View Full Version : Wall Street Journal questions if it's time for the McMahons to Step Aside and More

10-08-2010, 10:17 PM
A Wall Street Journal report questioned whether it's time for Vince McMahon and his family to step aside. "There is no sign the McMahons have any intention of releasing the company from their grip," reads the article written by Martin Peers. "Indeed, Mr. McMahon's daughter is an executive, and also is married to a WWE performer known as Triple H. Given uncertainty about the dividend, WWE's stock should be on the mat."

The article also recommended that shareholders unload their WWE stock. "While the franchise is clearly valuable, it is hardly a growth story," Peers wrote. "WWE is banking on a new licensing deal with Mattel and international expansion to help provide growth. But until those opportunities prove themselves, the company's valuation could only be justified in a sale." For more on the story, visit the Online.WSJ.com.com.

Powell's POV: Damn! It's bad enough that the Wall Street Journal recommended that shareholders unload their WWE stock, but I can only image what Vince's reaction was to the author questioning whether the McMahons should continue to run the company. They have a team in place to help run the financial side of the company and I imagine that side of things would be okay without Vince.

However, I can't image what creative would be like without Vince calling the shots. It's not like there's an obvious candidate who could step in and make a seamless transition, particularly now that Paul Heyman has apparently moved on from pro wrestling. Of course, it's a pointless discussion anyway since there's no reason to believe that Vince would give up control of his company.
