View Full Version : WWE SmackDown! Results (8/12)

08-12-2006, 10:00 PM
WWE SmackDown! Results - 8/11/06
Nashville, Tennessee
Report By: Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com

WWE SmackDown! Opener:

The Great Khali and Khosrow Daivari come out and Cole wonders if Khali will accept the Undertaker’s challenge for SummerSlam. Daivari gets on the mic and he talks about the challenge made by the Undertaker for a Last Man Standing match at SummerSlam. He asks who the Undertaker thinks he is to have a match with the Great Khali. He says that in Khali’s eyes, Taker is a dead man. Daivari says that Khali will not accept Taker’s challenge. He reminds Taker that Khali has beaten him down week after week, so the challenge means nothing. The bell tolls and the lights go down as we get blue smoke and the Undertaker comes out and he is ready for a fight. Taker punches Khali and Khali punches back. Taker gets the advantage when the smoke clears. Daivari comes into the ring and Taker punches him. Khali grabs Taker’s throat, but Taker escapes the hold and he grabs Khali by the throat and he choke slams Khali. Khali leaves the ring and Taker does a throat slash while Khali and Daivari cower to the back.


Vickie and Chavo are in the back and she does not know why Chavo is doing it because it is ridiculous. Chavo reminds Vickie that they have known each other for a long time and he reminds her that he was at Vickie and Eddie’s wedding. He also reminds Vickie that he was the one who called her to let her know about Eddie’s passing. Chavo says that he did not start this, Rey did. Rey is trying to steal the Guerrero name. He tells Vickie that while she might not have been born with the Guerrero name, she is as much a Guerrero as anyone else in the family. Chavo says that it has been a hard year for the family, but they are familia. Vickie tells Chavo that he is tearing apart the familia with this war with Rey. Chavo points out that Rey is not a part of the Guerrero family. We go to commercial.

Non Title Match
Referee: Chris Kay
Tatanka vs. Gregory Helms (c)

The start:

Helms with a go behind, but Tatanka with a chop. Helms with punches to Tatanka but he is unable to Irish whip or suplex Tatanka. Helms is unable to hit a hip toss and Tatanka with a short arm clothesline and slam followed by a back elbow and chop. Helms wants a time out but it was a ruse to send Tatanka into the turnbuckles. Helms punches and kicks Tatanka and then he chokes Tatanka on the ropes.

Mid-match notes:

Helms with a snap mare and a cover for a near fall. Helms with a series of elbows to Tatanka followed by punches. Tatanka and Helms exchange punches until Helms with a punch. Tatanka blocks a suplex and an Eye of the Hurricane and Helms is sent into the turnbuckles. Tatanka charges into an uppercut and then Helms hits a missile drop kick for a two count. Helms punches Tatanka followed by a snap mare and a side head lock. Tatanka gets to his feet and he gets out of the hold.

The Finish:

Both men with punches and Tatanka gets the advantage. Tatanka adds a chop and a back body drop. Tatanka circles Helms and chops the champion followed by a clothesline. Tatanka goes up top and he hits a chop but he can only get a two count. Tatanka gets Helms up for a Samoan Drop, but Helms counters it with a neck breaker and a Shining Wizard. Helms gets the three count but Tatanka’s leg was under the bottom rope.

Winner, the Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms

The Aftermath:

Tatanka tries to explain what happened to the referee.


Daivari is livid in the office and Teddy tells Daivari to turn it down a notch. Daivari tells Teddy what happened and he wants Teddy to control things. Teddy tells Daivari that Khali will not face the Undertaker at SummerSlam. Daivari is happy until Teddy tells him that Khali will face the Undertaker next week on SmackDown! in a Last Man Standing Match. We go to commercial.

Non Title Match
Referee: Nick Patrick
Idol Stevens and KC James vs. Brian Kendrick and Paul London (c)

The start:

London and Stevens start things off and Stevens with a side head lock. London with a hammer lock but Stevens with an elbow. London with a drop toe hold and front face lock before he tags in Kendrick. London and Kendrick with a double flying forearm. London and Kendrick with rapid tags and they work on Stevens’s arm from the turnbuckles. London with a reverse atomic drop and London and Kendrick with a rocket launcher onto Stevens for a two count.

