View Full Version : WWE Creative Calling for a Change - Major Shake Up?

10-06-2010, 11:07 PM
According to sources within World Wrestling Entertainment, members of the company's creative department are saying that things need to change and that there needs to be a shake-up of some sort. There is a heavy rumor that something huge that may have already been decided upon may be happening soon, but most members of the creative team are in the dark about what that may be. There is also a rumor that whatever it is, it may end up happening sometime in January of 2011.

The general consensus within WWE creative, however, is that since no one knows what this means, no one can tell whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing.


Yup what I said a major shake up and not just PG.

10-07-2010, 01:30 AM
No more brand split, no longer kid orientated, unifying titles and a LOT of releases.

10-07-2010, 01:39 AM
I would love to see some "MAJOR" changes to "shake things up". Interesting, just wish there was more about what it actually is.

10-07-2010, 01:49 AM
I would love to see some "MAJOR" changes to "shake things up". Interesting, just wish there was more about what it actually is.

I do and I don't.

I'm curious but if it is a major shake up that no one is really expecting then the surprise factor if it happens should make it better to watch you know?

10-07-2010, 04:33 AM
Nothing WWE can do will surprise anyone, literally the only thing I didnt see coming in the past 5 years is Kane winning the WHC

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-07-2010, 05:34 AM
Cena heel is one of em I'm dead sure

10-07-2010, 06:45 AM
Nothing WWE can do will surprise anyone, literally the only thing I didnt see coming in the past 5 years is Kane winning the WHC

LOL, that's funny. I actually think they're putting on some good shows lately, they just need to keep up what they're doing now and maybe put a bit more focus into their tag division.

10-07-2010, 08:04 AM
what the wwe need to do is just grow up once when vince gets his head out his ass and actually care about his company things will be better and the pg thing is unececary kids was watching it then so they will watch it now

Black Widow
10-07-2010, 09:38 AM
Major Shake Up? oh ffs.. hornswoggle will get a push for the world title now :(

seriously wwe need to stop being PG and start accomidating the long time fans they are losing with all there lack of entertainment.. at the start of every wwe show theres a quote.. 'and i quote' we promised you a great main event.. yeah promises are bullshit for the last year there not been a decent main event match in so long.

10-07-2010, 03:55 PM
Man I hope from the bottom of my heart that this major shake up will dropping the shitty PG rating.

10-07-2010, 04:32 PM
Nothing WWE can do will surprise anyone, literally the only thing I didnt see coming in the past 5 years is Kane winning the WHC

Yeah cause I'm sure you predicted Swagger winning MitB and cashing it in. I'm sure you knew Miz would win MitB as well. Sheamus meteoric rise to the top? Yeah you must have known well in advance about that too. Cena's shocking return at the Rumble in 08? I take it you saw that coming a mile away. You probably know where this Cena/Nexus storyline is headed too, and who will face who at WM27 too, huh? Chris, like they say on ESPN's NFL Countdown.....COME ON MAN!!!

10-07-2010, 04:48 PM
Thanx for posting Travis!

10-07-2010, 04:58 PM
Thanx for posting Travis!

You might wanna read the new rules.

10-07-2010, 05:07 PM
damn rj you just went on a rampage there

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-07-2010, 06:22 PM
I dunno what' wrong with me but I seem to be agreeing with RJ recently. People have been trashing WWE for sometimes unfair reasons. PG is not as big an issue as people say it is. Also there have been some good MEs like Cena v Orton Tables match, Nexus v Cena/Edge/Jericho/Orton/Sheamus. The product has improved a lot recently. Also Bret's return to Team Cena nd Bryan's return were genuine mar-out moments.

As for Major changes I wonder how much of a role Triple H has to play in this

10-07-2010, 07:12 PM
damn rj you just went on a rampage there

Naw not at all. I just feel the same way as Gunner. WWE gets all this hate, (mostly from TNA marks) and it's unbiased and undeserved hate. I'm not saying WWE is great, it's seen far better times. It's just, people look for ANY excuse they can as a way to bash WWE. It's quite ridiculous.

10-08-2010, 12:24 AM
Naw not at all. I just feel the same way as Gunner. WWE gets all this hate, (mostly from TNA marks) and it's unbiased and undeserved hate. I'm not saying WWE is great, it's seen far better times. It's just, people look for ANY excuse they can as a way to bash WWE. It's quite ridiculous.

Whilst I agree with some things, such as WWE gradually improving over the year and some knocking of it can be a bit overboard it is still VERY half arsed seeming at times.

Despite Vince saying he views it as an entertainment company, to have such little wrestling on this weeks Raw and more over such pitiful excuses for womens matches is dreadful crap.

I'm not slagging it off because I'm some so called TNA mark or anything, I'm a wrestling fan in general. The reason I get frustrated and complain about WWE is because they could and should be so much better than the majority of what they serve up.

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-08-2010, 06:52 AM
^^^you should have watched SD dude lotsa wrestling on that show

10-08-2010, 01:01 PM
Cena heel is one of em I'm dead sure

cena maybe good for business...but whats that got to do with there poor storylines and the fact they are loosing viewers because for the most part there show is poor...the proof is in the pudding

10-08-2010, 03:35 PM
Whilst I agree with some things, such as WWE gradually improving over the year and some knocking of it can be a bit overboard it is still VERY half arsed seeming at times.

Despite Vince saying he views it as an entertainment company, to have such little wrestling on this weeks Raw and more over such pitiful excuses for womens matches is dreadful crap.

I'm not slagging it off because I'm some so called TNA mark or anything, I'm a wrestling fan in general. The reason I get frustrated and complain about WWE is because they could and should be so much better than the majority of what they serve up.

i agree 100% with what you said....wwe has A LOT of good talent but they just dont use it...yes it would be nice to drop the pg rating get a little more hardcore action in the there (wether it be more hiac, tlc, ladder, tables. whatevers) it isnt necessary to be all the time though either wwe has the talent they just arent using them

10-08-2010, 04:12 PM
i agree 100% with what you said....wwe has A LOT of good talent but they just dont use it...yes it would be nice to drop the pg rating get a little more hardcore action in the there (wether it be more hiac, tlc, ladder, tables. whatevers) it isnt necessary to be all the time though either, wwe has the talent they just arent using them

A prime example of them not using the talent at their disposal very well currently is, whilst we all know The Miz is being pushed upwards having him take up the US Title space whilst Evan Bourne is being paired off with that next to useless lump Mark Henry and it doesn't seem like changing too soon.

Remember when you'd have the light heavyweights opening a card, guys who were just breaking free going after the European, the stars of the midcard putting on great matches over the IC with hardcore and solid tag team feuds happening too before leading to entertaining storylines involving guys with real charisma and various talents carrying off the heavyweight title matches.

It surely can't be that hard for WWE to put the effort back into their entire product, because currently it smacks of simply being a cash cow to make a very rich man even richer.