View Full Version : Matt Hardy Gives the Latest Explanation for His Childish Behaviour

10-09-2010, 06:51 PM
Steven Fernandes sent this report.

Matt Hardy has posted another Youtube video trying to set the record straight (again) as much as he can.

He says about 6 or 7 weeks ago, he came across a "monumental piece of information" that made him decide it was definitely time for him to move away from WWE, something he was thinking about doing during the 12-18 months prior.

He said he asked "the right people" a couple of times if he could get a release and they said no. Then he says tried plan B. He went on an overseas tour and tried to "cause a couple of problems". Everybody, but Christian, bought into it.

He then came back home and tried to "kick it into high gear" by making those videos by MATTHEW (all caps). He says that was done in character and he isn't crazy and psychopathic as he comes across in the videos, although he finds it funny that people actually think that.

He said he went back and forth with WWE and has come to an agreement, I am assuming to stop making those videos. He says he has upheld his end of the deal, and as soon as they uphold their end, something "special" is going to happen, because he has "got them right where he wants them". He also says his next video will be about Lita regarding recent comments she made about him.

Note from Scherer: I hate to say this but Matt is coming off like a loon here. He wonders why people are buying that he is nuts when he admits he is "acting like" he is nuts? Uh Matt, time to do another internet


10-09-2010, 11:19 PM
I think "the right people" he should be talking to is a madhouse.

Shane McMahon's Ass
10-10-2010, 12:50 AM
What the hell? He needs a good actual punch in the head imho.

The man is over 30 and i think it's about time he grew up and grit and bare whatever he has to. Fucking Diva!

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-10-2010, 07:04 AM
I think "the right people" he should be talking to is a madhouse.

He's talking to his junkie brother what do you expect :shifty:

10-10-2010, 07:52 AM
The only thing Matt needs right now is a straight jacket and padded cell...