Mid-match notes:

Kendrick with a side head lock and Stevens backs Kendrick into the corner and he connects with a shoulder before tagging in James who hits an elbow and gets a two count. James works on Kendrick’s arm but Kendrick reverses and he tags in London. London and Kendrick with a double hip toss followed by a double kick. London with a side head lock on James and a take down. Stevens grabs London’s leg as Paul comes off the ropes. London is distracted by Stevens while the referee deals with Kendrick. James charges at London, but Paul moves and Stevens and James collide.

Stevens with a forearm to London as Paul comes off the ropes and London is sent outside the ring. Stevens runs London back first into the ring apron. Stevens rolls London back into the ring and James gets a two count. Stevens tags in and he slams London onto James’s knee and Stevens gets a two count. London blocks punches from Stevens but Stevens with a knee. London drives Stevens’s face into the mat as Paul tries to make the tag. Kendrick is tagged in and he hits a back elbow on Stevens followed by a flying forearm on James and a jumping leg lariat on Stevens.

The Finish:

Kendrick with a flying forearm to James followed by a drop kick to Stevens and a running forearm into the corner on James. Stevens hits Kendrick from behind and James and Stevens try for a double clothesline but Kendrick flips out of the hold. London hits a double cross body on Stevens and James. Kendrick with a rollup on Stevens but James with a running boot and Stevens is able to get the three count.

Winners - Idol Stevens and KC James


Luke Perry is in the back and Ashley Massaro is with him. She tells Luke that she is a really big fan. Ashley asks Luke about his new show, but Luke says that he is not here to talk about that show because he is here to judge the Diva Search contest. Kristal Marshall comes over and she tells Luke that she is a fan. Ashley tells Kristal that they were having a conversation. Ashley and Kristal start to argue but Luke stops them. He points out that Ashley won last year’s contest so he asks her for some advice on what to look for in the talent contest. Kristal tells Luke that she will see him later. Ashley tells Luke that she can help him with the contest as we go to commercial.

In the arena:

We are back and it is time for the Diva Search Contest as Mike ‘The MizTake’ Mizanin and the four remaining Diva Search Contestants are in the ring. Mike says that the aspiring Divas are going to loosen up and show their crazy skills in a talent contest. Mike points out that there is someone in the ring in case they need a victim and his name is Josh. Mike brings out the judge for the talent search. Mike points out that Luke Perry will be on the show ‘Windfall’. Luke greets all of the contestants when he enters the ring. Mike asks Luke what he is looking for in the talent search. Luke says that he is looking for someone who can execute well, finishes strong, and appreciates the Nashville crowd. Mike says that each Diva will have a minute to show off their talent. Jen goes first and she says that she is going to pay tribute to one of her favorite wrestlers, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Jen kicks Josh and then she grabs a couple of beers and pours them all over her. Then Jen gets on the mic and she asks if anyone wants to have a Jenweiser with her.

Layla is next and she is going to dance for everyone and she says that she will ‘Lay the Law Down’. Layla is in a police outfit and after slipping in the ring on the beer she shows off a bikini. At the end, Layla picks up one of Jen’s beer cans and she tosses it near Jen and it goes into the first row. Jen gets in Layla face. We have a cat fight. Milena is next and she says that she is going to show off her mixed martial arts skills, so she will need Josh to help out. Milena strips down to a bikini and she takes Josh down and makes him tap. Milena gets on the mic and she thanks everyone for their support. The final contestant is JT and she says that she will be doing something different. She likes poems so she wrote one for tonight. Mike gives the mic to Luke to find out who won. Luke says that he has an idea about the winner, but he gives it to the crowd to choose. The crowd appears to like Layla. While Mike goes through the information, the ladies shake their talents for the fans.


Vickie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio are in the locker room and she tells Rey that she does not want to pick sides. She knows that life is not fair. She lost the love of her life when Eddie passed. Her daughters do not have a father any more. She tells Rey that he has to stop. She asks Rey to forgive Chavo and be friends again. Rey gets up and he tells Vickie that he will try his best in the name of Eddie Guerrero to avoid fighting Chavo. Unlike Chavo, he is a man of his word and he cannot guarantee anything, but he will try. Rey leaves and we go to commercial.

