
creative. New chapter. A lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for WWE time and the WWE fans."