View Full Version : Elimination Chamber 2011 Update, Beth Pheonix Update and and Smackdown Mistake

10-09-2010, 03:19 AM
Devin Cutting sent the following update on the 2011 Elimination Chamber PPV: WWE.com fixed their mistake & now list the date as 2/20. The affiliates site also lists 2/20 as the date. As for The Score announcing 2/27 in NYC for that PPV, perhaps that was the original plan, but it got scrapped and The Score wasn't informed.

Beth Phoenix has been down in Tampa of late, rehabbing her knee and getting ring rust out.

Matt sent the following rare error that slipped through WWE's post-production for Smackdown....Not sure if anybody else caught this but when Todd Grisham asked Michael Cole what he was doing on Smackdown, Cole answered something along the lines of "didn't you hear The Miz last night?" Oops, unless Cole gets Australian TV, they probably didn't hear Miz say anything last night...