View Full Version : WWE Raw Brand October 8th 2010 from Anaheim, CA Results

10-09-2010, 06:55 PM
Here are quick results from the WWE Raw House Show at the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA on Friday 10/8/10

The building was half full I would guesstimate. The whole top of the arena was empty, as well as several of the lower level sections. There was some empty rows on the floor level as well.

Opening match saw Goldust defeat Ted DiBiase in a pretty good 10 minute match.

Zach Ryder defeated Mason something or other (sorry don't remember the guy's last name because my date showed up late and I had to go meet her to get her her ticket).

The Nexus combo of David Otunga & Justin Gabriel defeated Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov as Gabriel hit the 450 on Santino for the win.

Ezekiel Jackson defeated William Regal in a 3 minute Squash!

CM Punk defeated R-Truth by pinning him after hitting him with the GTS. Pretty good match & great work by both.

Daniel Bryan retained the U.S. Championship by defeating his challenger John Morrison. Another great match & performance by these 2 guys!

Wade Barrett defeated Mark Henry.

Eve Torres & Melina defeated Maryse & Alicia Fox by disqualification in a very short 3 minute match.

The Main Event was a Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship as Randy Orton defended against Sheamus. Randy Orton retained the title after a pretty good match by hitting Sheamus with the RKO for the pin. The Nexus came out during the match & tried to interfere then when the match was over Nexus went into the ring & surrounded Orton then proceeded to beat him down until the Raw "good guys" that had been on the card earlier came out and ran the Nexus off. Orton posed with the belt afterwards to end the show.

Things to note: John Cena was NOT with the Nexus group tonight and did not make an appearance at all. A few times during the show & before intermission the announcer plugged that WWE will be "debuting" at the Citizen Business Bank Arena in Ontario CA on December 5th. I am guessing it will be some kind of "supershow" as they announced that Randy Orton, The Undertaker, John Cena, Rey Mysterio and many others would be in attendance for that show.


10-10-2010, 04:08 AM
More thoughts and notes from the WWE Raw event in Anaheim, CA:

I wouldn't even say it was half full...looked less than that

The Bella Twins were there to pick a guest timekeeper and to pass out shirts later on

I'm pretty sure Mason Ryan won the match with Zach Ryder.

Before the start of the Nexus vs Santino/Vlad match the general manager sent an email wanting a dance off which of course Santino/Vlad won

I saw Jaime Noble come out of a door and getting food or drinks at a concession stand. I didn't get a chance to say hi or take a pic with him

The Morrison/Daniel match was really great..lots of back and forth action which ended with Morrison doing a hurancarana and Daniel rolling into a sunset flip style cover for the 3 count

The Divas match was horrible...it ended with Fox not the legal person at her corner kicking Eve when she bounced off the ropes for a DQ. They couldn't come up with a better finish than that??? Perhaps they were short on time but it was plain awful.

It was weird to see how the cage went up. I'm an old school guy so this was much different than the cages of the past or the pre built ones that are lowered but watching the ref help build it was fun to see and its been ages since I've seen a WWE house show so the minimal lighting truss and no stage and regular barricades. It made me think of the old days when the LA Sports Arena or NWA at the Forum was completely sold out and shows were like this except having a cage match and no blood I didn't enjoy and there were no shirts sizes for 2XL anywhere. How can anyone think no one bigger than a XL will be watching pro wrestling

I bought the new Chris Jericho DVD there since I couldn't find it anywhere nearby

I'm assuming the show they were promoting is going to be a super show too with the names announced. Overall, a fun show..we brought two kids with us who bought Mysterio masks and totally loved the show. I just yearn for some more PG-13 stuff