Referee: Jim Korderas
Rey Mysterio vs. Mr. Kennedy

The start:

Kennedy backs Rey into the corner and he pats Rey on the head before breaking. Kennedy with a side head lock into a hammer lock. Rey with an elbow followed by a side head lock. Rey with a satellite head scissors followed by a forearm. Kennedy with a back elbow to Rey followed by punches. Kennedy charges into boots from Rey. Rey tries for a rana but Kennedy holds on and he runs Rey chest first into the turnbuckles.

Mid-match notes:

Kennedy slams Rey’s head into the bottom turnbuckle while Rey was hanging from the turnbuckles. Kennedy works on Rey’s neck but Rey kicks Kennedy in the head to escape. Kennedy tosses Rey in the air and then he hits a running boot to the head for a two count. Kennedy pulls Rey into the center of the ring and he puts Rey in a key lock. Rey gets to the ropes but Kennedy with a forearm to Rey’s back. Kennedy with an Irish whip and he catches Rey on a floatover. Rey is able to get out of the hold and Rey sends Kennedy into the turnbuckles.

Rey goes up top but Kennedy trips Rey and drops him on the top turnbuckle. Kennedy sets up for the Green Bay Plunge but Rey counters and he hits a rana that sends Kennedy to the mat. We go to commercial with both men down. We are back and Kennedy charges into an elbow from Rey. Kennedy and Rey exchange punches and kicks, but Kennedy tosses Rey out of the ring to the floor and Rey appears to have hurt his knee. Kennedy goes out after Rey and then he runs Rey’s back into the apron. Kennedy rolls Rey back into the ring and he gets a two count. Kennedy returns to the neck to wear Rey down.

The Finish:

Rey connects with forearms but Kennedy with a sunset flip. Rey rolls through and hits a drop kick to Kennedy. Rey hits a springboard cross body for a two count. Rey with a crucifix bomb for a two count. Kennedy with a knee to Rey but Rey comes off the ropes and he hits a Code Red for a two count. Kennedy crawls to the ropes and he is ready for the 619 but Chavo Guerrero comes to the ring. Rey hits a baseball slide on Chavo instead of the 619.

Winner - No Contest

The Aftermath:

Rey punches Chavo and Chavo punches back. Chavo pushes Rey down and he punches Rey. Vickie Guerrero comes out to try to break things up but Rey falls back and he knocks Vickie Guerrero down. While Rey checks on Vickie, Chavo kicks Rey. Chavo checks on Vickie and he tells Rey to get back. Vickie tells Rey to get away and then she yells at Chavo. Chavo tries to tell Vickie that it is Rey’s fault.


We are back and King Booker and Queen Sharmell are in the royal locker room. She asks Booker what concerns him and wonders if it is Batista. He says that Batista concerns him not but how many battles or gladiators will he have to slay to prove that he is the king of the world. The Queen tells him that it does not matter because they will all fall one by one. It will start at SummerSlam with Batista. Booker says that it will be his greatest triumph when he vanquishes the Animal because he is King Booker.

Referee: Chris Kay
Vito vs. Sylvan

Before our next match, we see Vito working out at a gym in his dress with people giving him weird glances.

The start:

Sylvan laughs at Vito, but Vito slaps Sylvan a number of times. Vito with a reverse atomic drop followed by a flying clothesline. Sylvan sends Vito into the corner and he punches the man in the dress. Vito with a back body drop followed by another reverse atomic drop that sends Sylvan over the top rope to the floor.

Mid-match notes:

Sylvan with a shoulder from the apron and then he tries for a sunset flip. After seeing under Vito’s dress, Sylvan lets go of the hold. Sylvan with a thumb to the eyes followed by a hot shot and punches. Sylvan with a clothesline. Vito punches Sylvan but Sylvan with a modified Bookend for a two count.

The Finish:

Sylvan with a rear chin lock on Vito. Vito with elbows and forearms but Sylvan with a kick. Vito with a kick and he tries for a DDT, but Sylvan with a back body drop. Sylvan misses a splash into the corner and Vito hits an Impaler DDT. Vito airs out his dress as he runs around the ring and he puts Sylvan in a hammer lock and Sylvan taps.

Winner - Vito

In the arena:

Elijah Burke is on the mic and he introduces Sylvester Terkay. We see footage from Sylvester’s SmackDown! debut against Matt Hardy. Then we see what Sylvester did to Elijah Burke’s opponent after the match.

Referee: Charles Robinson
Sylvester Turkay vs. Unknown

The match:

Before Sylvester’s opponent can tell Elijah his name, Terkay runs him into the turnbuckles. Terkay with a headbutt followed by a fisherman’s suplex. Terkay takes off his jacket and he connects with forearms to the chest. Terkay with a belly-to-belly suplex followed by more forearms. Terkay gets wiped down before he continues the attack with a spinning back hand. Terkay puts the unconscious opponent in an arm bar submission and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner - Sylvester Turkay

The Aftermath:

After the match, Terkay holds up his opponent for Elijah Burke to kick.


Teddy Long walks into a room and he sees Montell Vontavious Porter partaking of the food in there. Porter tells Teddy to wait a second while he finishes his call. Teddy comments on the food. Porter says that it is a world class spread for a world class athlete. Porter says that he is a big star and Teddy needs him. Teddy says that he needs someone for his new talent initiative to work. He wants to negotiate the deal, but Montell tells Teddy that his agent will contact him tomorrow.


William Regal and Fit Finlay are talking in the back and Regal wants to know why Finlay put a knot in the back of his head. Finlay says that Regal would have done the same thing and Regal concurs. Finlay tells Regal to get a hold of his emotions and stop taking things personally. Finlay tells Regal to listen to him but Regal refuses. We go to commercial.

The Boogeyman:

We are back and the Boogeyman is coming back soon.

Referee: Nick Patrick
Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay and William Regal

King Booker and Queen Sharmell come to join Bradshaw and Cole at the announce position.

The start:

Finlay attacks Batista from behind when Regal and Batista try to lock up. Batista runs Finlay into the turnbuckle and connects with a series of shoulders. Batista with an Irish whip and a running clothesline. Batista tags into Lashley but Finlay is able to tag in Regal. Lashley with a kick to Regal followed by punches in the corner. Lashley with an Irish whip but Lashley charges into a boot. Regal comes off the ropes but he charges into a double sledge. Lashley with a slam followed by an elbow drop.

Mid-match notes:

Lashley with another slam but when he comes off the ropes, Finlay pulls down the ropes and Lashley goes to the floor. Finlay goes to the floor and he pulls the Little Bastard out and slams him onto Lashley. Lashley is rolled back into the ring and Regal kicks and chokes Lashley. Finlay tags in and he puts Lashley in a rear chin lock. Finlay with a short arm clothesline to Lashley and he tags in Regal. Regal with kicks to Lashley as he tries to wear Lashley down. Batista comes in but the ref sends him back to the apron. Regal with a European uppercut and forearms. Lashley turns the table and punches Regal. Regal with a forearm and he tags Finlay back into the match.

Finlay kicks Lashley and then he sends Lashley shoulder first into the ring post. Finlay draws Batista into the ring to get the referee to ignore Regal working over Lashley. Finlay with elbow drops and a rear chin lock. Lashley backs Finlay into the corner and then he hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Regal is tagged in and he keeps Lashley from making the tag. Regal works on Lashley’s neck and then he works on Lashley’s arm. Lashley punches Regal, but Regal responds with a forearm and Finlay is tagged back in. Finlay with European uppercuts and a front face lock. Lashley tries to make it to the corner but Finlay kicks Batista’s hand away.

The Finish:

Lashley with a back body drop and he is able to tag in Batista. Batista punches Finlay and Regal followed by slams and a power slam to Finlay. Regal with a kick to Batista but Batista bounces off the ropes with a clothesline for a two count. Lashley with a back body drop to Finlay. Batista sends Regal into Finlay in the corner and then Batista and Lashley with stereo spears. Batista with a spinebuster to Regal for the three count.

Winners - Batista and Bobby Lashley

The Aftermath:

After the match, Batista gets on the mic and he addresses King Booker. Batista tells Booker no disrespect, but he thanks Booker for holding his title for him. However, at SummerSlam, he will need the title back. King Booker gets up and he walks to the back with his title belt. We go to credits.

WWE SmackDown! - Quick Match Results

Non Title: Gregory Helms def. Tatanka
Non Title: Idol Stevens and KC James def. Brian Kendrick and Paul London
Rey Mysterio vs. Mr. Kennedy; No Contest
Vito def. Sylvan
Sylvester Turkay def. Unknown
Bobby Lashley and Batista def. Finlay and William Regal

Credit: Nodq.com